I have been staying away from home for the last nine years. All these days have passed away by leaving the beautiful memories of hostel life, college life and job life. In Year by year I had a complete different priorities altogether on my visit to home during vacations. Even now, I’m at home and sitting on my bed. If I look back and if I compare my interests of then to that of now, I feel the change worth loving.
Before SEVEN years…

** I was in intermediate. I used to bring a bunch of books along with me. Of course on the thought of reading them, but never opened a single book.
** I used to call all of my relatives every time, as it was impossible for me to talk to them from the hostel.
** I used to visit our school along with my mom.
** My grandmother used to cook the eatables that I liked.
** My mind was full of tension about the studies and exams.
Before FIVE years…
** I was in B.Tech. I never brought a single book except during the preparation holidays.
** Watching TV all day long.
** Visiting our school along with my mom.
** My grandmother had expired by then. And I too stopped asking for the eatables. The interest also had gone along with her.
** Watching TV serials along with my grand pa.
Before THREE years…
** I was about to join in my M.tech. I never touched book during
the holidays, but I had planned to prepare for the standards of IIT.
** Watching TV all the day long.
** Visiting relatives’ houses.
** Visiting our school, but not along with my mom. I used to go for just a couple of hours.
** I used to write a lot on papers, like, collection of quotes, my feelings, general knowledge etc. .
Before ONE Year…
** Watching TV all the day long
** Reading books. (Novels, personality development, sports magazines, world history etc)
** Visiting relatives’ houses
** Visiting my favorite teachers’ houses.
** Learning cooking (As i had decided to cook once i join the job)
Before SEVEN years…

** I was in intermediate. I used to bring a bunch of books along with me. Of course on the thought of reading them, but never opened a single book.
** I used to call all of my relatives every time, as it was impossible for me to talk to them from the hostel.
** I used to visit our school along with my mom.
** My grandmother used to cook the eatables that I liked.
** My mind was full of tension about the studies and exams.
Before FIVE years…

** Watching TV all day long.
** Visiting our school along with my mom.
** My grandmother had expired by then. And I too stopped asking for the eatables. The interest also had gone along with her.
** Watching TV serials along with my grand pa.
Before THREE years…
** I was about to join in my M.tech. I never touched book during

** Watching TV all the day long.
** Visiting relatives’ houses.
** Visiting our school, but not along with my mom. I used to go for just a couple of hours.
** I used to write a lot on papers, like, collection of quotes, my feelings, general knowledge etc. .
Before ONE Year…

