I’m very much delighted to present to you the first ever guest post in my blog. This has been written by the person who had been the sole reason behind my successful IIT life. He is my best friend and is the one among those whom I feel as my strength. His name is Ravi. He had drafted me his copy and asked me to post it in my blog. Here it goes and I hope you would enjoy reading this…
In the IXth std textbook on history, I remember we had back to back chapters, one on 'Cold War' and the other on 'Disarmament'. After I finished reading these chapters, I had the following thoughts running in my mind:
In the IXth std textbook on history, I remember we had back to back chapters, one on 'Cold War' and the other on 'Disarmament'. After I finished reading these chapters, I had the following thoughts running in my mind:
"The moment I become the Prez of U.S and U.S.S.R, I would declare complete disarmament and no production of nuclear weapons henceforth”. As a child this was very clear and simple for me. But now as an adult this concept of 'complete disarmament' is not very clear and I am starting to ask a few dumb questions on this very simple topic.
“What would be the future of earth after complete disarmament?”
"Wouldn’t it be more safe?"
The answers to these questions are very difficult to figure out and would put any grown up into a spot of bother.
Common Sense Research Studies have indicated that children ask wise questions and adults end up asking the dumb ones which is referred to as 'adult syndrome'. Children ask ‘why’ to most of the statements, which happen to be intelligent questions always. Let us take an example of such an adult syndrome.
"Wouldn’t it be more safe?"
The answers to these questions are very difficult to figure out and would put any grown up into a spot of bother.

A co-passenger asks another waiting for a train,
"When will the train come?”
In my village even the railway station master doesn’t know the arrival time. At the sound of an approaching train, he comes out to ring the bell in anticipation of the train. More often it turns out to be either a super fast express train that doesn’t halt or a train carrying goods.
It has happened countless number of times and yet the grown ups continue to ask him of train's arrival. But I have never seen a child approaching him.
Mark Twain has this rare ability to come up with intelligent answers to such 'adult questions'. He was once asked, "Will I reach this same spot if I walk straight along this road?” pointing to a long straight road ahead.
Mark Twain replied, "Oh Yes, surely. But don’t turn back and don’t turn to your right or left."
Mr. Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary efforts in international diplomacy and to hasten nuclear disarmament. Finally, an U.S Prez is thinking along the same lines of the child within me. However, he has taken just a few steps that are no where near the idea of complete disarmament. It still is a distant dream. But my mother used to say," Dreams have this peculiar feature. They turn to be a reality one day and when least expected".
If only we allowed the child within us to take decisions on such critical issues will that day remain not far away from now!
HI Ravi,
Thank you soo much for this pleasure and honor...
i agree with u in this context..children are the beautiful and the intelligent hearts on the earth..
the questions for their little hearts inspired me many a times...and well said about the disarmament and the corresponding idea of choosing children to decide about it .. :)
Thanks alottt...:)
wow...this feeling is absolutely new to me..being the first commentor in my very own blog...my goodness..
bama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary efforts in international diplomacy and to hasten nuclear disarmament...biggest joke of the millennium..every one knows what he is doing to pakistan
IIT??which one? which course?. am I being over inquisitive?
same is the reason I want to be a child again....
" Dreams have this peculiar feature. They turn to be a reality one day and when least expected". - loved this quote, seriously
firstly its really wonderful to know that u share such a great bond of friendship with Ravi,Prams...touch wood!
congratulations on d first guest post!wonderful thought provoking write up...both u n ur best friend write really well...and so true nothing compares to the honesty and innocence of a child...and the quote in the end is so motivating...wow!
loved this write up!
a great post by Ravi!
keep writing!
God bless you guys!
Congrats for the first ever guest post di..!!!
and Ravi annayya did it beautifully...!!!
good one!!
a world of complete disarmament is a distant dream..and its turning into reality seems even farther a dream..But let's hope against hope that d dream comes true someday..
but Prez Obama getting a Nobel Prize seemed awkward..duh..on what basis man????
I really don't think I am the right one to comment on wheather OBama is eligible for noble or no.
but nice post...good going.
This was a very nice way to say what u said at the end..
I completely agree to it..
the kids in us are more mature ..to take some crucial decisions...and yah sometimes though they are immature..it somehow clicks out...
but i reely loved the way ur friend said it :)
congrats on the first guest post :)...and ravi nicely written dude :)...well i always love the kid in me...he is the one who makes the magic of smiles :)...and yeah sometimes he is very naughty :)..
Hello Prams:
hmmm...your friend hit it right on a point that adults ask dumb questions while kids are more of the precocious types of questions?
but why Prams? anyway? congrats to your friend, my dear...
and yes, I have a problem with my template, have you seen it?
Wowwww...........So Beautiful :) :) Hearty Congratulations For The First Guest Post Dear :) :)
Ur Frd Has Written Extremely Well :) :) Beautiful Thoughts :) :)
what ever u said in the post will be fine if and only if all the people think in that way.. but ask urself a question .. is that possible... if it is really possible ,it also was possible ...
Any ways nice write up ....
i m unable to write any thing for this as an comment...
i m not finding words..what shld i say...
i wanted to say a lot...but is this is a right place...?
dont know... i hv my own views
but one thing that i loved ur post...
i dnt knw i need to be thankful to ravi and shld appreciate ravi ot you....
kudos to both of u...
