Oct 17, 2009

Words about Language...

Children are never to be demanded of speaking any language in specific; but rather, they should be taught of the concept of ‘speaking the language which can be understood by the listener’.

I see parents and teachers insisting their children to speak in English or in some specific language, and at the same time they feel very happy after seeing their children’s fluentness in that language, even though the listener could not get a bit out of their words.
The essence of language is not only about fluentness, but it is all about conveying your way to others. One may be very much fluent, but if he can not pass the message which he wanted to pass on, at the end of the day he is no one to the world.
Happy Diwali...


Anonymous said...

just one thing..
u are just great with these short inspirational write ups!!

check out the comments of post which I pinned on my wall of fame..

Sojo Varughese said...

Can't really help it! Somehow people think if their kids can speak in English they have reached the heights of parenting. I think it is a south indian phenomenon. I am not sure if I am wrong!

Siddhesh Kabe said...

oh...i agree wid sojo...

Amity said...


of course there's really truth in it...

in our place, letting kids speak english though could be very difficult for them is status symbol...

but for me, i will allow my kids speak what they want so long as they will know how to properly communicate with others...!

miss yah prams!:)

Tranquility Speaks said...

strong thought! Knowledge of English is very important since it is universally understood, but to put other languages down isn't right. The more you know the better off you are. An infant conveys it's needs and love without knowing any language. That must drive the point home :)

A very Happy Diwali to you and your family as well :)

KParthasarathi said...

Like curate's egg good in parts.Yes the child should be able to express itself clearly in whatever language it speaks.But once fluency in any language,be it English,what is the objection if it can convey its thoughts clearly.It is finally the comfort with the language that is important.
Happy Diwali, Prams

Hemanth Potluri said...

yes thats true....we should never insist them to speak or write in particular lang but to listen to their views also...

happy diwali pramoda..


Dhiman said...

English or whatever language the idea is to communicate and if you can do it then whole exercise is a waste....I understand this very much after facing situations where my fluency in several languages including English doesn't help when I can't communicate in the language of the listener ....

Jaunty anima said...

absolutely!!It's not only parents,even some children have the tendency of blabbering full time in english although they are highly fluent in their mother-tongue and that too with your elders knowing that they don't get a word of it...dunno what they try to prove...

parzi said...

hey prams
u always come up with something that probably all of us witness but never to stop to pay heed to...that makes u not only a great writer but also a fabulous thinker!
and i agree to what u said....first the purpose of communication should get solved ..the other things can follow!!
well said!
take care!
god bless!

Priya Joyce said...

same to ya sweetsy :)

n yet again ..u've said is without a flaw..:)

ܔܢܜܔKrAzY KoMpLeX KiTtEn(๏̯͡๏) : said...

wow....its something which should be passed on to the world...lovely post....and very admiring....

Prasad Gutti said...

Hi Pramoda,

A good message passed by you on this Diwali. I saw many people passing a message in a mail or scraps conveying that "May this Diwali bring Lightness to your life or your future". But it is foolishness to expect a lightness coming into our life on its own rather passing lightness to others in good one which you did just now. Hats off to your message. Thank you.

@"One may be very much fluent, but if he can not pass the message which he wanted to pass on, at the end of the day he is no one to the world"

Absolutely true point. One should not insist their children to talk only in one language which is not able to pass meaning message to all the people which he/she would like to deliver. Sometimes I too feel about why the children are not able to talk in my mother tongue, since some pupil are unable to speak in Telugu. Here I am not insisting to make them to speak in telugu, rather I am very sad for not listening some mother tongue words from their mouth.

" Happy Diwali to all of you "


divsi said...

very well put...at the end of the day wat matters is gettin yr msg across...whether its a gentle squeeze of yr hand or a sincere n simple smile:)

anupama said...