** Reading books. (Novels, personality development, sports magazines, world history etc)
** Visiting relatives’ houses
** Visiting my favorite teachers’ houses.
** Learning cooking (As i had decided to cook once i join the job)
** Shopping and gardening.
And NOW…
** Cooking and helping mom in house hold work.
** Blogging n browsing. (Not watching TV as I have been busy in watching my Lapi screen... :))
** A burning desire to spend time with my parents
** I have not yet stepped out of home, except to go to the movie and for visiting my favorite teachers’ houses.
It is nothing difficult to analyze why and how these changes happened. It is all simple and is all about the changing interests with time and life. I love this and would like to witness more and more.
Hey! Lovely idea of a chronicle!
Would you believe I am right now in the Before ONE Year phase! :D
Hopefully, it will change in a month! lol...
Love, Guria
P.S. Thanks for your soulful thoughts over at MM. Really appreciate, and cherish them. :)
its a wonderful post pramoda..reminded me of my past times..ya its really true.with time all our interests change and we become used to it .. :)
Thanks a lot for the award pramoda..i collected it today ..sorry for delaying dear :)
your posts are too good :D keep going friend :)
As one grows up outlook undergoes changes and so do interests. It is normal phase of life. Now your interest in cooking is due to fact that your outlook says that it will be needed so you have taken it up. Nice sum up of growing process.
Take care
HI Guria,
Welcome to my blog..
Wish u all the best fr ur next stage of life...:)
Its my pleasure to read urs ..keep updating ..
Hope to see u around..Prams
HI Snow white,
Thanks alot for ur words and for the encouragement they brought ..:)
HI Jack uncle,
Thank you soo much ..yeah, i need to cook ..hhehe:)
hw true hw true..i mean cudn't agre more..re..
yeh priorities change..with time..tat ultimately changes us...
yeh we cnage a lot...from the time we are kids to the time we are adults..n yeh it's also something blissful to think of times..we were doing sumthing n now we dun do that any longer...
heyy..vry b'fully written..memories r refreshed..it is reminding me of my hostel days..:) thnx 4 sharing dear..!!!
Awww..nicely put together...
ps busy these days..so not really going thru all ur posts...bt did read some of dem...bt cunt comment...bear wid me...
n thanks a lot 4 d award..:)
have a gala time at ur place..:)
HI Priya,
very nicely said dear ..:) I agree..:) and thank You soo much ..
HI Madhu,
Its always wonderful to recall the past days ..:) Thanks
Hi Jaunty,
Its ok dear .. i can understand ..:) ..But when u have time, plz let me know ur thoughts on my posts ..:)
Thanks for the complements ..:)
thanks buddy ... me doing fine and back to buisseness ...
yeaa this is well said ... we change as time changes ... or is it other way around?
Nice to know about ur changing priorities my friend :-)
have a happy weekend!
It was a pleasure to read your post. Wonderfully written, keep writing.
Nice post! I'm still with my parents. If i move out to study or something, I'll get to know :)
Loved your post!
Sorry, I've been so irregular. My exams were going on.
Check out my new post. I have a feeling that you're gonna like it :D
Hi Prams,
That's life...but I guess you've spent it richly and enjoyed to the fullest...
You should and we should because life is short...
Nice day dear...
What a great review of your accomplishments! It has been quite a journey for you.
Woww :D Beautifully Written Dear :):) It Uplifts Your Love & Affection towards your Favorite Teachers, Your Days Spent In Btech, Mtech, Student Life, In professional life..how U changed as according to the changing scenarios..very well said Dear :D Glad To Know Much About This Highly Talented Girl Pramoda :) :) :D :D
Thanks A Zillion For Sharing Dear :) :)
All The Very Best Success Dear :D :) Take Care :) :)
time changes everything! so true !
When we are young, we don't somehow realize how important it is to spend time with near and dear one's. We are busy leading lives doing things that make us happy. This realization comes only with age. I really like your thought process :)
I add here after two years..
ok.. but no.. I don't write here. I keep it with me.. and compare it with your writings after two years..
Intresting to know the priorities. They keep changes significantly for next 5 years I think, after that they settle down a little and then may change after a certain point of time.
HI Deeps..
Nice to see u coming back..:)
Yeah..the change is mutual ..:)
HI Manivannan.,
Thanks alot..: ..and happy week end to u also ..:)
HI Swapna,
Thank You so much .. will visit ur space soon ..
@ Cursed
Hi Dear..
U r always welcome and hw were ur exams..?
Thanks for this .yeah, once you leave u will understand every thing ..
will read ur post in a while ..:)
HI Amity,
Thank You Soo much for those valuable words..:)
HI Jenny,
Thank Youu soo much ..:)
HI Sahana ...
Thanks for ur sweet complement as always dear ..yaa ita been a grt journey fr me so far and i hope it would be much better with frnds like u ..:)
Hey...Thanks alott gal..:) wish u da same ..:)
Hi Vedshree..yeah agreed ..:)
HI Tranquility,
Very well said..I loved those lines ..:) Yeah that particular realization comes with age ..:)
Thank You!
HI Hemanth,
yaa.. will surelyy sum up and lets check ..:)
Thanks for this bro ..:)
awesome post pramoda...to be frank i thought of doing something like this but could not as i was locked up with somethings :)....u have written ur life from the past years in beautiful way :)..thats really an awesome post :)..
