Please let me know your opinions about my blog; and do let me know your suggestions as well, so that I can improve myself.
The only intension behind this post is to know your opinions, which can make a better ME. It is very important for me to make you understand this point. Please share your views and suggestions. I’m open for the Anonymous comments too…:)…!!!
I never did it, but in this post I want to tell you the title of my next post. It will be “I Too Did Mistakes…” and that will be the 200th.
Thank You for Your Time.
Congrats Pramoda!!Keep up just be the way u are :)All the best!!
only one suggestion...be the way ur ...u always rock in the same way :)..
girl...you are absolutely brilliant with words..and stay that way..congrats once again on the 200th post... looking forward to it
Yeap,you truly rock!one of my favourite blogger you are.i always enjoy reading your post. :)
keep up the good work!!!
hope to see a similar 500th post coming up ;)
No suggestions dear....love the way u are n always right what ur heart feel.. Congrats on 200th post :)
I think your writing is super cool. It would be great to see your posts more often.
jus be the way u r gurl!!dont cnahge for anyone. :) u r good the way u r.
hmmm...nice idea soliciting advise from your blog readers, but i guess my dear Prams, you are unique, and changing for anything because so and so said it is not at all a good thing...it's like trying to fit into what others want and you will lose your personality which is so important to each and everyone of us...:)
i like what's your blogging about babes, no more, no less...
instead, keep on!!!!
have a wonderful and happy 200th post, and am excited to read that soon!
Hey Pramoda,
Congratulations on ur 200th post. You write amazingly well and the thoughts are beautifully expressed. Continue the same. Keep rocking!!
A sign of a good person is what you are showing. It's nice you feel that a post is worth your readers. I like the idea. It is too early for me to suggest anything right now. But all I can do is wish you good luck. I like your blog and I shall be reading whatever you write.
And, thank you for honouring my request and joining my blog. It is wonderful to have you aboard. Take care.
well, if that title is selected out of realization and the need to improve, lemme say yahoooo you are on the right track ...
'know thyself' is all that is needed to make the differnce :-)
You are a very special human being Pramoda. You are in an envious position, but despite that, everytime I've come here, I can only see humility and humbleness. Which is something I totally appreciate in a human being. Money gets to most people's heads, I'm glad you aren't one of them.
What I also like about you the most is your brilliant insights on everything and anything.
Despite your busy schedule, you find the time to write, which just goes to show, how much your interests mean to you, and how no matter what, they'd never take a backseat.
Stay the way you are Pramoda. There isn't another like you :)
Promoda, the wise. Can't add more:)
I love the wisdom in your posts...
which cover both spiritual and emotional aspects :)
I love the way you are.. But still, some of your posts contain just 2-3 lines.. I would love if those concepts are dealt in detail! I love all your posts.
Though I don't comment often (because of time constraints), i read all your posts and its sort of inspiration for me!
Dear Prams,
Good Evening!
Hearty congrats for going to complete 200 post.readers'views are very important for any blogger.they make us grow n move.
in writing never try to be in someone else's shoes!the individuality will be lost!
be honest n true in expressions as usual!best of luck!
wishing you a bright future as a writer,
Be yourself Prams
You are UNIQUE ....
Your blog is nice, lovely,fantastic & unique !!!!!!
Keep blogging you are good :-)
We all love your blog
thats the reason we are coming back
(I'm waiting on your 200th post :-)
congratualtions di...!!
no sugestions..just be the way you always are...you are a better writer every time you write..!!!
you are sweetheart di...anything you write..we accept..!!!
you rock pramoda :)i want ur posts to be the same..all ur posts are awesome ,wonderful :)
Congrats dear :)enjoy ur weekend :)
Hi Pramoda,
I have been visiting your blogs blogs for sometime and think your posts are worth reading - they are quite good.
congrats on your 200th post...but i have many suggestions to give on this blog...some might even hurt you so please donot mind it. I know 200th post is realy gr8 number and experience but a person can make too many mistakes...!! you too must have made isesnit?? but good u kept a open source of input on this blog that can help you to grow...
my suggestions are
1.keep blogging
2. keep writing the way u been doing
3. you have done superb job all these years..i hope u continue to do the way u been doing and in same way..
4. and now comment on my serious theory ??
got scarred na initially....sorry for that..
As i always say.. u write so inspiringly..The interesting thing is u take a simple situation and then u derive some inspiring thing or learning from thing..
If you remember , i have commented on your posts a couple of times that your thoughts are similar to me ... In all these cases. i mean my thoughts of questioning is same.but the way you interpret things is Excellent..
I don't think i can u give u suggestions...
Just keep writing and inspire us...
Congrats Pramoda, a new milestone achieved. I know you would be too excited to publish your 200th post. You write very well. I have only thing to say that continue doing that. Remember always be yourself. We often end up being nowhere in trying to be someone else that we are not. So if we are true to our words then there's no looking back...moreover, they provide a deeper insight into our own self.