Dear Prams,
Really thought provoking theme!these days discussions are going on why INDIANS can't make it to higher posts n the answer is due to lack of proper communication skills.
central govt.institutions do give importance to the mothertongue of the child.you know what my AMMA always tells[aretd.high school teacher]the child who doesn't know his/her mother tongue should be considered as illiterate.
getting command over english is not only the prestige issue of south indian parents as the readers above mentioned.in this modern world where the world has shrunk within reach knowing english is only an advantage.
have you seen the deaf n dumb people communicate?have you seen how a mother feels the needs of the baby without any language?have you watched the eyes of lovers conveying hundreds of messages?
so,learn to communicate with our without words.observe the birds n animals.they come to know about the natural calamities much before the human beings.
and iam lucky to have a friend across the seas who feels my mood levels without seeing or expressing........:)magic?
have a great day ahead.....

Yellow Tulip said...

happy dewali dear..:)..

Jack said...


One needs to keep in mind that in today's life children have to meet persons of different strata. So they need to be taught languange which is understood by majority till the time they are of age to pick up second language. We spoke to our children in Hindi, not even our mother tongue, till the age of 4 or so as I could be posted anywhere in India.

Take care

Mads... said...

heyy..nice yr..u'r cumin up wid all dese inspirational posts conveying a true meaning..gr8..ya, realy, one shuld b able to express himself clearly rather than jus bluntly mastering the language, until nd unless he's nt able to pass his mssg to others, he'll b left with no importance..!!!

Mads... said...

n ya..Wish u a vry happy n joyful Diwali..!!!

roshwrites said...

You have been tagged at my blog http://roshwritesx.blogspot.com

Do check it out!

Happy diwali!

Prasad Gutti said...

Hi Anupama...

Well said. Excellent. Conveying message in an expressable way. Good thought provoked by you ... keep it up...


Diana said...

So very important Prams, and true. But I think that we must really teach our children to listen. Truly listen, before they speak.
Love You, Love Di

anupama said...

Dear Prasad,
Thanks a lot.i could not open your site read your posts.i don't know what is the problem.
and i had forgotten to mention one dance show i watched in SONY;the young boy who is dumb n deaf when the music began he danced so well and the timing OH! MY GOD!he kept for the last step was excellent!he won maximum praise from judges n his mother was crying as she could not control her feelings!
the boy had a wonderful smile through out his performance!
so,friend,even gestures can communicate our ideas very well.if you read the life history of HELEN KELLER,you will be thrilled about the ways MISS.SULLIVAN,HELEN'S teacher adopted to introduce HELEN to teh world of words!
and right now i have to sharpen my communication skills,as my helper speaks Kannda!:)
have a great day ahead!

Ellen said...

A very interesting post,Pram. Good thoughts. :-)

As an opinion, I think that learning English or trying to be fluent in it should be made for the right reason or reasons. As we live in a global community and English has been considered the global language, I think it would be an advantage for a person to learn and know English well. Some parents would start the learning at an early stage in the child's development. They hope that when the child grows up and joins the adult world one day, he/she can work it to a good advantage in the profession or career chosen in the global arena or even back home.

On the other hand, if this is carried out merely as a status symbol or just to keep up with the popular trend, it would simply be a meaningless mindless pursuit. Simply just for show, so to speak.

What should also be emphasized alongside the learning of the language is the art or ability to communicate and to listen well. A good communicator and an excellent listener is far more impressive -- than one who speaks a foreign language well and fluently and yet fails immensely in putting through an idea or message in a clear and understandable manner.

Last but not the least, one's native tongue should always be considered the first language and anything else other than that should be deemed only second to it. One should be authentic to his roots and true to his soul.

Keep the good thoughts flowing, Pram. :-)

Ellen said...

Oh Pram, I've seen the awards you've passed on to your friends. :-) Thank you very much, am so delighted and honored to be included on the lists. The pleasure is all mine, I must say. lol! Thank you for this rare and wonderful pleasure, indeed. May God bless you with peace, joy, and tons of happiness all through your life. :-)

Unknown said...

you do have an unique style of observation...
very correctly said....

Anonymous said...

oh Prams, I agree with you completely!! If we force kids to talk in one language, what good would it do? We'd be taking them out of their comfort level, even if they are fluent in that language!!

It maybe an observation, but it was poignant! Well said! :)

Anonymous said...

oh.. nearly forgot :) Happy Diwali :)

Snow White said...

very true pramoda..i really agree with u :)keep going dear :)

Writers Anonymous said...

