Sports have always been nearer to my heart. When Bhag Milka Bhag was announced as the Biopic of Milka Singh, the successful Indian sprinter of mid twentieth century, I decided to watch it keeping aside any type of reviews. As the movie opened it's box office collections, it proved that this cricket crazy nation has something to offer for the athletic stories too, but on the screen. After watching the film, and till date, I'm unable to imagine anyone else in the character than Farhan Akhtar. So aptly he had done the job that even critics did not have any other option than praising.
All the efforts Farhan has put into the work out to get the body that he has got have resulted into numerous appreciation. I've as well liked his dedication! Well, it's not just about the body building; as far as I'm concerned, its like this for Farhan Akhtar, before Bhag Milka Bhag and after that. For a man who is just an year short of forty years, taking up the job of doing a film like this is firstly challenging and most importantly very braving. The success he has got after the release of this film has added one more talent of him to his multi-talented kitty which is already almost full. Anyway, there is no limit to such kitty as there is always space for one, it's all up to a person's
determination to add one.
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