Sep 30, 2013

Love, a beautiful experience...!

Love is not just an important and integral part of life. It is as well a beautiful experience that makes you learn and hence gain the most important and useful trait, patience.  

Problems and life... Take Home #260

Though problems make life miserable at times, they are the ones that make life interesting all the times.

Sep 29, 2013

With you my love...!

Being there for each other,
Caring for each other,
Struggling for each other,
In every step of this journey,
Enjoying every moment,
With you my love,
Life appears too good to be true,
Too valuable to be valued.

Sep 28, 2013

Straight trees... Take Home #259

Straight trees are the ones to get cut first. Incidentally or eventually, they have been the most useful ones for the human civilizations since years.

That's why they say, "All depends on how you see it".

Tough times... Take Home #258

Tough times show you who has time for you!

Sep 19, 2013

Calmness... Take Home #257

Calmness rules the mind; mind rules the rest. keeping up the calmness of mind is important to rule the life. And that's an art. An art worth learning and practicing, although not easy.

Sep 14, 2013

Existence of anyone!

Existence of anyone is evident with the work he or she does. The moment one starts trying to prove his or her existence, it means either the work being done is not evident enough or it's a deep wish to bring the work into limelight more than deserving. 

The possibility of helplessness cannot be ruled out when someone decides to prove his or her existence. But there are royal ways to bring one's own work into limelight. And the first and foremost prerequisite is to be strong enough to be able to face the unfair for a certain duration. Hard work pays. Talent helps. Experience flourishes. Positive mindedness makes you breath easy. Consistency helps you getting rated the best just when required. 

Believing that the bad time will be over is important. But understanding the current situation and estimating the time-to-come is as well important to decide to take the path which leads to success. After all, building one's own life is his or her responsibility. Blaming someone else does not help at all, not just because people are different in nature but also because people have different priorities naturally. One cannot expect to get treated well always. One has to find ways, royal and inspiring ways of course, to succeed, to come out of the odds, to make his or her existence evident enough. 

Different colours exist. Each colour gets the importance it deserves. The only difference here is the colour itself cannot try to become important. It depends on the people who like it. But being humans, we have chance to try our best to succeed. Not everything depends on other people. It's you who can change the way things move.  History speaks the same. Take the names from history you want and be inspired. 

Sep 13, 2013

Satisfaction... Take Home #256

All that can keep and make you happy is the satisfaction that you gain during your tenure. Pick it as much as you can and try your best to leave no room for regrets.

Sep 11, 2013

Post No: 900 - Blog, one of the closest things to my heart!!!

Firstly, my sincere condolences to all the victims of the attacks of September 11' 2001. Along with the ones from the incidents happened in America, victims include the ones from Afghanistan from the post 11/7 incidents.
Milestones keep people motivated just like the way records keep sportsmen inspired. When you are on the verge of achieving something, it's unbelievable if one says that he or she is not thinking about it! The only other greater possibility if someone says so is that they may be lying. Well, that's up to one's conscience how he or she wants to project himself or herself to the crowd. 

Leaving it there, let me move forward with this post, the 900th one that I do in this blog and about which I've been definitely thinking since past few days. I feel every pleasure in admitting to the same. 

It really feels so long that I did the last post with two zeros in it's number. Considering my writing pattern, it is long as well.  It's even more eventful this year, so far, compared to what I did say in the last post of 2012. A lot of things have been keeping me occupied. Nevertheless, I feel proud of myself for actively updating this space, which is one of the closest things to my heart, although I did not do any marathon posts throughout the year except in the past month. Thanks to IBL for all the fun it gave me while writing the posts during the last month. 

Few things I'd like to mention about my blog on this occasion: 

Ever since I started writing this blog, I have been finding a new me every time I post something here. Every post enables me to tell something to myself apart from expressing it to the world. Most of the take homes  I mentioned here exactly represent the series of incidents happened either on the same day or just few days before. During some of the lighter moments, when some of my friends asked me back about certain points I write here, I just walk past somehow by saying something round and round! Good friends, they don't pull me back to the topic! After reading this, if anyone of you would like do it in future, I'm sure I'm going to find a way out! Kidding, easy. 

The love I express here lets me fall in love again and again. The movie or book reviews that I write here make me feel proud of my observation power and sensitive nature, at certain instances, for being able to capture the finest of the fine moments and emotions. And what can I say about my posts on sports! Sport brings out the best emotions of mine. They have always made me a confident writer. I love writing about sports and players. 

Well, that's all for now in this 900th post. I hope to write the 1000th one very soon and definitely before the end of this year. Wish me all the best!!!

I've a special mention to be made here. It's about my all time favorite tennis player, the newly crowned United States Open Champion, Rafael Nadal. Hats off to him not just for the way he has played this season but also for passing through all the odds and coming out stronger than ever. A lot to learn and hence to execute as well. Will power is the best power human possesses. That makes the history and repeats it too. I'll write in detail about this in the posts to come later. 

I'm signing off for now. Thanks to you for being here and reading this. Readers inspire the writers the most.

Sep 9, 2013

The song, of my heart...

As I feel the warmth in your words, 
My heart starts singing from within.

I often fell in love with the song of my heart,
Only to realize the whopping love from within.

And why not I say, although it's famous,
Love makes life beautiful.

Sep 7, 2013

What else matters! ... Take Home #255

It feels great when you accomplish something without taking any big one's name to your use! Later, it feels even better as you start realizing your own capabilities. 

What else matters!

Stretch your psychological dimensions and feel the greatness.

Sep 4, 2013

Argue, with right intentions!

Arguments may bore you, even bother you. But when certain decisions are being taken and you rightly believe that you can provide useful or impacting inputs, you must go ahead to every possible extent of arguments and put forward your views. 

After all, decisions may impact many people; you can be one of them too. Never ever be quiet thinking that you may be understood wrong or aggressive. Being understood as wrong does not necessarily mean that you are wrong; and being aggressive is nothing wrong at all, as long as your intention to be aggressive is towards getting the decisions right. 

To be sarcastic... Take Home #254

It does not even take a minute to be sarcastic about something to someone. But to take it back and set things alright again, especially when you are wrong in your part, it may take longer than ever at times. Better to avoid being sarcastic altogether; you never know when your understanding can go wrong amidst the increasing complexities of life styles and thought processes of people. Moreover, there is nothing to lose if you do not be sarcastic. 

Sep 2, 2013

Life does not remain the same always!

Life does not remain the same always. 
Be it difficulties or easy-takes, 
Accept that, every door has to be walked through; 
Believe that, clouds of every color have to fly away.

Life does not remain the same always. 
Be brave and hopeful.

Sep 1, 2013

Reach out to the people... Take Home #253

Reach out to the people through smile, through words from heart. Relationships make life meaningful. Spending time to maintain the same is as important as to spend time on any daily routine.