They are the students of my mother. They come to our home for tuition. They are the students of a government girls’ high school. Every year there are about 50-60 pupil come to our home and they make it house-full. I’m very proud to say that they all like me very much. But I reiterate “had I not been the daughter of their madam, they would never have known me at least”, and I thank my mom for this greatest pleasure. They all love her and they love me as well.
For every festival, or for my b’day, or on any special occasion, I used to get many wishes from them. They all talk to me on phone and say their names and wishes. When I stay among them, I feel like a celebrity. I’m not exaggerating any single feeling of mine here.
Whenever I give some thing to my mom, or if I bring something to home, she used to show it to them and used to explain about it to them. Starting from a greeting card to my laptop, my hand writing to my blog, they have seen every bit of mine. Initially I never liked her to show them every thing, but I got realized lately that every thing has been a part of educating them. She is a teacher and she wants to show many new things to her students, apart from the classroom subjects.

Yesterday, my mom had shown my blog to them. Though they had not got it completely, their amazing looks made me very happy. My mom read two-three posts and explained them what they were all about.
One among those posts was “The TWO…”
She read “Two people about whom you always wonder about…Saddam Hussein and Andrew Symonds”
“Who are they madam?”
“Saddam Hussein was from Iraq and Andrew Symonds…”
“Pramoda, he is a cricketer, right?” she asked me confidently. I said ‘Yes”.
Then next one, “Two non Indian cricket crushes …” she read.
“Madam, what is meant by CRUSH?”!!!! :)…:) I thought they would ask this.
But to my mom’s goodness, they never asked it.
Then my mom asked me to tell them about the Google. She had shown the pictures of human brain, heart, kidneys, etc. Then one girl asked me to show the picture of “Harry Potter”…I opened it and explained them about the guy. Then my mom explained them the advantages of the internet.
Finally she told them that I type very fast. So they asked me to type some thing there itself. On my request, they said the following sentences and I typed them.
“Today we are seeing Harry potter, brain, heart and kidney pictures, blog, eenadu news paper, sakshi news paper. So we are so happy. Today we are very happy. Today is very memorable.”
And the same girl asked me to highlight Harry potter’s name and to keep it in pink color. They took few minutes to frame these three lines. Don’t mind about their English. Even I have come from the same school. My English standards were even poor at that time. I would love to see them making their skills very impressive in the coming years.
My mother has asked me to write about this topic, and about those little girls. So I’m here with this note. I thank them a lot for their encouragement and love. They are today’s little hearts and I wish them to reach heights and to make their teacher and my mother proud of them.
Thank You Girls…and thanks to you as well…:) …:)
oh Prams, so u r a celebrity at home too! :) how nice to know that u have so many little kids looking up to u..
they are very inquisitive aren't they.. m wondering how u'd have explained "crush" to them if they asked it... :)
i pray let them reach those heights that they desire and deserve! :)
Hi Prams,
Such a sweet, sweet story! And I think you should enjoy your celebrity! You must have felt satisfaction showing the girls your blog and Google! I imagine that made you feel good!
Love Di
Hi Pramoda...
Nice and sweet post. Sometimes I too thought that to show how is internet to my parents and children at my home. But still it remained like a dream. Because of No Lapi with me.
It is very exaggerative to explain every thing to children which makes them feel and happy to know about it.
"Can you please tell me how would you explain them about CRUSH if they would ask you to explain?"
Any how have a nice entertainment and happy moments with them. bye
A much delightful Experience
wow..keep it up
god bless dear:)...glad to see u r having awesome fun there:)...enjoy:)..take care
Dear, You Are Absolutely Perfect :D Among Mom's Students, We Feel As Though We Are Celebrities.. & Its True :D
Even My Mom Is Teacher :D Even Though, She Is Principal, She Treats Her Students As Her Own Kids..
Now, She Takes Tutions At Home..Every Saturday They Will have Weekly test, After The Test, We Play Monopoly.....I Enjoy A Lot With Them..We All Go Out As A Trip..
I Really Extremely Liked This Post A Lot :D Was Very Impressed To See This Post :D
Be Keep In Contact With Them Through Out Your Life :D They Are Like Our Own Siblings :D :)
Really Loved This Post :D
Thanks Zillion For Sharing This :D :)
i have loved this post to every bit. kinda relate to it as well because there was a time when i used to take tuitions too. ur post made me reminisce those sweet lil hearts. i enjoyed that lil girl's words too. please pass on my love and wishes to them.
take care prams. :)
prams , all the post of you are simple and sweet. I always love to read posts on ur blog...
Keep going....
These girls seem very sweet. I hope my two girls grow up to be as respectful and polite as them.
That was very heart warming :) Even I wish those little ones the best :)
cute sweet and lovely :)..enjoy ur time with ur family :)..
ur family is the greatest one can get....
happy holidays!!
I meant greatest support........
sorry for the typing error
More than the children and you,your mother comes out in the post in very bright colour as a caring and loving teacher concerned about her wards and their learning.Hats off to her.
The session with you was indeed an enjoyable but a different type of class for the school children.
Nice post as usual
Dear Pramoda,
nice n interesting post.i could relate very well to the theme,happenings n Mother is a retired high school teacher.we five siblings have enjoyed the love n respect from Amma's students n from the village folks.whatever we are today we owe to the basic lessons n values our parents have taught us.
these days teachers ,students n parents have google for everything,the help n guidance n reference.:)
when i do counselling,i show clients my blog,the images n when something happens unusual, i promise them that will be in print
enjoy your stay with family;convey my regards to all.make sure that your presence is felt by each n every sweet little hearts.:)you could have added their snaps.
happy blogging!
Wow!! How much I love this post!.. My mom is a teacher too n she teaches in a govt college.. I had experienced very similar situations becoz of her..
