Its a strange thought, but popped up in my mind little earlier from now. If I meet an educated mobile thief, what would I ask him? Well, my first question would not be about his then conditions, which had provoked him to do the theft. But for sure, I would ask
him why he had not left the SIM card for it’s owner’s sake. The thief knew that any how he would be switching it off later on. Still why he could not have removed it from the piece!!! This would be my first question… :):)….
Loosing the mobile…informing about it to the call center guys…blocking the SIM…buying new mobile…taking the same number again… huhhh, and now the most irritating task I guess – getting all his contacts back and feeding them again… :(…:( Past is past, but future is also dearly effected for that person with all these kind of doings!!!
PS: I had written this post before two months from now, if I remember it correctly. I’m not sure whether it was irony or not, but with in the next two days after writing this, my two close and important persons’ mobiles had been stolen…:(…now, what would you call this? I would say, my imaginations are very powerful…:)...:)

Loosing the mobile…informing about it to the call center guys…blocking the SIM…buying new mobile…taking the same number again… huhhh, and now the most irritating task I guess – getting all his contacts back and feeding them again… :(…:( Past is past, but future is also dearly effected for that person with all these kind of doings!!!
PS: I had written this post before two months from now, if I remember it correctly. I’m not sure whether it was irony or not, but with in the next two days after writing this, my two close and important persons’ mobiles had been stolen…:(…now, what would you call this? I would say, my imaginations are very powerful…:)...:)
heheee..! :D that'd be quite useful Pramoda! if the thief leaves the SIM behind, it'd be awesome! :D
hope it never happens.. i <3 my set a lot! :)
soo true gal..i have lost 4 mobs soo far:(..nw stickin with basic set ...funny thing this was lost too but well i got this back:)...:).
Hi Prams...
A very good thought from you.
Nice question has been arrived from your mind. Really its a verry irritating situation and very effected task to get mobile numbers and sending our number to our friends and asking them to store it. Some times friends call to old number and they may miss us even in a serious condition too.
Anyhow these thieves don't use the number from the stolen mobile. Yes atleast it would be nice to leave the simcard for the owners sake. I dont know whether thieves thought about this or not, but I guess they would not be having time to think and leave the sim. Because they might be thinking that they would get cought by the owner then. hahah
I dont know it would be wonder for you or not, from a long time I was maintaining an excell sheet to store the phone numbers and mail ids etc stuff in it for a quick reference, and ofcourse they will be very well useful when we lost mobile phone with sim. I have suggested about this to some of my friends. Some of them too maintaining the same.
One thing I have found from my excell sheet is, there are N number of phone numbers with me (ofcourse atleast 3 to 4 numbers of a person, if he changes, even including you).
Actually my motto behind this was to count howmany numbers that persons are changing. But I have found somany usefull thing after maintaining excell sheet.
It is not only the good deed, but also a good lesson to the mobile owners and my suggession to mobile owners is that to maintain a protected excell sheet or similar to this.
Hope this will be very useful to all the persons... :)
Hi Prams..
For your Information...
I dont know whether you have understood about the phrase "Protected Excell sheet" from the above comment or not..
It is nothing but Password protected sheet. Such that nobody will be able to access it ... hahahah :)
Be free
Keep smiling... :)
first time here...wonderful blog u have really....:)
and well if the sim cards were returned that would be great ya...but sadly with the mobile all the imp information also gets taken away..
nice post!
keep writing!
take care!
i shuld be more careful about my mobile now....:):)..!!!
perfect question yaar..!!
One of those is my mobile right?? and u know ,how many mobiles i lost so far ...:(..:(..:(
Prams time tell me if u feel wrong/got any imaginations about anythg that i can relate wth ..:) i will be extra careful..
You spoke my thought out..!...
before he can take i will loose it..:)..nice point raised actually :)..
before he can take i will loose it..:)..nice point raised actually :)..
Very strange Prams, But I have had dreams that had turned to reality in the past. Love Di
oh Pram, i've been a victim too, in my family, my kids lost their phone one after the other in a couple of months' and the most hurting part is, they're not just ordinary phones, you know...
but if i would have caught the culprit? God forbids!
HI Leo..
I too hope that u would never loose ur set..:) Thank You.
