Deepika Kumari, the 19 year Archer from Ranchi, has made me go for an awe at number of occasions in the past three years. In 2013, she along with her team has won the gold medal at the Archery world cup in the women recurve event. Indian team won the medal by defeating the Olympic Champions, the Korean team. She has also set three national records in the recently held senior Archery championship. She being hailed from a small town in Jharkhand, the achievements of her and the contributions she made to the Indian and world archery are inspiring.
At an early age she could get the required guidance and facilities in the form of The Tata Archery Academy. I've just learnt from her page in Wikipedia that she never used to miss her target while aiming at the mangoes in her childhood. Even important thing than this is that her parents observed this and did every possible thing to support her in pursuing her talent and interest as her career. That's appreciable. Admirable as well. Had they not done that we would have missed a talent which could become the smiling face of the Indian Archery.
My best wishes to her to go for every possible victory in her career. May she get all that she deserve including the prestigious and precious Olympic gold medal at the Rio Olympics in 2016. All the best Deepika.
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