The very first thing that I loved about this movie is the title itself. ‘2012’ is the gorgeous title that can bring audience to the theaters. The movie hadn’t required much publicity, as most of the world is already aware of the predictions on the devastations that are said to be happened in 2012.
Well, I’m not here to write the movie review. Still, to brief my movie experience, I would say, the future catastrophes had been touchingly depicted. The story line was sensitively written, though some laziness had been shown in the screen play. The director was technically correct about the earth’s phenomena, though some commercial aspects were missing throughout. On the whole, it was a warm and earth-quaking experience.
Apart from all the devastations those have been shown, there are few aspects in which I learned some lessons for my life. Here I go…
Tea cup and the human mind…
** There was a scene in which Lama explained one interesting fact of life to his fellow-person. The Lama started to fill the first cup with tea. Once the cup was full, he started to fill another
cup. But this time he kept on pouring tea into it, even though it was full and overflowing. ((Sorry for the pic here, I could not get the overflowing cup, so I kept this overflowing glass))
As the fellow person indicated the overflow, the Lama said “Human mind is also like a tea cup. To get new drops of tea into the cup, you have to empty the cup first. Similarly, to get new thoughts in to mind, you have to clean the older thoughts time to time”
How true!!!
I have been experiencing this fact practically in my life. But I observed the same only after hearing and understanding him. To give you a simple example, I take my blog as the subject now. If you see my previous month’s posts, I almost posted one per day. Many of my readers asked me how I get those in-depth thoughts every day. One of my good friends made a step further asked me if all the day I sit and only think!! I loved those though.
This month, I haven’t been expressing my thoughts time to time because of my tight schedule. Hence, I’m not getting any new thoughts in to my mind. Though they come once in a while, they go in vain after being entertained for a smaller duration.
May be, it time for me to clean my mind!! I’ll do.
“Make Time”
The US president had been hurried up by his chief advisor to step in to the ‘Air force one’ so that they would escape the incoming Tsunami.
President: Please give me some time
Chief: We don’t have any time sir.
President: I want few seconds, for my prayer.
Chief: Mr. President, we have to rush, we don’t have any time.
As the discussion heated up, the president would shout at the chief and at the other officials “Make Time…” the chief vacated the room and the door was closed.
Later, the president decided to stay back in the US and prepared himself to get collapsed along with his own people, being the last president of the United States of America. This along with his last address to the US people touched my heart.
Coming back to “Make Time…”…
Yeah, it’s true, at least for me in these days especially. It is up to me how I adjust and arrange my time so that I would do justice to my inner self. I have not been able to do it since some days, and from now, I decided to do it only for my sake.
Thanks to ‘2012’ for being such an inductive in the two most important aspects of my life. Let us see how the learning works.
I don’t know what is going to happen in 2012, but one thing is for sure that there are some alarming issues across the globe as on today, and most of them are man made. So, it is up to us how to ensure that the earth would carry us longer.
"Let us do our best to hope for the best"
Well, I’m not here to write the movie review. Still, to brief my movie experience, I would say, the future catastrophes had been touchingly depicted. The story line was sensitively written, though some laziness had been shown in the screen play. The director was technically correct about the earth’s phenomena, though some commercial aspects were missing throughout. On the whole, it was a warm and earth-quaking experience.
Apart from all the devastations those have been shown, there are few aspects in which I learned some lessons for my life. Here I go…
Tea cup and the human mind…
** There was a scene in which Lama explained one interesting fact of life to his fellow-person. The Lama started to fill the first cup with tea. Once the cup was full, he started to fill another

As the fellow person indicated the overflow, the Lama said “Human mind is also like a tea cup. To get new drops of tea into the cup, you have to empty the cup first. Similarly, to get new thoughts in to mind, you have to clean the older thoughts time to time”
How true!!!
I have been experiencing this fact practically in my life. But I observed the same only after hearing and understanding him. To give you a simple example, I take my blog as the subject now. If you see my previous month’s posts, I almost posted one per day. Many of my readers asked me how I get those in-depth thoughts every day. One of my good friends made a step further asked me if all the day I sit and only think!! I loved those though.
This month, I haven’t been expressing my thoughts time to time because of my tight schedule. Hence, I’m not getting any new thoughts in to my mind. Though they come once in a while, they go in vain after being entertained for a smaller duration.
May be, it time for me to clean my mind!! I’ll do.
“Make Time”
The US president had been hurried up by his chief advisor to step in to the ‘Air force one’ so that they would escape the incoming Tsunami.
President: Please give me some time
Chief: We don’t have any time sir.
President: I want few seconds, for my prayer.
Chief: Mr. President, we have to rush, we don’t have any time.
As the discussion heated up, the president would shout at the chief and at the other officials “Make Time…” the chief vacated the room and the door was closed.
Later, the president decided to stay back in the US and prepared himself to get collapsed along with his own people, being the last president of the United States of America. This along with his last address to the US people touched my heart.
Coming back to “Make Time…”…
Yeah, it’s true, at least for me in these days especially. It is up to me how I adjust and arrange my time so that I would do justice to my inner self. I have not been able to do it since some days, and from now, I decided to do it only for my sake.