4 mobiles...that's a big number..hehhe...take care of this yar..:)
HI Prasad,
That's very good and thanks for the nice advice. I have not lost even a single mobile so, i did nt feel the pain, but i can understand it..:)
And this idea of urs is very good and it comes handy in the needed situations..:)
HI..Understood :)
HI Parzi,
Welcome here...glad to see ur comments ..
Yeah, imp info will be lost ..:( >.
Keep coming here
Thank You!
HI Yamini,
Yeah..:) heheh ...:)
HI Sop, is urs hehhe...I had written it just a day ahead if that incident..:( I didnt tell u then,hahah...
Next time...yaa wil tell...:)
HI HEmanth,
Welcome here..thank u soo much :)
HI DIana,
Thank You Sooo Muchh..:)
HI AMity,
Take extra care of them, especially when they are with kids..:) ..Hope u will retain from now..:)
Hi Pramoda...
Even I too didnt lost even single mobile till now. I too didnt know the pain. But just given thought a while when somany of my frns saying that they their mobile have been lost.
Later I have given a thought for a remedy of not to loose numbers. So I planned like said in before post.
If you want I can give you your old numbers. hahaha :)
Oh..hahah...That;s sooo grt ... i tried many times to recollect my older numbers, but never could i have been..:( ..Plz do share ..
wait..mail them to me..:)
hahahaha... :)
Nothing will be getting free of cost in this world maaaaaam...
Sooo ...
hahahhaha.. well.. nice thought come 2 ur mind hmm.. :)
Lol...I would like to ask that question to the guy who stole my dad's mobile. I really think your intuition is strong! ;)
Yaar I have lost 3 mobile phones.. Nobody can be more dukhi than me ... Now if I say that give me your number , I have lost my cell . The answer comes "Hey bhagwan! phir se" :(
hmm.....good one yaar :D even good question to thief as well..infact outstanding q :D :)
That was great thinking.
I lost my sim once ,I still remember the headache searching it , finally got it from my room.
My mobile hasn't impressed any thief and hope in future it wont.
I also have a post regarding mobile in my blog.Check it.
NO Free of cost kyaa??
then bolo..kya chahiyeee ji?
Kuch bhee dedegi kyaa?
Kuch bhee?
HI Vedshree,
thanks alottt:)
@ Destiny's child
Hey welcome here..:)
Thanks for the lovely comment :)
heheh ...3 mobiles ..:(..
Yaa i knw hw ppl respond to that...since i also had responded the same for many hehehe... :) Luckily, i have never experieced, since i hav not lost my mobile:)
HI Sahana,
Thanks alotttt :)
HI Arjun,
Thanks for ur presence here. yeah, i know its damn headache ..:)
And i too hope that it would not impress any thief ..hehe
keep coming here :)
HI Prasad,
Nahi...Kuch bhi nahi de sakthi hu voh dedungi ... heheheh
:) Prams
jyada math socho.. thum jo de paayegi, voh poochungaa.. hahah
I fully agree with you on Be yourself post. Mobile thieves have no time to open it and leave SIM card. They have no sense of civility.
Take care
dear pramoda,
nice post n enjoyed.
the end-could be coincedence!
one has to be more careful with mobiles;better than teaching the thief the values.:)
HI Jack Uncle,
Thank You..Yeah, they don't have time hehe..:)
Dear Anupama,
Thanks alott for ur visit..welcome here..:)
Yeah, we should be careful with our mbiles,,,thats the best known solution :)
Plz keep visiting :)
If only these mobile 'chors' read this post. Once even i had lost my cell and it was a pain getting back the same number.
Hiii..welcome here..
Yeah..its pain to get our umber back and its even difficult to get all contacts back :(
Nice to see u here
Plz keep coming :)
If only thieves had that much sense, they wouldn't be thieves! Thought provoking! If I could catch a thief red handed I'd consider calling out and telling him "Hey atleast leave the wallet and handset behind!!" :D
hi Tranquility,
:) Thanks for the comment and yeah, u r correct ..
and ))"Hey atleast leave the wallet and handset behind!!" :D
hehe ...
Professional mobile thieves may do it. :D lol. I would do if I am there to do such thing haha... But all are not like me, so I take a back up of all my contacts regularly, as anywayz one can't stop theft 100%.
hi hemanth,
ummm..professional thieves can do it ..yeah, its good that u take ur contacts back up time to time.
Thank YOu!
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