Should I write about my irregularity at your blogs?
Or should I scribble my thoughts that have been ruining my mind since last two days?
Or should I write about my last night’s experience of suffering from the power cut?
Or should I pour the feelings that have been wrenching my heart at the moment?
Well, better I would go with the last one.
Yes, I’m in all pain. Though my tears are not out now, they were surely there on their way a moment back. What makes my mind now?
It isn’t a personal problem. It isn’t a professional problem. I don’t know whether you feel silly, if I say that the one thing that has been haunting me since few minutes is the result of today’s cricket match between India and Australia at Hyderabad.
Yes, this post is all about cricket. If you don’t have any interest, please drop out here itself. And to give you a quick message: I have been spending busy time, and unable to adjust my time for blogging, and that has been the reason for my absence at your blogs. Please let me have my time and come back to you, thank you.
Well, coming back to the subject of the post:
I must appreciate the efforts of Marsh, Watson, Sachin, and Raina for their incredible efforts to make this special day of cricket. The commentator use to say that finally cricket would win. And I’m inline with them now; today cricket has won over and above the talented Australians.
But I’m still unable to digest the fact that we have lost the game!!!
We lost it and that is it!!
After all, one should win and the other should accept the pain. Let us accept it. This is how the universe moves!Congratulations to the master, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, on reaching some very huge milestones of is cricketing career. Hope to see many more from you my dear sir. All the very best.
One quick question to the critics who barrel their comments at the little master, Sachin Tendulkar, saying that his century in the second innings has never won a game for India, except VERY few times.
Is it Sachin’s stupidity to make a century in a game or is it the stupidity of his critics who blame him even after contributing his best?
Apart from the match, the only lose that I see from his today’s encounter is the way he has lost the chance to make a winning shot. Had he knocked that he would have been the happiest man, I believe. The anguish could be felt in his eyes.
Any way, thank you for making my evening Sachin.
I want to be specific here. I would expect to read a point to point discussion in the comments section, if at all you want to write anything. To be frank, I’m not expecting much response to this post. If at all you want to say any thing, please only mention about the question asked above. But please don’t step in to other areas, by mentioning about his age, his retirement, his that…his this…etc. I believe, no one can be as best as him to talk about these issues.
Finally, we lost the match by just little margin. Any way, I always said, and I reiterate:
India can beat any team on it’s day and can lose to any team as well. Whatever you do, we love you guys. Play well and win the hearts. We are with you.
Hi Prams...
Here I came with my comments...
Point raised by you...
@"After all, one should win and the other should accept the pain. Let us accept it. This is how the universe moves!"
Its absolutely true. If you dont accept the truth you will loose everytime. If you respect your loose, you gain it other time.
Its a game, that sometimes some one will win and sometimes others. If Game is won everytime by one team, audiance would get bore at it, even they show no interest on it. Perhaps these are humps and dumps at every aspect and they teach us lessons when we fail or defeat.
So Prams, dont worry, India will won in the next match, they will do it and Critics are the critics when something wrong happens, but again they are the one who shows their head down when we success.
Now question raised by you
1. Should I write about my irregularity at your blogs?
Hey its not irregularity shown by you, its your busyness and interest towards cricket shown by you. Its again a dedication on some work I can say.... right?
2. Should I scribble my thoughts that have been ruining my mind since last two days?
hahahah I dont know what thoughts ruining your mind. but be cool and keep smiling always... Have a nice day...
3. Should I write about my last night’s experience of suffering from the power cut?
Hey, you should not feel about it, since there are crores of people are suffering from no power and food in our country. I hope you know it. Just help them then you will get real releif and even
more comfortness.
Hi Prams,
I thought you'll gonna write about a heartache and upon reaching about your disappointment on what transpired on the last cricket game you've watched? I smiled...:)
of course i'm no cricket lover Prams but whatever pain it gave you, that just or that even part of the game...:)
nurse your heartache dear but not for long...:)
good morning!!!
Sorry you lost, I did however enjoyed the post.
The comment box should be open for the readers to express thier views without any constraints.In your hero worship for the great player,you have imposed lot of conditions on what to write and what not to virtually leading the reader by his nose to a specific area.
I agree that his tremendous feat took India close to a victory and it is not his fault if the match had been lost despite his contribution.You have estopped me from pointing out that generally his great scores come when India loses.I would rather wish India winning.The next two matches will be stressful for India when they play with their backfoot.All of us are sorry that India, to use the cliche, snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as we are wont to
I am not that into cricket but yeah i was following the match yesterday....lost in a real bad way!! 3 runs was too short a margin. Really liked wht u hav said in the end. Good to c someone so supportive despite India losing yesterday.
