Value people and their attitudes for
Enormous and valid number of
Reasons, which help you and enable
You to efficiently walk through life, but at
Times mistakes of people can alarm the
Hazard by just hitting at your
Insider deeply, so that you feel
Nervous next time when you have to
Gain the belief in them, yet again.
However, the aversion takes you through wide
Angles of thoughts which make you
Sensible towards the facts of life.
Though you consider it with a deeper heart at the start, but
Once if you have a re-look at it after some time, you will
Be the most satisfied and calm soul, and also a person of
Entertaining hopeful thoughts of a positive relation, yet again.
Forgiving is the only divine act that a human can do.
Once you believe it, you will be the
Richest soul on the earth, with a
Gigantic hope on life yet again, which
Induces a lively and promising thoughts pass through your
Veins which invokes the divinity in you. After all,
Everything has to be forgiven in life, if
Not now, may be after sometime any way.
People can do mistakes only when they are alive, and they should be forgiven before they die.
Let us take less time to forgive and let the divinity occupy our veins proudly

Am the first to commenT!!
""Everything has to be forgiven in life, if
Not now, may be after sometime any way""
These lines explain everything!! I loved this very much
Nice post pramoda..loved it dear :)
Beautifully written.
heyy..grr8 going gal.."everything has to be forgiven in life"..nice subject line chosen nd u have drafted it b'fuly..seems,as if u r rlly njoying playing wid acros..:)gudd..gudd..keep it up..!!!
Woops!!!great post!!
yeah to err is human...to forgive is divine..Know what I had tried to change my views about forgiveness a few months back but can you change the basic characteristics that define you....No!!
I have realised the satisfaction that a peson gets after he/she's forgiven the other..so let's all give a chance to the other person...
One word: Great :) You seem to be good at acros :)
Applause for the wonderful post.
Words are simply marvelous.
Super cool.
Out of the world creativity.
Mind blowing, simply mind blowing
Equally splendid.
Yeah I know i suck at it, you are the best. I need to learn more adjectives on 'E'
Applause for the wonderful post.
Words are simply marvelous.
Super cool.
Out of the world creativity.
Mind blowing, simply mind blowing
Equally splendid.
Yeah I know i suck at it, you are the best. I need to learn more adjectives on 'E'
very beautify poem-acrostic and the message really hits the heart...
but you know, people always commit the mistake of forgiving only when the person is dead already...
hope many people will read this and realize some hard truths in life...
really a nice post Prams!
so many morals...
that should be beautiful Prams not beautify...sorry for the typos...
i really liked the idea of calling the act of forgiveness as divine..it truly is...
loved it prams :)
Nice one from you as usual. .I think acrostic is the flavour of the month.I see them in so many blogs.
So serious lately Prams! I believe that we must forgive in order to find peace within ourselves!
Love Di
Clap, clap, clap!
A cool poem to begin the day with!
beautifully expressed ...
Hi Prams :) :)
Really Really True & Beautiful Post :)
Specially The Lines, "People can do mistakes only when they are alive, and they should be forgiven before they die."
Lovely Picture With Moral Lines :) :)
Excellent Fabulous Acro Dear :) :)
This Is Post Is Very Much Inspiring, Motivating, And Also Teaches Excellent Morals Of Life :) :) Extremely Loved It A Lot :) :)
Thanks A Zillion For Sharing, "EVERYTHING HAS TO BE FORGIVEN".
Love & Hugs,
Excellently written
But it takes time to forgive..:)
Read 2 posts. Actually I read Who is Good yesterday but was lost in such high sounding words that I thought to take some time before I say anything. I my opinion a person is good if he or she has clear conscience and follows what is good for humanity as well as environment. I do not think there is any need to elaborate this. Now on this post, I beg to differ a little. I would say under normal circumstances everything can be forgiven. But would you forgive Kasab? Can a victim forgive her rapist? Can the parents of a child forgive drunk driver who mowed down the child? Can we forgive those who slaughtered innocent unarmed persons including women & children by their fanatic act of terrorism even if they too died as suicide bombers? No, isn't it? If we could do so, then we are not humans but saints. However nice acro.
