When you encourage someone,
It is not only that he/she achieves something;
But is also that you enjoy the whole thing.
It is not only that he/she achieves something;
But is also that you enjoy the whole thing.
*** * ***
PS: Hi, if you have not read my previous post, please have a look at it. It is all about the important people of my life. Thank You.

Dear ALL,
Am I Late @ Awards giving…? NO… I’m very late. But any way, Love increases with time, so, as I write this, I love every bit of it more and more. For this awards post, I must say that I tried it differently. I have updated the side bar as per my thought. I have included the awards there and also updated the bloggers to whom I want to give the same.
Hope you like my this attempt. I just want to keep your names forever in my home page. So I've attempted this way. Please collect them and make me happy.
Thanks a lot for your encouragement. As the title says, encourage and enjoy.
Hope you like my this attempt. I just want to keep your names forever in my home page. So I've attempted this way. Please collect them and make me happy.
Thanks a lot for your encouragement. As the title says, encourage and enjoy.
PS: I have not written seperate post for this, as i feel this is the apt one to include this.
By encouraging someone, we loose nothing but we get loads and loads of happiness if we can enjoy it..
a nice one :)
Helloo.. baga enjoy chestunnnavaa !!.. hw r uncle and aunt.. :)
Let us all take more responsibility ,not for ourselves or our family but for our fellow being..We can be the key they are searching for to start their car ,that takes them where ever they want..:)
Very well said Prams..:)
** Oyeeee...call me...i don have aunt's number..
Very true .. when that encouragement shows off through that 'other' persons work .. more thn him/her, we love that accomplishment !
P.S. Do you blog all day long, you are very regular with your comments .. you have 19 posts to your credit in September .. and not even one post is useless or not worth missing ! Great going girl :)
And I may not have commented on all the posts, but I have read most of them ... Keep writing, your blog is the second most visited blog by me after my own ! :)
Very true. Encouragement is the positive vibes that we can emit and infuse in others. It makes me feel a life worth lived.
Very true. Encouragement is the positive vibes that we can emit and infuse in others. It makes me feel a life worth lived.
oh yes the king maker pleasure..not all cud recognise its greatness tho..free
great words dear:)..soo true totally agree
so true dear..by encouraging others we not only give them strength but also get to share their happiness...wowwwwww...wonderful thought!
well said!!
ur wish is nice but too ambitious..
people 'encourage' only when they think its safe...the world plays more around Darwinian's law...
I hope that doesn't demotivate you the world need such people direly..
So true. You tend to work more hard and loyally when someone encourages you and then when you know that the person is doing good, you become truly happy :)
You have an award on my blog. Pls accept it :)
Hi Prams!
Am back, but not totally...thanks for your kind wishes for me to get well soon.
I like your post here, as you always do to others and I am one of them.
Miss yah gurl!
Hey prams!!
I love your attitude so much!
Encouragement is the best motivation....no doubt in it!..nice write
Innovative way .. yet really effective ! :)
I'm super honored .. so many awards together ! :)
"Thank you Pramoda"
yAH, SO HAPPY to have two awards from you...:
=Best Blogging Buddies Award and
+INternational Bloggers Community Award...
woooo....great! really great! Thanks Prams, a nice-comebacking note for me...
thank u dear..:).wow...sooo many awards!!:)..i'm really very happy:)...thank u for recognising and encouraging dear:)..best blog buds for sure:)...very innovative gal:)..loved this idea:)...
Was a nice exp searching your blog for my name :p ;)
All ur blogger frens should thank me for initiating this move of yours.. :p
Thank you so much..! My first award's':))
By the way how does a blogger become a candidate worthy of your 'zombie chicken' award???
Does that mean those 'deserving' bloggers make chicken and zombies out of their readers?? :O :p
My spl congrats to all my fellow 'zombie chicken' award winners! That sure is an achievement above all others ;)
good one..
Hi Prams,
You are so sweet and thoughtful. And I will accept your awards to me with much thanks! They are lovely like you! Love Di
heyyyyyy pramoda..
what should I say...I am really honored and glad to receive that award from you...thanks a ton for considering me worthy of it...it really is special for me!thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooo much....i luv your blog too...its a beautiful place to be!
thanks a ton n hey you idea is not just innovative but very sweet n wonderful!
thanks once again!
take care!
god bless!
hey Prams! that is a very wonderful gesture! thank u very very very much for all the awards! i think i got 4 :) ur words do encourage me a lot and i couldn't thank u enough for it! i <3 ur blog a lot lot too! very inspirational... :)
what an innovative way to post awards pramoda! So nice.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. It means a lot to me :)
be happy and keep blogging!
heyy...vry well said dear..on encouraging some1, the feeling can b felt, which is totally marvelous...
thnx fr sharing this piece..!!!
Very smart and interesting way to give away awards.. Thanks for considering my blogspot as worthy of your appreciation..
cheers and best wishes
awwwwwwww tat ws so very sweet of u dear thnx a lottttt for those lovely awards..dear :):)
loved the idea...