A child is always honest, sincere, frank, and takes no sides. He sees things exactly as they appear... without the usual biases and prejudices which we supposedly far-knowing adults are wont to do.
To a child, the color black is seen as black. To an adult, the color black is seen alongside varying hues and tones and dilutions and versions of that color.
To a child, a bad man is truly bad. To an adult, a bad man is bad because... then we attach a lot of reasons, excuses, psychological mumbo-jumbo, or explanations to why he is bad.
To a child, a good man is good. Period. To an adult, a good man is good... but. Then we heap on suspicions, innuendos, mistrust, lies, scandals, conspiracies, and half-truths to reduce what is gold down to questionable worthiness.
So I guess unless adults (that means us) learn how to be honest, sincere, frank, and truthful with each other ... disarmament, peace, or some other worthy cause ... will be a long time coming.
Kudos to you and Ravi for this blog team-up! Blessings to you both.
Pramoda / Ravi,
A child has totally uncorrupt mind. He or she looks at world with eyes full of inquisitiveness and innocence. For a child world is one with no differences based on race or wealth. As we grow we are corrupted with selfishness and we start looking at world with " what is in it for me ". That is when wars or greedy deals take off. How I wish we do grow in intellect but with simplicity of thoughts as child intact.
Take care
i keep wondering about barack obama ... how is he gonna feel aftet the time in his present office is over? Thwat man has no mountains left to climb...
a really good post pramoda
made me stop my work and think
i keep wondering about barack obama ... how is he gonna feel aftet the time in his present office is over? Thwat man has no mountains left to climb...
a really good post pramoda
made me stop my work and think
i keep wondering about barack obama ... how is he gonna feel aftet the time in his present office is over? Thwat man has no mountains left to climb...
a really good post pramoda
made me stop my work and think
Hi Ravi,
A halcyon thought, worth to appreciate. I think the Peace prize is awarded to Obama before he completes his task.
I say, complete 'Disarmament' may be possible, but in the very next moment after this, a small weapon (from a bad) comes out and it demands, tries to control the things. How to control this overrule? It may need again some power to frighten the vicious. It is all just my view. :)
congrats dear,..
that last line hit the mark.. lovely!! :)
gooood guest post!! No wonder Our Kalam ji always stresses the importance on a child's ambition and questions!..good guest post indeeeed!
As usual, i have started replying to the comments..and here frst comment is from me..:) ..haha may be ravi will thank me from this ..:)
haha .. :)
@ Anonymous
hey..yaa and also everyone knows what pakisthan is doing for the world..nevertheless, thanks for being here ..
we r frm IIT Delhi .. :) me frm power electrnics and he is frm control systems..
hah .. yeah .. good reason indeed..
HI Sojo,
Thank u...
Ravi and Prams
HI PArzi,
thanks for ur wishes dear..they mean alot to us ..
:) ..and yeah first gues post..am also happy..
Thanks for the comments on the content ..
Ravi and Prams
HI Yamini,
Thanks dear and wishes frm ravi too
hi jaunty,
welcome back and thanks for the comment dear .. :)
Ravi and Prams
no comments frm me on obama at the moment ..
HI Sid,
Thank Youu
Ravi and Prams
HI Priya,
thanks for such a sweet comment and we are very pleased ..
Ravi and Prams
HI Hemanth,
Thank Uuuu..
Ravi and Prams
hi amity
kids are of frsh mind and are very interesting towards things..may be that i sthe reason,,, thank you
Ravi and Prams
whats the probem with template ?
i have not observed..will see
HI Sahana
thanks alottt gal ..
Ravi and Prams
HI Suree,
yeah agreed .. L) ..every body shoud understand this ..
Hi pallav,
welcome back here..
and thakns alottt for ur sweet comment..
Ravi and Prams
HI Ellen,
welcome back my dear..am soo delighted to have u here..ur detailed review is much appriciated ..:)
i dont think i need to say much afre the cmment...it was soo superb as usuall
thanks alott ellen.
Ravi and Prams
HI Jack uncle,
**How I wish we do grow in intellect but with simplicity of thoughts as child intact.
yeah soo true ..:) thanks alottt for the presenc e..
Ravi and Prams
HI Scarlet,
welcome back..:)..soo soo thanks fr ur words..
may be i dont comment on this now ..:) ..
congrats to him ..
hi scarelet,
plz do come here whenever u have some time.. k na..
HI Hemanth,
well said bhayyaa.. loved ur lines .. thanks alott...
HI Vedshree
Thanks ..
Ravi and Prams
HI Vinay
Thank Youu soo much ..
Ravi and Prams
HI Vinay
Thanks alott..:)
Ravi and Prams
HI HArryy
yah ..agree with u abt kalam sir..
and thank uuu soo muchhh ...
Ravi and Prams
hi pramoda,
sorry for being late..very late :)
congrats on your first guest post :)
your friend has written it very well dear :)thought proviking post..yes keeping child in u alive is really difficult :)
HI Suma,
U r alwayss welcome here...:) and thanks for the kind words...:)
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