Indeed, language is what enables us to convey our feelings in a way so appropriate that they are not misunderstood...thanks for sharing such a nice post. I am glad to have visited your blog :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Rahul,

Thanks a lot… u made my day ..:)

And yaa I have checked it .. will reply u on ur email id … thanks alott for showing interest … will update u with my thoughts

Thank u once again ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi sojo,

U r partially coorect , but I could agree more on the south Indian ones…

It even happens, or it happens more in norther India tooo … but anyw ay .. lets hope fr the best …

Plz don’t mention sorry yar ..just mention ur views .. they are valued always ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi sid,

So I must say same .. eheh

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi amity,

That’s a good option u have chosen .. well said and will adopt that quality too …

Thank u my dear …

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi tranquility,

Soo well said ..

** An infant conveys it's needs and love without knowing any language. That must drive the point home :)

Yeahhhh … L) ..

Thanks for the wishes and belated wishes to u too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi partha uncle,

Yeah uncle, comfort is more important at the same time listener’s comfort must be valued ..

Thanks fr the wishes and belated ones to u too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi hemanth,

Thank youuu … and same to u …sorry for this delayed response…

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi dhiman,

Yeah .. when we can communicate in listener’s language, its big pity ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi parzi,

Thanks alotttttt gal..am soo happy after reading ur words…thank u soo much …

My best wishes to u too ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI priya,

Thanks alottt gal ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Krazy,

Hey .. that’s sooo sweet of uu …

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Prasad..

Wow.w.. welcome back and thanks for ur eloberated reviews once again … amm so glad to have u here .. with ur long comments .. thank uu

J happy journey to u …

Thanks for ur wishes and all the best ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi divsi,

Well said .. thank uu .

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi anu,

** have you seen the deaf n dumb people communicate?have you seen how a mother feels the needs of the baby without any language?have you watched the eyes of lovers conveying hundreds of messages?

Indeed,. Very nice thinking …

Anu, let me tell u..ur comments always make me awwww….:)

Thanks for this pleasure dear ,,,

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi nanditha,

Thanks yaar…belated wishes to u tooo

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi jack uncle, thanks fr this view and I know the words are out of experience ..

Thanks alotttt…

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi madhu,

Well said dear .. thank youuu …

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey madhu,

Thak gal and I wish u the same ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi rosh ..

Checked it and left my message too .. thanks alott for ur kindness..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi prasad,

Thanks from me on behalf of anu ..:)
So ncie to see u reading the comments and understanding them
Am soo glad ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Diana,

Wow… thast ssooo thought prookin and true as well .. yeha I agree…J
Thank alott

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Anu,

Thanks alott for coming back and for keeping this wonderful incident here …am soo happy to have known that ..:) … soo ncie of u .. and very inspiring words..thank uu

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI ellen,

Its good to see u coming back here … hope everything is fine at ur end ..

Yeah ..this should be made for the right reasons and for doing the needful…and yaa we need to lsten well bfr we start saying some thing ..

Soo soo well put ellen, I could feel ur experience out of it ..

Thank u soo much …

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey ellen,

That’s my true pleasure .. u r a nice frnd and even more good person ..i love u ..and thanks for ur presence in my life ..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi tanmaya,

Thanks alott for such an honorable comment..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi vinay,

Yaa,, taking kids out of their comfort level is the one bad that we do for their future.. lets never do it .. thanks yaar

Pramoda Meduri said...

And hey ..

Thanks for the wishes …

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi suma,

Thanks alotttt ..>J

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Amritbit,

Welcome here .. its so nice meeting u …J
And I will visit ur space soon .. and thanks alottt yar .. J

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi jaunty,

Yeah I too observed it ..and yaa I too don’t know what they want to prove ..:)…its soo funny though …

Dhanya said...

I loved this post! Short but to the point :) :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Dhanya,

Thanks alott dear..:) I too loved ur post with the same subject ..:)

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Pramoda,
Communication skill, irrespective of language fluency, is not only the essence of language, to an extend it’s the essence of success in ones career and its importance has to be understood and conveyed to children at an earlier stage….again uve come up with some wonderful thoughts..

Pramoda Meduri said...

@ readers dias,

hey ..thank you soo much for taking time reading me faithfully. and many thanks fr the comments ..