Hey Pramoda! I am SO touched by your gesture :D To see my name immortalized in your space.I am sorry I missed out on a lot, but now that I am here, I shall leave once I have finished reading everything that I missed, and thanks for the award once again :)
What a great way to acknowledge your award recipients!
Dear Pramoda,
thanks a lillion for being kind enough for offerning the award n i must tell you i'm really touched by your love n honoured.
i will accept the award with a smile:)as i do believe in encouraging the needy.
keep writng n be so sweet always...
Hey Pramoda
Thanks a lot.
i am truly honoured.
Cheers and i also loved ur previous post.
Congrats to you too for receiving such lovely awards. Thanks a ton for conferring one on me, too.
Thank you for awarding me :) You deserve your awards :) :) BTW: You have been tagged at my blog
Read 3 posts now. I love that corner of your room. It looks so enticing. It is really so sweet of you to teach young childrens how to seek more information on net. I am sure many of them would have been motivated. Award, thanks. It is really your way of looking which makes me happy to write more.
Take care
PS : I have posted 3rd of the 4 posts series I am putting up.
3 awards...yippy....
that makes my week..
will put them soon on my blog....
cheers...and thanx...
Oh sorry, I forgot to congratulate you...
congos from my side..
may this blog ever bloom with such nice awards.....
Hi pramoda!
Thanks a tonne for the lovely awards! I'm touched...and am truly honored to receive it from a wonderful person like you :-)
Your previous posting was a feel-good one. I found it very inspiring! Thanks for sharing those cherished moments with us.
And Plzz do convey my warm regards to your mother and those lovely kids :-) May their future be blessed!
thanks di...thanks yar...!!!
Hey Hemanth.. heh deleted it .. :(..:) heheh
thank you so much dear..cheers to our comaradrie!!
Haan ..am njoying well bro..
all r fine and thanks for this view..:) Its very pleasing to see u on top :)
HI Soppi..
very well said dear ..:) Loved it ..:)
and hw was yesterday?
HI Sourav,
Thank Youu soo much.. :) ..i dont do all day long, but i do frequently and for my goodness i take very less time to read and understand other blogs ..so i can make it faster and on time ..:) Now thats a checreetttt ...:)
AND Sourav,
Thank You sooo much fr visiting my space very often..i indeed value ur time and am glad ..:)
Thank You So Much :)
HI Shas..
Thanks alott yar ..:) and vert well said ..:)
HI Soin,
Thanks alott..;)
HI Nanditha,
Thanks alott..:)
HI Parzi,
Thank You Soooo Much ::) That encourages me ..:)
Thanks fr this insight ..:)
Yeah, its very difficult to demotivate me ..:) ..
HI Ekam,
Thank you gal :)
HI SOjo, thanks for this ..:)
HI AMity,
yaa..miss u too ..:)
Get well soon and come back ..:)
HI Shruti,
Thanks alottt for this ..:)
HI Hary,
Thank You :)
Hey Sourav,
u deserve it ..:) and thanks for accepting :)
HI Amity,
Glad that i could give u a nice come back note ..welcome back :)
HI Nanditha,
Thanks alottt..:)
Hi Valli,
Thanks alottt dear ..:) yeah ..i owe youuu ehhehe .. :)
Hy..valli... nothing like that .. heheh the caption of this award is "Dont ask" .. heheh .:)
HI Vedshree..
Thanks :)
HI Diana,
Thank Youu soo much .. yeah, i have seen them on ur blog ..:) I'm soo happy :)
HI Jody,
Thanks alott fr ur warm wishes and kind words ..am soo lucky to have u ..:)
HI Parzi,
Thanks for such a sweet note ..:) U r awesome ..:) and am happy that u like my blog :)
HI Vinay,
Thank Youu so much fr the encouragement ..and u deserve all of them ..:)
HI Rohini,
Thanks alottt..:) enjoy well with ur family ..:)
HI Madhu,
Thanks alottt ddear ..:) ..I'm missing u these days . :( ..
Hi Vish,
u deserve them ..keep posting :)
HI Priya,
u r one lovely girl..i like u ..:) ..I'm lucky to have met u ..:)
HI Tranquility,
Thanks for the kind words..:) would like to see u around ..:)
HI Jenny Mac,
Thank You ..:)
Thank You dear ..for ur encouraging words..:)
HI Indian Pundit,
Thanks alott for encouraging me ..:)
HI Shas,
Thanks gal :)
HI Rosh,
Thanks ..:) yaa read the tag . will see..
HI Jack Uncle,
Thanks alottt for ur constant an valuable updates on my blog.it realy helps me in becoming better :)
:) Thanks :) will wait to see them on ur blog ..:)
Thank You So Much ..I look forward to share my best ..:)
HI Manivannan,
You are most welcome ..yaa will surely convey ur regards to them, they will feel very hapyy ..:) Thanks alott >:)
HI Yamini,
Welcome dear ..:)
With love
HI Happy birdie..
:)..CHeers to u as well :)
thanks a ton for this award!! Am honored re!!
Hi dear Pramoda, I'm thankful for my award and happy for your recognition in the blog world. :)
Thanks a lot for the award Pramoda :) :) Really honoured!
HI Shruti,
Its my pleasure re ..:)
U r most welcome ..:) and u write well too :)
HI Dhanya..
