Why should we walk on the left side of the road? Why should not we walk on right side of it?
This is the question which had been entertained by me in my every day thoughts, until I got convinced with the answer that I have got recently. I used to think that if we walk on the left side of the road, we would not be aware of the vehicles that come from back side of us, and we might be hit by one of them if that driver looses the control. Where as, if we walk on the right side of the road, then at least we would be looking after ourselves carefully so that no one would come and hit us without our prior notice, so that there would be a chance of escape or a chance of surviving ourselves from the peril.
But recently, I got the answer for my quest, or at least I believe that I have got it. Here it goes…
There are two ways to live life. In one, you can be conscious and careful about people who would disturb you, who would discourage you, who would trouble you for different reasons. And in the other, you can be free from the thoughts of the same people, and lead your life care freely and reach your goals time to time, by not bothering about the people who are meant to cause you some problem. In both the ways, you can actually live your life, but the difference comes in your pace and in your mental stress.
Being on the left side of the road you see your destination; and being on the right side, you see the coming vehicles in addition to your thoughts of reaching the destination. In one way you should believe people as well as your own capability, and in the other you should believe in only yourself. So finally I thought of preferring the first, i.e. walking on the left side of the road and living life in my fashion and passion without thinking much about other’s misunderstandings/comments/mistakes etc. In this way I related these different life styles to the left-right concept.
PS: Did I sound little philosophical…? Hehehe…but, I mean every word of it.

Important Message: Dear all, I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going home tomorrow by taking 11 days leave from my work. I will come back on 29th Sep. So, in these 11 days, I may or may not come to your as well as my web-spaces. It solely depends upon my internet connection in my hometown. If I can get it, I will see you day after tomorrow itself. If I can not get it, I will have to stay away during this period. So friends, have a happy blogging, express yourself and enjoy yourself.
Signing off,
thats soo true ...life always has the 2 sides and it depends on the situation to see which side we take at the moment..
ok as per US they walk on right side..:p we cant blame they took the rong side :)...
life for us may be different and happy on one side the same side may be different for the other person...so we cant take sides seeing the others its just individaul view :)..
u have a good holidays for the dasara enjoy full with ur family and have a gr8 time ..will miss ya around and say hi to ur parents from my side...take care..happy journey...and be careful with the swine flu..:)..
keep posting abt ur time with ur family...:)..
pramoda .... the thoughts which u mentioned in the starting are just the replica of my thoughts...
and i havent found so meaning ful reasoning for it as found by you...
you r really creative...
hey .. we gonna miss u definitely.. take care ... happy journey....
Enjoy your vacation. Bon voyage! happy holidays..
Dear Prams,
easily said than done.we are living in a society,not isolated.
well expressed thoughts.a good work!:)
away from blogs enjoy your holidays.HAPPY DUSSEHRA!the best time to be with your family.
see u in higher spirits,
wow...tat was very interesting connection dear:)...:)...excellent
n yaa happy holidays:)..have fun will surely miss u:)..take care dear:)
Hi Pramoda...
It is the other day, once again a provoking thought coming from your mind. I am very happy to see this question coming from your mind, which I have got it in my diploma days and I asked my roommate to prove it too.
At that time I have correlated with some other thing but I have forgotten. Still I am trying to recollect it to phrase it here.
"Reach your destination without thinking about the obstracles happenning to you but achieve it with pace and without mental stress"
Wahhh.. fantastic thought.
Good narration between oneself and others... and once again you proved yourself that u have some creativity. Keep it up.
Happy Journey to you. Have a safe journey too... Enjoy alot at your home and come back again with lots of thoughts and creativity to give us Dussehra specials.
Happy Dussehra to you ... byeeeeee
this is one question tat really haunted me.. and lately i started walking on the right side of the road itself..
hmmm but now aft reading ur post i will walk to the left of the road.. very well said.. cos personally i ve fear of vehicles and irritating bangalore traffic and walking on rt side made me feel even worse but now i found my answer both in terms of road and path of life
That was philosophical but very true. One pat on shoulder of the person who gave this answer and one to you who shared this with us :)
Enjoy your leave :)
Profound thoughts.
Have a good time at home with your family and friends.
this article actually helped in solving a very nagging problem of mine...
and yes...happy holidays!!
I am not aware whether one can see destinations better being on the left side of the road but it is riskier.I have always been advised to walk on the right side to see oncoming vehicles and run no risk of any vehicle coming from behind hitting you.
Have a great time,Pramoda,at your home town.
awww I never thought u'd get into life philosophy ...wth that quest..
well yeh u r ryt..
we shud always walk on the left side of the road(life)..(as u said) cos it's not abt not bothering of the others but rather about.walking together..but also about maintaining a uniqueness..
n yah i juss hope u hav a gud net connection ter...
hope to see u soon...bt yeh if not then ..gud wishes
n yah hav fun n njoy ur holzzzz :):)
HI Hemanth,
Thanks alott for ur view..:) i enjoyed reading it ..:)
and hey i didnt know that americans walk on right side..my phylosophy hahah...goes thenn..:
any way, it sour phylosophyy ...:)
Thanks for the wishes .. will keep posting if i get my net connection
HI Suree..
