May 30, 2021

May 28, 2021


What a consistently falling 'single drop' can result into! Efforts at times go unnoticed, but they never go wasted. Consistency is the key.

May 27, 2021

The tough part of parenting - ParenthoodDiaries #21

The toughest part of parenting is, we ourselves to be how we want our kids to be.

Not easy. But not impossible, provided we are able spend the required amount of time with our own selves and kids.

May 23, 2021

Neither the seed first nor the plant first!

Neither the seed first nor the plant first. It was 'life' first. Seeds and plants were just bi-products.

Life is the basic. And now we are in times to just stick to the basics of life. The 'survival'. Rest is immaterial. Be kind. Be concerned.
#Day 28