I remember my mother carefully collecting and saving articles from newspapers, internet thinking that they might be useful to her students.. she used to ask me to browse relevant websites where she used to gather interesting modules for her teaching.. I have seen how proud she feels if they get through placements..
I always underestimated teaching in govt schools.. but after seeing my mother.. who had changed my perception of teaching in govt colls entirely, I feel it is much better than the kind of education we had. They teach with real passion!
I have seen my mother thinking, devising new and novel methods to connect to her students and teach them differently.. Whenever a mother sees something good, she immediately feels that her kid should have/know/experience it. What surprises me is that she feels the SAME way about her students too.. HATS OFF TO TEACHERS!
BTW what is this 'Zombie chicken award' ?? :P :P
Even my mum is in teaching..yeh My dad too..
and believe me it's bliss sometimes to see students like us who're studying in classes we then the questions...sometimes..our parents feel proud to say that this is my daughter ...n putting us before them as examples hehe
hi the time at your home when the students come....they are so energetic, they always wanna learn something new...!!! best wishes to all of them....kabhi meri bhi blog dikha dena..!!!
Hi Akka,
I'ma a new reader to ur blog...
I am only writng to tell you I am immensely enjoying ur posts...
do check my blog n leave "watchouts" (as you put it)
HI Vinay,
Thanks alottt..:) yeah .. they are wonderful children to me .. :)
Thanks for ur wishes ..:)
HI Diana,
Thanks alotttt..>:)
**You must have felt satisfaction showing the girls your blog and Google
Yeah... so muchh ..:)
HI Prasad,
Thanks alott..
Hope u buy a lapi soon and show it to them ..:)
crush .. heheh .. what's thr in it ...i would say simply, its the attraction ..:)
HI anonymous ,
Thanks alottt..:)
HI Yellow tulip,
Thanks alotttt..:)
HI Sahana,
I'm happy to know this frm u dear ...hope u tooo enjoy the moments ..and ya its a real bliss.. :)
Thanks for sharing this dear..:)
HI Preetilata,
Thank You Very much glad that i could do it for u .. yaa sure, will pass on ur best wishes to them ..:they feel veryyy happyy :)
Thank You
HI SUree..
thanks alott..I'm soo pleased with ur words..Thank You.
Thanks alott.. yeah my best wishes to ur kiddos...thay are wonderful..:)
HI Sojo,
Thank You .. plz keep visiting :)
HI Hemanth...
Thanks alotttt..:)
Thanks fr such a grt complement ..:)
Its ok .. :)
HI Partha uncle, yeaah .. my mother is the one of the best teachers for me.. ;)
Thannks for making it out ..
Thanks for sharing ur words .. yeah its superb experience ..
yaa.. i could have added their pics.. once they come again. i will take and add them ..:)
HI Valli...
Thanks yaa.. yaa i can understnad how exactlyy u feel now .. :) its sso nice of aunty .. convey my best wishes and namasthe ..
HHAHA ... u have got the same award .. chk it . :)
HI Priya,,
very well said and thanks dear ..:)
HI Yamini,
yah .. will surely show urs my dear .. hehe .. Love u
HI Bobby,
Thanks for the visit and 'akka'...i'm soo happy ... i have added ur URL .. will chk and comment on it soon .. plz keep coming here ..:)
now thats a sweet one! :) great to hav kids come over! stay blessed..! yet to see my folks back home!! missin them badly!!
Having great family time..
Hi! Pramoda,
The innocent smile of children always spreads around, and its great to know u have this smile all thru ur holidays.
HI Hary,
Thank You ..wish u good time wth ur folks ..:)
HI Vinz,
yeah ..:) And welcome here ..:)
Plz keep coming :)
Reader's Dais..
Hey..Thanks fr the kind words..:) haan..i'm enjoying a lott :)
"today we are happy. today is very memorable"
such sweet words. they fill me with such unadulterated love and hope :) Wonderful. thank you for sharig this with us.
Please tell them that the whole world is waiting for them.. it will unfold just as soon as they are ready :)
Please convey my regards to your mother for patiently answring their doubts. That is a very important part of being a teacher. I know many who shirk that responsibility.
boy! am I glad to be able to access your blog and type my comments! it is liberating.. I think you know why i havent been able to post comments! ahhaha..
HI Rohini,
Thanks for such a sweet note.. will surely send ur wishes to them.:)
Thanks alottttt...:)
Hi Pramoda!
Thats a very sweet post,Have a great week ahead!
Thanks alott..:)
What your Mom is doing for those girls is beyond what most teachers would do for their students! To have reached where you've reached in life and still retain the humility and manners speaks volumes about your upbringing Pramoda! Proud to know you and very happy that you found me :)
Very beautiful write up.
Hi Tranquility,
Thanks alott on that special comment ..really i'm very happy :)
HI Indian pundit,
Thanks alot..:)
that was a very sweet post!! :) and thanks for dropping by my blog.
HI Ria,
Thanks aloott..:)
Plz update me with ur views on my posts..and i love them :)
hey.. i dint gt da post.. of awards.. can u send me da link plz ?
n yup.. good picture !
HI Vedshree,
will forward u the link ... :) and thank you!
Hey thanks for saying that.Btw are you Bengali?'s just that Non-Bengali people don't really understand my name or it's meaning right away :)
Anyway nice blog.And congoz for all those awards you got :D
HI Samadrita,
Thanks for visiting ..:)
Am not bengali, i'm frm andhra..but as i said, my frnd's father is frm bengal .. soo he kept that name i could understand urs as well..:)
Plz keep coming to my blog ..:)
here again.. I see myself in u for a while.. :)
hahaha..:) that's sweet brother..:)
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