Time flies and I hate it...As I am growing the responsibilities are growing and the exultaion is vanishing...All I want is to live the way I want to...just like a 10 th class student because I feel the same but people behave differently :(
Wonderful ,thought provoking post dear..keep up d gud wrk
take care :)
Hi Prams,
I loved your post today, you reminded me in some ways of my older daughter, Ginny. I wonder if you are close to her age. She is 28 years old. You can visit her at ginnyskal.com if you would like.
Your post today made me miss her very much as we only get to see each other once or twice a year.
Love Di
What stage am i now?!
Confused as a hell about my future, waiting for DOJ, Wishing someone could take the cooking part.
Never ending :(
HI Hemanth,
Thank You Very Much..:)
Would like to read ur post too..pz do it soon ..:)
HI Happibirdie,
Thank youu..That's something special frm u ..to be like a 10th student.. :) ..Bu dear, life never allow u to stay without change .. :( any ways just be what u want to be ..:)
HI Diana,
Yeah, I'm 23 yrs old .. just like another daughter ..:) will visit her space too..
Enjoy the moments ..:)
HI Shruti,
every thing will be fine dear..All the very best..
cooking ..hahha...u will love it once u start it..:)
Hey am doing the cooking for the past 2 yrs!! Boring as hell!! I started cooking when i was in 3rd yr!
ohh ..wow...thats grt ..for me its just 0ne yr ..thats y i like it may be.. hehehe..will update u after 2 yrs ..:)
My my.... that was some post:)
Made me sit down and think about what I was doing five years ago and what I am doing now. I don't see a damn similarity :)Good, isn't it?
Hi Sojo...
am so glad..:) thanks alott..:)and yeah, its good..:)
Hi Prams,
Here I am again...
I just wanna let you know that I want the awards you gave me to be visible also in my site, can I? If yes, how?
Am just too proud to show to the world that I have been awarded by you...
Help me dear!
HI Jody,
Thst's something i cherish for my life time my frnd.
yeah..its really amazing ..:)
Would like to see u writing more and more..:)
Hi Amity,
will reply u in ur blog comments section..
its very possible my dear ...:)
Wonderful!! Changes always happen, however little years they take :)
HI Rosh..
well said..:) Thank You..
nice post. i liked it very much
which iit ?
nice post. i liked it very much
which iit ?
Wow! I loved this post. Umm..my favourite from all all your posts. I am currently in 'Before 1 year' stage but this includesjob also in my case
HI Scarlet..
Thank Youu ..:)
Oops..forgot to say..i'm frm IITDelhi..
HI Ekam..
Ohh..whr do u wrk..?
Thanks for complements yaar..am pleased ..:)
Hey prams..
Nice one..very well analyzed and summed up..!
I'm back in time..Watching Donald Duck and Jungle book episodes..haha..DD1 Days come online..:)
Good read..:)
You have become a celeb ..:) I'm really happy for you Dear..!
Life does change .. not always better, you lose while you know your life better !
If I look back, I miss my childhood the most ! :(
Your post got me emotional here, still liked your post !
Take care .. Subh Dussehra :)
HI Soppi...
ahaha..that soo sweet of u ..:) Thanks for being with me right since the beginning ..:)
haa..DD1..chitralahari..:) Those were precious..:)
Thanks dear..
HI Sourav,
Yeah..i too miss many moments ..:)
Thanks and happy dasara to u as well..:)
Have a nice time..
sweet post.. sometimes it is fascinating to watch the way we change over the years.. change is inevitable na.. :)
Hi! Pramoda,
But have your priorites changed,
Towards words its always the same,maybe a change in the mode,
In maintaining relations,its there maybe style of approach hve changed,
Into eatables,thats also there just changed from grandmas hands to urs..
Basics are always with u,some exceptions just appear & may stay or may leave.
Very nice post Prams.. yes the priorities have changed, yet not by much as I read..
I see one thing that remains the same every time.. the Love for the people around u! :)
i donno how is this happening .. most of the posts which u post here are very close to my thoughts...
and i may not be able to express as efficient u ....
its really to good to read my thoughts from some other's mind..
You have been tagged. Check my new post.
Dulux Paints
i know i am late...!!! hahaha
nice changes dear...and i can actually relate most of them...!!! i know u before and now...!!! lovd you then...love you now...love you forever..!!!
how life changes how priorities change...
:)) cud relate to this post:))
HI Rohini,
Yeah .. well said dear ..:)
HI Readers dias,
yaa.. basics remains same as always .. well said ..Thank You
HI VInay,
**I see one thing that remains the same every time.. the Love for the people around u! :)
Thank You Very Much for this ..:)
HI Suree..
Ohh .. hahah ... its even more exciting to know this frm u ..:) ..Thank You!
HI Ekam.. sure dear ..:) Thanks
HI Yamini ...
Yeah..u must have enjoyed reading this post as u have known me for years ..:)
Love u tooo
Prams sis
HI Divsi,
Thank U..:) Plz keep coming ..:)
so true.... me too at the now stage... life keeps changing isnt it?
interesting blog wil definitely come back for more..
HI Tanmaya,
Its very pleasing to see u here.. Thanks for the complements..
Yeah..change in life is inevitable..and we must enjoy it..:)
Plz keep coming ..
Pramoda, That's a very sweet post. It is true that with the years our priorities keep changing, so do our interests....:)
@ Destiny's child
Hi.. Thank You Very Much..!
Hey Prams,
I realise I have been missing out on a great blogspot after reading your last few blogs..
It is so nice to see you capture your changing lifestyle.. Reminds us on how time is fleeting..
Thank you so much..
HI Vish,
Thanks for the visit..i value it..:)
ANd man thanks for followng me..:)
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