Pramoda believe me i stopped eating half way through when we lost..i was actually angry with he players down the order of batting.. shamefull!!
but then come to think of it..11 shoulders carrying the hopes and expectations of a nation..not fair
i am sure we will come around..The spirit in us wont give up so soon..and next time i am sure you will write something after our next victory
hmmm........Well Written Dear.....I Didnt see the match bcoz of my exams.....but, I know India Lost The match & Sachin Did 175runs.....which is great[according to me].....
I am still not able to digest that we lost the match ...
Yesterday i wanted sachin to hit 200 and india to win which will make critics to shut their mouths...
One more thing which i wasn't able to digest is India wasn't able to hit 18 runs with 4 wkts in hand.
As you said Cricket won yesterday, but we(India) lost :( ...
Inwas dumbstruck when i got to knwo that India lost...coz it was supposed to win the match....and i was expecting this post from u di..!!!
Congratulations to Master Blaster..!!!
Dear, let see this way...may be we should i guess..!!!
"we dint loose the match....we gave the opponent to we also want to taste the pleasure of loosing..!!!"
sounds stupid...but a kind of positive side to every loss in life..!!! hahaha...
hi prams di,
yeah India can beat any team on any day. We lost by 3 runs so it was not a big deal coz they tried alot to fight back specially sachin sir.. we had already won the previous matches with big margins which was great..
byeeeee take care and smile :)
Oh Prams, Cheer up. All will be well again in the sports world and it's alright to be busy. You need to live your life away from the computer as well. We still all love you!
Love Di
Oh Dear! Don't cry! They win some lose some! Dont worry. The Indian team has great resilience :)
Hi Prasad,
yeah..we will get bored if it is won by only one side every time..:)as australians felt borred when their team had been th enumber one .. hehe now they tense..:)
SOo true ..well said..Thank youu
HI Prasad, thanks for the answers..:)
Yaa many ppl sufer frm power cuts..but my case was different.. hehh we dint pay the bil so they cut the power hehehe..;( ..
it may not hutrt more when u are a part o power cut area..but it hurts when u r alone heheh
and thanks for the wishes prasad..
thoughts use to ruin my mind..thats y i wrte tehse many posts ..:)
Will come up with them soon..
Hi Amity,
Thanks for the lovelyy words..:) I feel better now..:)
hi Yvonne..
Thank you dear..
Hi Partha uncle,
Thank youu for this...
i kept the restriction on comment especially for sachin..i dont want him to be commented fr no reason..ppl say many thigs abt him as if they have been undergoing the 20 years of his cricketing career..
so i just put that..:)
thanks for the encouragement..we hop fo rthe best..:)
and yaa uncle, ppl use to say that, we lost matches when he made big scores..:(..its his bad luck..
Hi Ria,, yeah,,3 runs is very short margin..:(..but its ok..they fought till the last ball having had the nar impossible total on board..
HI sulagna,
ayyoo ..dont stop eating Lol..:) hurrts but we r indians.. we can face any things with smile.. :)
Lets hope for the best..
HI Sahana, its truly great..especially after doing a 50 overs of fielding, in his age..:) its superb .
hi suree... yeah..we lost...:(...but any way today there is one morematch sooo..lets encourage ..
HI Yamini,
hahah..yaa positive thinking...but yaar ausies is oneof the best need that opponents shoul dgive them the match, but they pull it frm them..:( ...
Thanks sis...
HI Hary., good statement made by u ..;) Thank youuu
HI Chaco lover..thank youu ..yeah keep smiling...
HI Diana,
Thanks for the lovelyy message..:) ..
with love
HI Tranqulity,
yeah..we have got the best resilience ever..:)
Thank youuu
Hi Pramoda!
World cup was brought to india by kapil,but cricket found its roots in the millions of indains minds through Sachin,and he is the only reason that created wealth for BCCI ,so i dont think there needs any more reasons to justify ones love for sachin and the critics...they need to say something to prove their existence...not like let them :)
Kids blunder made india a close fixture and chance of getting 200 for sachin guess who is d kid its jadeja god its a bad team effort and fedex lost agnst novak at home crowd well job novak after two months im visiting ur blog its really nice keep posting tc
hi RD,
Thats soo well said.. agree with u ..I like kapil dev too ..:)
Thank you for sharing ur idea..:)
hi Zanskarite,
well...well... Wlcome back here..was missing u ..
yeah..zadeja needs more time to get settel well.
:) Come back again..:)
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