Thanks alott for that ..:) yeah..am bit creative ..:)...:)
Have nice time .:)
HI Rohini,
Thanks alott :)
HI Anupama,
thanks alott for sharing ur views and thanks for the wishes ..:)
plz keep visiting :)
HI Yellow tulip,
Thanks alott...:)
Have a nice time :)
HI Prasad,
Thank youuu and very well said .. :)
**At that time I have correlated with some other thing but I have forgotten
Recollect it soon and tell me ..hehe ...
thanks for the wishes ..:)
HI Angle,
that the happiest recognition to my thought .. thanks alottt... :)
and thanks for the wishes
HI Ekam,
thanks alott..and yaar ..the answer was mine .. i thought alot and finally could find that ..:) so, both pats are mine .. :)
HI Shas..
Thanks alott..:)
am glad of that ..:)
Hey..thanks ..:)
HI Partha uncle...
thanks for ur views...:) am glad to have got them ..:)
thanks for the wishes
HI Priya,
thanks alott.. for ur view dear ..so well said ..:)
Haan i too hope the same .. :) ...
thanks for the wishes dear ..:)
Hey Prams..
Thats very thoughtful of you ..very true ..!
Have a great time at home..:)
Will be waiting for your call ..Happy Journey ..!
Dear Prams,
The first half of my life I walked on the left side of the road, the second half I will be walking on the right! I hope that you enjoy your visit home my friend. I hope that you will find inspiration and comfort there! Love Di
HI Soppi...Thanks alott dear ..
yeah..luggage packing nw at home .. :)
Will give u a call once i reach thr ... take care ..:)
HI Diana,
Thanks alott..and that's thought provoking one againn..:)
Thanks for the wishes ..:)
hey dear!1njy ur stay at home..will miss u...have a gr8 time after all home is home :)
Awesome Post :D Very Well Said :) :)
Dear, Happy Stay At Home :D Miss You & Your Writings A Lot :(
Happy Safe & Pleasant Journey :D Take Care :)
aha,... good one !
thats quite a thought provoking post dear...really liked it!well written...n even if u became philosophical...its good...coz we got to read this wonderful write up!
and hey...have a great journey back home...and enjoy each n everyday...n come back soon!
take care!
god bless!
hey!!collect your award from my blog.take care
True, keep your goal in sight and do not worry about insignificant issues. Have a nice time at home and would love to see you during this period but not at the cost of not spending time with your near & dear ones.
Take care
Such a sweet and simple post - with such a significant meaning :)
Liked reading it...hope you have fun at your home-town!!! Will miss you :)
I also have given you an award ( so many you got now..).
Enjoy your time off. :)
thought provoking it was :)
enjoy ur stays at ur home town.
wishes :)
nothing is sour philosophy everything has its individual view :)..
Hi Prams,
When I first saw the title, I did not realise that this could lead to such a deep philosophy. Thanks for enlightening and giving this perspective..
I realise that any question can be looked at from different levels..
Have a happy Dassera. I am sure AP is well connected and we will not miss you in the blog world...
have reached home safely... ok hru enjoying there?
plz msg me or mail me ok bye
Something special is waiting for you at my blog.. please come and take a look..
:( thr is nothing spl with out reading ur space, comeback shortly happy hours
:( thr is nothing spl with out reading ur space, comeback shortly happy hours
HI Happybirdie,
Thanks alottt ..:) any way am back ..Thanks for the wishes ..
HI Sahana,
Thanks alottt dear..:)
HI Vedshree..Thanks
HI PArzi,
Thank Youu ... Yeah.. am philosophical touch .. heheh ...Good na..:)..:)
ya i hope to present may more such posts to u ..:)
Thanks for the wishes
Hey Happibirdie...
thanks ...and yaa will take it fr sure..:)
HI Jack uncle,
Thanks for such a lovely message..:) am back ..:)
HI Sapphire...
Thanks alottt..:)..Yeah thanks for the wishes as well..:)
HI Ju,
Thanks alottt for it ... :) ...
HI Preetilata,
thank you very much :)
HI Hemanth,
well said ..thanks
HI Vish,
Thank you fr ur delightful message ..:) ..yaa..AP conenctivity is good ..am back again .. :)
HI Prasad,
yaa i'm fine ..:) thanks
HI Zanskarite,
thanks alottt..am back ..:)
HI Rohini,
Yaa.. i have checked ur blog... thanks alott for ur kindness and liking n my blog .. :)
Hope to have u throighout my journey ..:)
WOW Pramoda! Did you come up with that yourself or did you read this somewhere? I'm really curious! Because I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the philosophy! I am so glad I got to read it! Enjoy your holiday :)
HI Tranquility,
It was all mine ..:)... i thought fr somany days and then i got to know it..:) Thanks alottt..:)
Hi! Pramoda,
Did u sound philosophical? Or were u logical? Left or right? it all depends on ur mind, as u said living ur life in ur passion & fashion. Whichever side u walk, if u r vulnerable, there is always a chance to get disturbed, be it an arrival of a wayward vehicle from front or a loud horn from behind, So keep ur cool and always aim for the same till u reach the destination, ur thoughts are interesting, happy hols.. :)
@ Readers dias
Hey ..thanks for sharing ur insight ..:)
Happy time to u as well..:)
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