Aug 30, 2010

If you love your Organization/Country…

The growth of any organization/country will be paused, as long as the higher officials are under the impression that they will not be questioned, and as long as the people are under the impression that they can not question. This may not be observed and understood by everyone, but the person who can get this and strives against this issue will be remembered real longer. To be frank, he will be of real help.

So, if you love your organization/country, be ready to question any one and also be ready to be questioned by any one.

The Unseen Efforts... Take Home #21

If efforts can not be seen until and unless they produce results, fault is neither of the unseen efforts nor of the delayed results, but rather fault is of the person who is unable to see and get the essence of these two.

My Guest Post @ Yamini's Blog..

I’m so happy to inform you that I’ve done a guest post couple of days back in my cousin sister Yamini’s blog. To my pleasure it was the 400th post of her. You can find the post here. Request you all to bless my dearest sister.

Also there is a special post by her in her blog on female infanticide. Please do read and promote the same, if you like it.

Yamini: Hearty congratulations on successful completion of your 400 posts. It is never easy. Keep it up.

Aug 28, 2010

A week of invaluable take homes…!

Hi Friends, I’ve been missing your blogs as well as mine very badly these days. Not that I’ve been busy doing something, rather I’ve been busy thinking some or the other thing, all the time! Interestingly, I’m trying hard to think nothing on thins weekend, but it is already proving very hard on the other hand, as if it is almost impossible. Again, impossible is nothing, to be positive, and yeah, being positive fetches you everything, if I’m not wrong!

All in all, once again the sudden down pouring has inspired me to start writing this post. I hope I will get succeeded in expressing myself.

No doubt, the week so far has been the toughest week for me. Only I know why so. Many, in fact too many take homes have come in my way this week. I thought of consolidating all those for you and obviously for me, as always.

“For others’ mistakes, why do you get angrier and punish yourself?”

My mom told me this line which she had read somewhere, “For others’ mistakes, why do you get angrier and punish yourself?” and as we all know, our angry is our biggest enemy. My first response after reading the line was “who wrote this?” Then again, immediately, it appeared in my mind that I too write many such lines in my blog which seem so correct on first read but seem extremely ideal to practice!

But, the fellow who had written this must have identified this fact by seeing his fellow mates who were angry, and I bet he would not have written this line out of his own angry, for sure, unless he is so controlled!

However, this line made me think aloud. Thanks to my mom for sharing this with me. I applied this to my day to day happenings. The result was so fruitful. I recommend this to all of you as well.

Identify the problem you are facing.

Identify who has done this for you.

Identify who is the loser if you sit sad.

And then, I’m sure you identify yourself,

In all energy to bounce back like never before.

“When you are up, people know who you are. When you are down, you know who your people are”

This was an SMS I got long back. It proved very right many a times in my life so far and once again it is showing it’s own power. For many, I’m appearing down now and this is the right time for me to identify the people who will be with me forever. Not what’s happening in my life is the biggest failure of mine, but losing the people who are with me now, will be so.

I’ve already come across the people who’ve laughed at me on my face and on my back. It is undoubtedly annoying but I’m happy that they have made it easy for me to understand their mentalities. Any way, I’m not such an idiot to spoil my life by myself. I know how to build it from here on.

“I’m all alone”

Very short and equally true! As I move on with my life, I’m getting realized that I’m all alone and need to face anything and everything alone only. I should not expect anyone to get worried for me. Expecting so is so practical but at the same time its very wrong too. Get along with the happenings alone and you will have ended up in having the satisfaction of facing everything all alone and successfully too. Everything will pass on, no doubt, but how you get along with everything is very important not for anyone else but for you.

What you learn from the situations is important not for anyone else but for you and your people. I’ve identified this fact with my heart, now.

Nevertheless, I’m enjoying living this phase of my life. Who so ever may be the culprit, I’ve decided not to be a victim so easily. As long as I’m like this, I’ll stay happy and will make my people happy. It should not be so easy for anyone to kill your spirit. If it is so, you are nothing at the end of the day!

Face anything and everything with a hope.

Not any minute can be lived again, and

Definitely not any effort goes in vain.

Every learning keeps you successful.

Every phase of life must be lived by you.

See you all. Cheers!

Aug 21, 2010


People don’t leave organizations. Organizations lose people.

PS: And I’m in no mood to celebrate this 300th post of mine.

Aug 18, 2010

This n that @ Viral Infection

I was made aware of the following by the ENT specialist I met, as I had been suffering from cold and severe cough. I just want to mention here the chat of us

** Exercising: He literally told me on my face, “Your life is waste if you can not spend one hour doing exercise”. Fair enough! The things which are not in our control can not be avoided any way. But since, exercising makes one healthy, it shall be taken on priority. As per him, a rigorous exercise of one hour per day is must and should


** Body, on it’s own: One shall try to make his body work against all the viruses and bacteria for at least two days before taking medicine, especially anti-biotic. He said “Everything is in your body, let it work on it’s own. If you start giving medicine in the earlier stages of sickness, your body will stay back expecting the same every time, rather than fighting back by generating needed power from with in. Also this is the main cause for the recent ‘Super bug’ virus!