:) ..COngrats ..:) and its my pleasure ..:)
Hey Pramoda Thanks for your encouragement, its feels good when people can relate to what you write. Thanks ones again, Though I dont kw if I deserve to be called a superior scribber but it feel good anyways ;)
Love and Blessings,
Check this out..
@ A New Beginning
hey..thanks for the encouragement..:)..for me u deserve it and i love it..:)
Keep expressing
HI valli,
sure will chk ,,
HI Valli,
read it dear..still lil confused .. eheheh ...any ways we can have our own meaning .. I would say, i always wait to read stuff frm u ..as i know ur heart...
Write dear..:)
Can i have ur email?
Hi Prajyot,
Its pramodasince1986@gmail.com..
Really appreciate this gesture. You are very encouraging.
Hi Pramz,
Oh this is lovely. Look how many friends love you and your writing. Fantastic! You deserve all the admiration. :-)
Gosh, I'm delighted and honored too by your having me on your roster of blogger friends and awards. Thank you very much!
Such a sweet and thoughtful gesture from a very nice person which you are! You are not that easy to forget, my dear friend. It is clear how well you leave your friendship in people's hearts. It'll stay there for a very long time yet I'm sure. :-)
Take care always.
Blessings to you and your family.
Hi Prams..
First of all... from your posts
@Am I Late @ Awards giving…? NO… I’m very late.
Here is it NO or Yes, I have got confused, Can you explain me.
Hi Prams...
And second ... Its my pleasure and your goodness to put my name in your blog home page.
Thanks for sharing my name as a part of your Blog.
Hi Pramoda...
Finally ...
I dont say sorry this time, even though I am very late to say Thanks to you and to reply here.
But rather I am very happy that I have got chance to post here as 100th member.
100 is a number which is very precious to me if you remember from the previous posts. hahahah
And coming to the Emarald Jewel Gift. I am very Happy to see an Emarald Jewel GEM as an award. A very delightful thanks to you that you given such a precious gift to me. Emarald jewel is one which represents the positive power of Mercury according to Vedic Astrology. Mercury Planet reprensent for Love and good relationship between person to person and gives good Communication, intelligence and education.
I dont know in what sence I am eligible for this award. I dont know what you have seen in me to give this award, as I know that I am not able to even touch this GEM.
But a heartful thanks to you for your precious award. And I am very happy and thankful to GOD for giving such a good writer to me as a Friend.
Actually I love your posts. There is something strong power in your write ups which gives some knowledge, some chance to discuss about it and to put on my thoughts here which I am unable to write it my own.
Thats why you have collected these many blog lovers and blog friends in your First Life.
Keep going on writing like this and ecourage people with your write ups and finally give the same entertainment to them.
And finally, A very Happy Dussehra to you, your friends, to your Family Members, little Children and atlast to your betterhalf(if there ... hahahah).
And I am also going home tomorrow to my Blaze wada(Vijayawada) and will return to back on October 5th. Hopefully I am not able to access internet as I am not having PC and net at my home place. I will see your posts and reply once after coming back to Delhi.
Untill then have a nice day tc bye... A very happy journey in the life.
let me be the first to write comment to this post after the 100th give n take on it. just like u mentioned in the post you must be enjoying the whole thing after encouraging everyone by giving awards. it sure was different and innovative. nice to have your names of your blog frns permanently on your page.
thanks for the beautiful awards pramoda :)...will place them soon in my hall of oscars..
and yeah those lines were beautiful :)..
HI Indrashish,
Thank You ..:)
hi Ellen,
**You are not that easy to forget, my dear friend. It is clear how well you leave your friendship in people's hearts. It'll stay there for a very long time yet I'm sure. :-)
I;m glad...glad...very gladd my dear ... thanks for the love and affection ... :)
:) Prams
HI Prasad,
Its NO onlyyy...I meant I'm VERY late...hehe ..:)
hey..its my pleasure ..:) Thanks
HI Prasad,
Thanks for the definition and info...yaa, for me n tblog, the encouragement matters .. and i must say that u have encouraged me alot in the earlier daysss.. so am i today ..:)
Thanks for every thing ..:) and thank you soooo much for ur wishes .. happy dasarad to u as well ..:)
HI Ravi,
Thank You sooo much ...:) I feel the best when i see ur name in the comments section..:)
Thanks dear..>:)
HI Hemanth,
Thanks fr that ..would love to see them thr ..:)
and thank Youuu..:)
111 comments? wow!
you are a celeb :D
@ Americanising Desi
:)..Its all abt the awards my dear..:)
Thanks for the awards:)
HI Ekam,
Welcomee ..:)
hi pramoda,
i know, no words of mine would be enough to apologize for this big big delay. i am so very sorry.
thanks a lot for the award. it really means a lot to me. thanks a lot. :)
p.s: sorry for not bng thr in ur blog for long. i am not at all blogging and that is the only reason for me bng missing from urs and others blogs.
bbye and take care. :)
HI Preetilata,
u r welcome dear..
I can understand ..Take ur time ..no problem..and a big sorry frm my side too for not being able to reply u on time..:) Thank you
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