Confidence sounds in their voice. Experience makes them speak and write. Advices of them let you know what maximum a person can think. Every life lesson of them will be a perfect eye-opener for the younger generations. The understanding that they have about life is probably the best of all.
I’m so happy to have met them in this blogger world. I sincerely thank them for their presence here and for updating me with their thoughts time to time. I dedicate this post to my blogger friends, who are in their early 50’s and 60’s and 70’s and 80’s… I value their experience. The comment from them makes me so excited always.
This is just for you all…

Jack, Ellen, Stephen, Jody Joy, Parthasarathi, Diana… Thank You So Much and I mean it.
I do apologize, if I have missed any one here…it is not always the overlook that makes you forget, but it can also be a deeper-look... And I’m sure, I would be getting some more blogger friends of this age group, I welcome them to my life.
Hi Pram,
I'm almost there in that bracket, maybe you should have listed me, he he he...
But really true, wisdom from the olds is far better than any good book.
They are seasoned with life's spices.
Nice day Pram!:-)
a good dedication! :)
wisdom comes from experience and the elderly have that aplenty! :)
congratulations on ur many awards! u deserve every one of them!
nice dedication der!!:):)
nice dedication!
btw,in the other post, i saw your namaste to my mom!
But she cant accept it!! :(
I totally agree. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them, and most of us ignore or forget this fact.
came back to tell you you are tagged! :)
Very nice post Pramoda.
Just a small suggestion. Maybe you could link their names to their blogs? we would also like to see their blogs and know more about those special bloggers.
It is very heartwarming when people of that age group actively participate on the internet and share their wisdom.
Hi ...
Gud Dedication and Dedicated work.
It's our wish to say thanks to some persons when we are receiving well wishes and support from all of them. It shows our sincerity and honour upon them.
Have a nice future ahead byeeeeeee
Hi Prams,
This was so sweet and thoughtful of you to do. But I must tell you that you are already wise beyond your years. It's why I enjoy reading your posts! Thank you very much!
Love Di
it is always so nice to acknowledge them who help us grow.
very nice dedication.
Thanks for including me being the seniormost perhaps in age!!
Is wisdom and age directly proportional?I am not too sure of that. I see in some young bloggers like you amazing talent,sobriety and maturity.I am very much present in this blogworld to be amidst these young but wise minds.
Thanks once again.
I agree..!! we should be always keep those people in mind who help each other
Fabulous Post Dear :D
We All Should Be Thankful To Such People, For Widening Our Knowledge :D :)
@ pramoda,
hi !
one question, dont mind !
what do you beautiful bloggers get by giving/taking 'blogger awards to/from fellow bloggers' ?
certainly its not a filmfare/oscar/bharat-ratna award right ?
i would say say its sheer waste !
cheers !
you are doing it good..people you mentioned are your best teachers and one must definitely convey their respect and thankfulness to them once in a while....
nice dedication!...excellent thought dear:)..
congrats on ur awards:)..u deserve everyone of those
hats off to you for writing this one!
so nice of u yaar :)...
That's a wonderful tribute pramoda....It's really nice of you to acknowledge the people you learn from.
Have a happy weekend :-)
That was sweet :) Yeah, the blogging world lets you meet a lot of interesting people. People you can gel with almost immediately. Hope you find many more like minded people this way!
OMG! Where do I hide. I am so overwhelmed. I just feel I am doing my duty as I have taken so much from society and it is time I give back something. If I can mould minds of young persons for better living in society I would repay some of my debt.
Take care
Congrats on your awards :)
Lovely tribute!
HI Stephen uncle,
Thanks alott..i'm happy to see u smiling :)
keep smiling :)
HI Amity,
i had no idea of ur age , very sorry, but i have added u in my heart's list..u are there among my people of wisdom..:)
Thanks alott..:)
HI Vinay,
Thanks alott..yeah i agree with u ..
and thank u very much for the wishes :)
HI Jaunty,
Thanks alott..
HI Shruti,
thanks alott..
oh...i'm so sorryy for that..wish u all the power for a happy life dear.
HI Ju,
Thanks alott :)
HI Vinay,
i have seen the one..will take it ..
HI Rohini,
yeah..its good to see them taking time and updating their views.
and yar, i have tried tokeep the hyperlink, but i could not have done it ..:(..plz do let me know how i do it..ok naa,,
HI Prasad,
thank you and well said :)
HI Diana,
thanks alott...i'm glad to have got the sweet and lovely comments from u ..u have made my day :)
HI Preetilata,
thanks alottt :)
HI Partha uncle,
thanks for the kind words...its my pleasure to have included ur name...:)
yeah, exceptions are every where ..heheheh...:)
HI Prajyot,
welcome back.. thanks alot :)
HI Sahana
well said and thanks dear.
Hello Vamsi,
welcome to my blog..:)
I thank u for ur straight forward qsn ..plz refer the next post.
thank You so much :)
HI yellow tulip,
thanks alott for the encouragement dear ..:)
HI Kajal ,
thanks alot gal..:)
HI Hemanth,
thanks alott..:)
HI Manivannan,
Thank you soo much ..:) welcome back..
HI Dhanya,
thanks alott for ur wishes..:)
hope see ur more views on my posts :)
HI Uncle,
thats soo kind of you..thanks for being thr for all of us..
plz keep us updated with ur views, we value them:)
HI Rosh,
thanks alott :)
Hi JennyMac,
welcome to my blog..and thank you very much :)
plz stay around.
:) ... :) ... :)
I don't have words for such awards. Good about you. :)
HI Hemanth,
Thanks alottt ..:)
You know, for last half an hour or so, u have been commenting in my many posts and i have been replying ..hehehe...liked it :)
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