Oct 13, 2017


Certain hurdles in life show the vulnerabilities that we have in our mind. We must accept those hurdles, act upon the vulnerabilities, respect and remember the people who cause them. We may have to look back to them one day and thank them for their contribution in making us a bit less vulnerable!

We can understand how vulnerable we are, only when subjected to certain hurdles or 'moments'. 

Moments of loss
Moments of failure
Moments of realization
Moments of helplessness

Moments of dreams turned down
Moments of assumptions get ridiculed
Moments of truth hitting us hard from within
Moments of our imagination get altered forever!

Keeping people happy... Take Home #651

Keeping everyone happy might mean keeping none happy!

Clicked at Kalluru, Telangana, India

Actions are rewarded... Take Home #650

Actions are rewarded; neither intentions nor words. 

Clicked at @Lavasa Lake City, Pune, India

Oct 8, 2017

Life does not end - PramsPhotography #112

Life does not end,
When we do get what we deserve.

Life does not end either,
When we do not get what we deserve.

Life ends in many ways though.
When we stop living in the given moment
When we stop enjoying those little pleasures
When we stop prioritizing that which matters
When we stop recognizing that which is important
When we stop believing in people who do things for us
Life ends in many ways; different yet each being important.

No matter what happens,
There can always be a new beginning.

No matter what happens,
Until we breath, we do have a chance to live allover again!