** Pain is subjective: “Pain is subjective” he said when I mentioned that I could not cough anymore as I had been experiencing severe pain when I was coughing. Really, I tried it and it worked. Pain is subjective, mostly. He gave me some examples in which the parties had undergone major operation, but still they could carryon with their works as usual. One should be strong to face anything, and anytime!

** Kids’ health: “If you don’t take care of yourselves at your younger age, you will be solely responsible for any health problems of your children. There will be no mistake of your kids, rather you will be held responsible for all irregularities. So, take care. Especially girls should be doubly careful” he warned.

** Various methodologies: He also suggested me to do steam inhaling twice a day, to drink turmeric milk to avoid cough though it is a very old method, but still it works.

This is it for now. Hope this would help you.

Aug 12, 2010

"Stress & It's Side Effects"

It is not so difficult to observe and understand in the contemporary world that ‘stress’ is the word which require absolutely no introduction, any human being is concerned, except kids and some other exceptions. Day after the day, life is becoming so stressful for everyone that one has to approach many remedies to stay away from it, although it works for a short period of time and that too a little!

Interestingly yet surprisingly, stress, which can set a definition to destroy the human civilization, remained only increasing and increasing even after all the proud inventions man has made so far.

Recently I’ve come to know some interesting facts about stress from the internet/books. Some doctors said that it would create some psychological, hormonal and physical imbalances to the human body. Any ways, I don’t want to duplicate the entire story here as you can google it. After reading different analysis they have produced in the articles and the examples that they have depicted, it is not advisable in any way to take tensions to your heart, especially.

Stress at work, at colleges, at home etc makes our lives so miserable that we all know it and still we feel the stress!

Under these circumstances, whatever the other person say, in other words, whatever I write here to make you understand the importance of not feeling the stress, it goes in vain until and unless you decide and dedicate your thoughts to keep yourselves unknown to the stress.

The only thing that I’d like to mention here is the best way to stay away from the stress is to be aware and be informed about it’s side effects. If you are conscious about your health or if you are conscious about your loved ones or if you are dedicate not to kill yourself early because of your own stress, please make yourselves aware of the problems that stress can cause.

I specially want to mention all the young men and women who are working or studying and take tensions to their hearts. They are the people who need to be doubly careful as the stress can go a step ahead and cause physiological disorders which lead to many other problems after marriage, you name them.

To be specific, the working woman, who can work better only if her personal life is better, unlike the man who can lead a happy personal life if his professional life is better, should be aware of all the casualties that can happen here and there. It’s not that this is a saying, but I’ve experienced it by myself. Nevertheless, I too belong to this category and I’m working on this these days.

So, I think this is enough on this topic for now.

Stay away from stress;

Keep your body happy;

Keep your people happy.

Aug 8, 2010

My Parents' Say...

For all the problems of mine that I express to my parents, they always have only one say…

“Problem will keep on trouble you until and unless you accept it as a challenge and work it out. If you go away from a problem, you may be out of it for quite a sometime. But, sooner, another problem starts troubling you. If you make the habit of going away from problems, or avoiding any problem to come, ultimately you will forget to live life and just remain leading it all the time. For example, if you have some problem in your present hostel and you decide to change the hostel, what’s the guarantee that you will not face any problem over there? You are not sure of many things that come in your way, if you change your way. Better be there and face it. Work it out. People remain the same everywhere; their mentalities remain the same; if you avoid a particular mentality from troubling you, another person stands tall to make you feel the trouble. Take it as a challenge and work it out. Be confident and become successful”

PS: The words may not be the same, but the meaning remain the same every time they encourage me. My mom takes the lead role in conveying it to me and my dad takes the lead role in preparing her to be able to do so.

No words for them.


Face the best to prove your guts. Beat the best to prove yourself.

Aug 5, 2010

Victim of situations...Take home #20

Situations make every person what he is. We hardly remember this fact before cursing/judging the person for being so!!

PS: Hi friends, as of now, I can not put my thoughts in an organized manner on this subject. But for sure, I’ll deliver a detailed post on this soon.

By the way, thank you all for the friendship day wishes.

Before I say bye for now, I want to congratulate the Indian Idol finalists, Sreeram, Bhoomi and Rakesh. I’d also like to extend my thanks and wishes to the host of Idol Hussain for being such an entertaining host. I’m supporting Sreeram this time. I’d love to see him lifting the coveted trophy.

Practice the ideals…

Some thoughts may look so ideal to follow; but one will be successful at his heart only when he practices the ideals.

Saddest Vs Happiest !!

Anyone can understand the value of a person in his absence. But not all can understand the value of a person in his presence. When it is understood in his absence, it makes you the wisest. And when it is understood in his presence, it makes you the strongest.

To enjoy life to it’s core, it is not always necessary that you should be wiser, but it is necessary that you should be stronger.

The first stepping stone to failure...

The first stepping stone to failure of any organization is the common desire of it’s people to become leaders in their own ways. Desire is so common across human generations, but the possibility thinking plays important role so as the mutual understanding.

Aug 1, 2010

Memories of friends...!!

Not every friendship day can be spent with our best friends; but every friendship day can be spent with the memories of them.

Wish you all a very happy friendship day!