Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I don’t envy anyone’s success;
Where I don’t mind anyone’s comments;
Where I live my life in the way I want to;
Where I respect my soul more than anyone;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I get inspired of criticism;
Where I breathe the spirits of humanism;
Where I walk through the way I love;
Where I admire the most possible;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I can prove myself to my soul;
Where I can accept people to their core;
Where I don’t get angry to shout at people;
Where I live life with the calmest reality;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I won’t speak about people in their absence;
Where I won’t regret for being so stern at times;
Where I accept my mistakes with a humble sorry;
Where I don’t mind to give away the most wanted;
Now, the biggest question…
WHO will take me through all these?
Though I knew the answer, I failed to enlighten it so far. I believed that time would change my feelings, my heart slowly. But NO. Suddenly, today morning I was woken up by a thought saying that “Time is what we live it and Life is what we make it”…and hence I got realized that I shall take myself through all the above said possibilities. I shall be responsible for every single aspect.
This is how I want to take this challenge of life…
I will write a post with my achievements on next December 6th. I will tell you how many of the above ones could come make it to my lap.
Where I don’t envy anyone’s success;
Where I don’t mind anyone’s comments;
Where I live my life in the way I want to;
Where I respect my soul more than anyone;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I get inspired of criticism;
Where I breathe the spirits of humanism;
Where I walk through the way I love;
Where I admire the most possible;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I can prove myself to my soul;
Where I can accept people to their core;
Where I don’t get angry to shout at people;
Where I live life with the calmest reality;
Oh my life, take me through the days,
Where I won’t speak about people in their absence;
Where I won’t regret for being so stern at times;
Where I accept my mistakes with a humble sorry;
Where I don’t mind to give away the most wanted;
Now, the biggest question…
WHO will take me through all these?
Though I knew the answer, I failed to enlighten it so far. I believed that time would change my feelings, my heart slowly. But NO. Suddenly, today morning I was woken up by a thought saying that “Time is what we live it and Life is what we make it”…and hence I got realized that I shall take myself through all the above said possibilities. I shall be responsible for every single aspect.
This is how I want to take this challenge of life…
I will write a post with my achievements on next December 6th. I will tell you how many of the above ones could come make it to my lap.

I’m responsible for everything that happens in my life; Either good or bad; Either success or failure; Either enjoyment or sadness; Either life or death; I’m the only person who is responsible for myself;
This is the challenge which I’m accepting today for a better tomorrow. Please wish me all the best. Thank You.
PS: If I did bother you with many “I”s in this post, I’m so sorry. I too hate the fact that it has got many “I”s in it, but yes, it had to be like that.
Well..surely life is a challenge..n u gotta fight it out...
Besteez 4 ur venture!!
"I’m responsible for everything that happens in my life"
I always wonder are we really responsible for what ever happens in our life! Of course we are responsible for the choices we make. But then we make the choices with no clue what the out come is going to be, right?!
All the best with your life :)
Can I copy your challenge idea??
By the way I loved the poem!
true.. well said :))
loved the poem :))
byeeeeeee take care
One more lover of your piece-ME :)
May god bless ya with best of everything :)
Hi Prams,
Your poem is very nice. And there is one poet in you.
Good Decision taken by you, and also this is a good challenge for you. And you promised that you will take it as challenge and will provide us some of them as success of you.
OK ALL THE BEST .. go a head with all enthu. and I dont forget the date Dec 6th, since you know the reason. hhahahaha
Have a nice day byeeeeeee
Pramoda, life sure takes us through a lot of things...Heaven and hell are both right here on earth dearie...Lovely poem! Vices many a times seem dominating than the virtues...but ultimately, what one does is what seems right to that person alone cause lot of things are subjective in life! So wishing you the best to achieve all that YOU desire!
Hey Prams,
such a wonderful poem wishing everyone could live by it...much more, i wished, too!
if we can be like what you wish to in your poem, then this world will be a better place to live in!
wonderful thoughts my dear and well-laden with virtues and morals! ...as it has always been with all your post!
Hi! Pramoda,
Oh My life, give me the right attitude..
All the best wishes... :)
Hi Pramoda, thanks for your constant feedback on my blog. A wonderful challenge that you have taken up; indeed we should all be following those things and make this place a much better place to live in. Thanks for sharing such a nice poem.
Hope you are doing well!
This is Anamika Tiwari from Webneetech.com.
We found your blog interesting and would like to feature your interview on our website.
Please contact us on i.webneetech@gmail.com for more details.
Hey Prams...
A Very congratulations to you....
I am very happy that you are getting interviewed. I hope it is very rare opportunity for everybody... I dont know how many of bloggers got interviewed till now.. But you are special to me .. and I felt really very very happy on seeing this...
Enjoy these moments ok naa...
All the best.. and keep it up forever.
Also I need to see many more interviews on you...
all the best di...your journey is defly gonna be special...but to make it still more special...juss KEEP SMILING....!!!