Keep up the good work! All the best!
Hey Prams...:)
Congratulations on reaching this great milestone..I'm very happy for you ..Will come back to join your celebrations..!
You rock babe!
P.S: I'm your 100th follower..!
Evr Lovin
A new begining
hii.. thank you..:)
Hi Hemanth, thank you..
HI Sulagna, thanks for being there..:)
Hi Sunakshi, well.. am so glad abt it..:) Thanks yaa
Hi Tanmaya, i too look forward fr it..:) thanks ..:)
@ Ordinary gal
hey gal.. thank youuu:)
HI Swapna, yeah i will try my best..:) thank you for ur interest..
hi Ria. thank you..
hi Amity, thank you soo much fr being thr with my every ost..am soo glad to have u here..:) and i would expect the same throuout..
Hi Sapi, thank you..:)
thank you prabhu ..:) so nice to have u here ..:)
Prabhu, its my pleasure too to visit you..:)
hi deeps, thank alotttt..:)
Hi Tranquility,
am soo grateful to you to have said such nice words and thank u for ur interet here..:)
soo nice of you..
Hi Holy lama, thank you..:)
HI Priya, thanks yaa..
hi SHruti,
thats an awesome one yaa.. thank you..
yaa will try to do that..:)..so nice to have u here and its always my wondderful pleasure to know ur views..:) Thanks gal..
Hi Anu, thanks alot for such a nice sugession..:)
Hi anya, thanks alott..:)
Hi Yamini, you r the sweetest sis toooo..:) Thanks yaaaaaaaa///
Hi Suma, thank you gal..:)
Hello indrashish, thank you for ur interest and pls be here in ur free time..:)
Hi Prajyot, as i mentione din my 200th post today, i started taking every comment posiively.. so i didnt scare while reading the first couple of lines..:)..heheh..
any ways.. nice views and am so glad to have you here.. thank youu..:)
HI Suresh,
yeah i remember you saying that you also had the same views..:)..so nice of that and i'm happy that i give you surprises by writing ur views too..:)
Hi Amritbir, its soo nice to have our vies and thank you very much for the nice suggstions.. i tak ethem and i look forward to have ur encouragement..:)
HI Sopp....
Many thanks for being the 100th follower..am soo excited and soo happy t have you there especiallyyy...
:).. and thanks for ur constant encouragement right since the first article of my post..:)..its soo wonderful to have you here always and it makes me special to myself when i get comments of you being the person who know me personallyy for years ...
thank youu for everything...:)
Belated comment pl excuse.
Congratulations on reaching 200 milestone.Keep up the good work.
I type in MS Word, edit, spell/grammar check before posting in blog.Still mistakes creep in mine.You may also like to do that if you aren't doing it already
Please do share ur best and im sure ur the best congratulations
Please do share ur best and im sure ur the best one sharing with us congratulations
hii..dropping here after a very long time..was away actually..Congrats dear for reaching such a gr8 milestone, and wish many more such celebrations come along yr way..
It's always a great pleasure reading you..always i get to learn somethin from your thoughts provoking instincts..rlly a wonderful blog,enjoyed by all..keep going dear..keep up yr nice work..thnx 4 sharing all yr thoughts wid us..lovely blog you have..!!!
Pramoda,late to wish, but its better late than never right, :)
Congrats for the remarkable milestone..
200 posts is a great achievement considering quality along with the quantity you have done extremely well,but do remember this also gifts you some responsibilities,as you are a sachin fan you may know that,The way you portray your thoughts are interesting, maybe once in a month u can surprise the readers with a topic something totally different(it can be a change in style too),It doesnt mean that now there is no variety,I was referring to surprises & I know u can :)
Hi Prams,
I am very very sorry for my late to give you few of my views. I hope your 200th post would have been published by this time before I am giving this comment and my views.
But achieving such a big milestone within less amount of time is a reward for you.
1. I am very much enjoyed your posts, gives me wonderful thoughts on all, although some of them are never get think by me.
2. I like your self inspiration and self motivation to learn english, and you learnt alot. the way you are expressing your feelings shows you are emotional, your anxiety beyond the facts given by you.
3. But sometimes I feel some spicyness is lost in your posts(entirely my own openion as a reader, but I dont know what is it) ofcourse everyone will not be perfect at all time. But becoming perfectness is one of the good achievements.
4. I feel most of your posts are girl oriented posts( it shows your partiality on boys ... hhahaha just giving view not comment ok naa... )
5. But I liked your romantic or love oriented posts. They give awesome feeling sometimes, which I miss in my life, may be need to wait some more time to achieve it. hahahha
These are some of my views. Just consider them if they costs.
Ok have nice life ahead. tc bye bye
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