Take care
Very nice post Pramoda.
Its the most divine thing a person can do . I agree.
But one should now overdo it. People take that for granted then. Just a thought:)
Pardon me for the prolonged absense.. Forgiveness I believe is more important for us than for the wrongdoer.. There is no other way you can get inner peace..Lovely thought Pramoda :)
Forgiving is the best thing and I think I agree with Jack on terrorists etc but then look at Priyanka Gandhi ... after she met Rajiv Gandhi's murder accused decide to forgive... I think it depends on circumstances ...
I have to make out a print of it and stick it on my wall...
i second RSV :D
and yeah, this was one of the longest acrostics i've seen in a while!
the length did not take away any of the beauty though!!
HI Shruti,
Its my pleasure to have u first here..:)
And thanks for the encouragement my dear..plz keep coming…
Hi Suma,
Thanks alott…
Hey Swapna,
Thank u so much …
Hi Madhu,
Yeah..am enjoying with across…J Thanks fr the encouragement…
Hi jaunty,
**I have realised the satisfaction that a peson gets after he/she's forgiven the other..so let's all give a chance to the other person...
HI Jaunty..
Wahh…so well said..:) keep it up and thanks.
Hi Rosh,
Am just in my starting stage ..:) Thank alott …
Hey sid,
Wowww…so many appreciations…am glad ..very gald… thanks alottt….
Hey sid,
Yet again!!!
Hey Amity,
**hope many people will read this and realize some hard truths in life...
Soo sweet of u dear..:)
Hey amity,
Its ok ..no probs…understood ..
Hi priya,
Thanks alott gal…
Hi partha uncle,
Yeah..so many bloggers have been posting the acros these days…eheh J
Hi Diana,
Well said dear..:) Thank youuu
Hi sojo…thank u thank u thank u … hhe ..:)
Am soo happy..
Hi hemanth,
Thanks yaar
Hey sahana,
Wow..beautiful comment…J Thanks alotttt dear..
Hope I would write more and more of such posts…
Hi suree,
Thank u and yeah it takes time, but let us try to take less time…
HI Jack uncle,
**I my opinion a person is good if he or she has clear conscience and follows what is good for humanity as well as environment.
Thank u for sharing this…
And for the comment related to this post…
Yaa… well, I don’t have any answer … we can never forgive such ppl…but may be time can work wonders even in this regard…lets see…
Thanks a lot uncle.. take care…
Hi ekam,
Yeah.. never overdo it…understand the essence of it and stay happily…
Hi tranquility,
Hey u r welcome any time..and abt absence ..its ook dear …
J..thanks a lot for being here…
Hi dhiman,
Yeah.. well she has forgiven her… very good example… and yaa again it depends on the circumstances.
Hi Rahul,
That is a very big complement for me …..thanks fr this pleasure..
Hi vinay …
So happy that the man of acros has got something wonderful to say to me .. thank u soo much …
Hi! Pramoda,
Hey! That’s a nice way to present your thoughts, the beauty of forgiving is presented in a real beautiful manner, rightly said pramoda, the proud divinity that we get through forgiving is the best solace one can experience making one more confident and the richest soul… :)
@ RD
hey yaa..thanks fr ur encouragement and supprt..hope to see it stay forever..:)
Hi Prams..
A very fantastic ACRO has been written by you.
Framing every letter in a phrase gives immense pleasure upon that how much you know about English and ... I am really impressed immediately after seeing it.
Normally I make small ACROs, just you can say expansion of letters.
For example LIFE, LOVE, LATE etc... which I have expanded with some meaning ful words.
But hats off to your work.
HI Prasad,
Thank youu soo much ..:) would like to read ur acros tooo ..>:)
:) ..Post them na.....??
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