All the best di..!!
Naive and innocence are not for the world. Follow conscience judiciously and you'll pen less of such soul searching poems.
Really touching words today
but its almost the truth ...
Hi Prams, we all have days/ weeks like these. I think writing does wonders for it. i hope you conquered some of your challenges and I'm looking forward to reading about here.
Sounds like a resolution and a serious one for that matter :) Liked the post Pramoda and especially loved the spirit in it:)
May life spread good time in beautiful colours for you to enjoy!
Beautiful Lines. Fabulous Poem :) :) Wish You Success In All Prospects Of Life :) :) Curiously Waiting For December 6th Post :) :)
Dear Pramoda,
Good Morning from Hyderabad!but you never called me!so sad.
now leaving this wonderful city by evening flight!48-Hour bandh spoiled the outing n winter funk bt I am happy I could publish two posts.
I think,you have already started thinking on NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!
we are judged by our actions!
Thanks for your positive thoughts!
have a great day ahead!
"Time is what we live it, Life is what we make it"!!!! The best lines said...
Iam from the same school of thought too.. though many disagre.. i refuse to let others be responsible for my life. I refuse to to blame them and I refuse to let them be responsible!!
That you have realised it is a beginning in itself.. now no one can stop you from succeeding.. for the simple reason that they have no right to.
And by the way.. though it sounds egoist.. I is good. for, its YOUR life.
First, the "I" is not what it is portrayed to be. "I" does not have to portray ego. Frankly, it does not. And those preach "I" is ego, are trying to fight their own ego.
Back to this post, the poem is so nice. It is one of those days when you sit and "really" think of life. Think if this is how you wished to live life - indifferent, self-centred, selfish, envious, angry, frustrated, and so on. These are the days you "listen" to yourself. All of this is very brilliantly put in the stanzas. But remember, life is very short as well. So don't take yourself too seriously.
Wishing you all the best - to be cheerful, lovely and lively. Cheers. :-)
you took me through a ride of enlightenment and merriment all together. i think the spin in my head just found peace thanks to you :)
as your go on accepting, I pledge to do the same even if I break down in the middle to cry a bit
all the very best dear...
i know for sure you'll come out with flyin colors...:).. keep smiling:)..
sure like Rajini says " yur life is in yur hands" :) ....thanks..cya around
Fabulous way of converting your inner voice to beautiful Stanzas.
Its very Good Pramoda.
I too agree with most of the things. But at the same time I got a question. "Are we solely responsible for what had happenend in our life?"
All the very best n looking for your on post 6th Dec'10
wow..loved the poem..amazing..
Very well said.
Gud luck with ur challenge..:)
Lovely poem and a very inspiring set of goals you have set for yourself.. May you be successful in your endeavours....
HI Jaunty, Thank you soo much.
of course we can only choose and work, but ya, i dont agree to say that my life is not in my hands, somehow i stick to what i said.. somethings may infuense our lives, but influence can no more work until u accept and u bow your head to it.. this is what i feel. Thanks for ur opinion Sojo.
@ Cursed
hey sure.. Nce of you.
hi CHaco lover,
thanks alot re..
Hi Sunakshi, thats soo kind of you. Thanks alot.
HI PRasad, thanks fr the encouragement.. will definetly share them..:)
Thanks again..
hi Raksha..
**Vices many a times seem dominating than the virtues...but ultimately, what one does is what seems right to that person alone cause lot of things are subjective in life!
Thats soo wisely said..thanks for sharing ur words..:)
hi Amity,
thats soo nice.. thanks alottt..:)
Hi RD..simple..:) Thanks
hi AMritbir,
thanks alott..:)its so pleasure to read ur space..
HI ANamika, thank yu so much. It was my pleasure to answer the interview..
HI PRasad, thanks for that..:)am also happy fr the same..:)
hi Yamini, thanks alottt..:)
hi Holy Lama,
thats soo true..thank you.
hi ANya, thanks yar..
hi Ju, Thanks alott..:)
@ A new begining
hey thanks.yaa serious one onlyy :)
hi Sahana, thanks dear...
hey ANu, as i said in ur blg, i dont stay in hyd re..:(..
thank you.
hi Ria, thanks yar..
HI Tanmaya, thanks alott.. nice to see u from the same school :) ..:) all the best to u too..
Hi Prabhu,
thank you. yaa life is short, so whatever i have to be, i need to do in short span..either seriously or joyfully, one life and one chance to prove what you are..
HI AD, that ssoo wnderful.. thanks and all the best..
hi Nanditha, thanks dear and am so glad of your confidence..
hi Hary..so u r a fan of Rajni.. good ..me too..:)
HI MAdan, thats soo nice to see u here..and thanks alott..:) will surely do it on next 6th..
HI Vani, thank you soo much ..:) and welcome here..
hi Vish, thanks for the wishes..:)
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