Feb 5, 2019

Life is less difficult and more different - ParenthoodDiaries #8

With kids, life is less difficult and more different.

I keep wondering what would I be doing at the given moment if I didn't have my babies. Like in this moment, may be posting something else than my parenthood experiences. On weekends, may be watching a movie than keeping busy with the baby-tasks. In free time, may be clicking for my photography page than clicking the memorable moments of the little ones. At the mid of the night, may be dreaming aloud than feeding the babies. And so on!

I can't agree more that life feels difficult with kids, especially to those, like myself, who have had more years of bachelor life or had a few years of married life without kids. It feels difficult, less because it is, and more because it is different. It's different from that of the otherwise comfortable and well-set lifestyle.

Some experiences in life are worth the difficulty. Having kids is undoubtedly one of them. Realizing the difference and enjoying the same makes it less difficult.

The two tiny polio drops - ParenthoodDiaries #7

My first ever earning was 5 Rupees and that was when I executed the day-long duty at a pulse polio center as an NCC cadet back in 1998. Many women came throughout the day and did polio vaccination for their babies at our center. I never wondered then if the two drops of polio vaccine had been swallowed by the babies or not.

When I saw my babies taking those two drops of vaccine, I kept wondering during and after, if those two tiny drops had been swallowed properly or not!

The best part of my Parenthood journey so far is the sensibility  I have developed  towards every single task I do for the babies.  It does help to take care of the babies in a better way and also to develop the perspectives which otherwise would never occur to me.

Plan may not work but planning helps - ParenthoodDiaries #6

Plans may or may not work; yet planning helps.

With infants around, quite a lot of things go off the plan; and that's not the only time or reason though, for plans not to work. Our plans fail, quite a lot of times, even when we are alone. Reason could be either our inability to understand the situation or that something goes haywire.

With infants too, it's the same reason why our plans often do not work. With the basic things that they need, like food, clothing, sleep and play-time, there is a little chance of things going haywire. I believe, it's mostly our inability to understand their needs or doings that let our plans remain as plans. Infants communicate to the best of their ability, but we are not yet there to understand everything they communicate. That's the prime reason why we plan something and something else happens, often.

Well, we may not understand infants fully. Yet, making plans to the best level of our understating helps us a lot. It motivates us to keep doing better everytime. Also, it's rather simple to handle the situation when we plan, even if the plan fail, than when we don't.

Neighborhood and it's impact - PatenthoodDiaries #5

Since I started to go to hostel back in the year 2000 and until the last time I left home in Oct 2017, there were never as many people to bid farewell as today (9th Jan 2019), as we started to Pune with kids after staying for a memorable four months.

Children introduce our neighbors to us in altogether a different way. We think we raise our children but most of the time they are awake, they are nurtured by our neighbors usually. Neighbors play an important role in every child's development. We must choose the neighborhood carefully.