Thanks to ‘2012’ for being such an inductive in the two most important aspects of my life. Let us see how the learning works.
I don’t know what is going to happen in 2012, but one thing is for sure that there are some alarming issues across the globe as on today, and most of them are man made. So, it is up to us how to ensure that the earth would carry us longer.
"Let us do our best to hope for the best"

thats very nice of u to post this pramoda....:)....yes its good to learn these aspects from the move...and indeed human mind is a cup putting everything and making it unstable....very nicely written of ur learning ....take care..have a nice day...
Hi Prams!
I very much liked Lama's thoughts on "emptying tea cup in a sense that it's a way of having some more as in our thoughts, we have to empty some to have new thoughts...:)
Very nice post Prams and as a usual observation, full or morals from beginning to end...:)
have a great day dear!
Very informative post... worked as an eye opener to me... Nice write up... :))
havent watched it yet ..
heard that it s making waves n ripples everywhere ... ummmm
A most interesting write, I have not heard of the film here but it sounds a good film.
Take care and be happy.
hi prams di,
how r u? nice 'am looking forward to watch the movie
I am amazed at how you brought out very important lessons from the movie which otherwise not a great one... really we need to 'Make Time'
wonderful post dear..thought provoking as usual..luved Lema's thoughts..very truly said, we need to empty the older thoughts to get new ones..thnx 4 sharing...nd ya, i always luv reading you, even me think same as yr friend told you..nice dear..keep going..!!!
Superb post,... in many ways you have written thoughts that also come to my mind..
Hi Prams,
I really want to see this movie. I love your thoughts on it and the fact that you didn't give away the story! You are such a clever gal!
Love to you Prams, Di
Amazing interesting post :-)
It was a pleasure to read it !!
Or that movie also is in The netherlands I don't now ...
Have a wonderful evening
cool,so we have to build a fence eh!
or emptying means...clear mind atleast thought should be vacated for a short span.
Nice one.
hi dear,
sorry was a bit busy these days..i too saw the movie dear..but the way u have expressed it is so very beautiful!! :) :) loved ur post..:D
Good lessons drawn from the movie. Now coming to the prediction of Mayan calender. I do not know if there are any basis for this but we may face much bigger catastrophe if mad persons lay their hands on nuclear arsenal.
Take care
Planning to see it this weekend. Has created a rage here in cochin
Quite popular movie here at the moment :) It's still running in the cinemas :)
lovely post gurl!! :) Really like the way u wrote the post.
Hi Prams, good to read your review, I think I will feel depressed after watching this movie although I would love the see the special effects.
i am going for the movie on thanksgiving!!yaay!!
not seen d movie nd no plan 2 c it in dis lifetime....:P
Hi! Pramoda,
That was gr8,we dont get to see movies at my place,so wont mind even if u come up with reviews :) cleaning by emptying? confused on that word,Is emptying or deleting
possible as long as memories exist, do we need to stack thoughts so it may serve as a foundation to new thoughts by which we can deliver something more creative,
Hey! me too getting confused,so nothing more...have a nice day :)
you are excitin me actually u always do with ur writing :)
i m gonna watch it!
you are excitin me actually u always do with ur writing :)
i m gonna watch it!
Hey Prams...yeah i saw this movie and the Lama scene truly a lovely one!thts the truth of life...and yes..MAKE TIME when yu have one...yu'd never know wat'll happen later.. good write!
Heard about the movie,bt didnt watch i am gonna look after it....sounds interesting.....
Hi Pramoda,
After a long time, I have open your blog to visualise whats new in it.
First of all I was dumb to look over very few posts in it. And I thought that am I true what I am looking at. And also about to ask this, what happened to Prams, posting less posts. Later going into the deep of your latest post I have found more content than the container.
I have got good stuff from this post. One should manage his time to satisfy his innerness. Till now I too didnt satisfy my innerfeel. I too will start to sacrifise some time to it and will do something which gives good self satisfaction. Thanks for this inspiration dear... Have a nice journey in the life...
I loved the movie too...
And the part where the old man calls up to talk to his son in Japan is touching, ain't it...I loved his granddaughter...cutee!!!
A nice one.. :)
Apart from what you have mentioned, I also see an INDIAN in this film.
I was sorry to watch only those people who have lot of money and presidents of some countries were only supposed (initially) to get into that 'BIG SHIP' to save their lives.
u know how much i want to see this movie...but after reading your ost..i like it more than ever...!!!
Being the movie had bombed at boxoffice i enjoyed 2012 very much and the intro of hero is simple and powerful the scene tht had picturised in california and tht car going thr the building even the structure at the verge of the failure yeah lot more lessons for the future in a simple way how great the way he explained i just love it can sachin score another milestone at his home ground?
Hi! Pramoda,
Missing from the blogsphere?,
very unlikely of you,
Kya Hua? writers block ?
HI DEAR LONG TIMEE hw r u?:)...
nice point u noticed....tats the only thing i liked in the movie though...he he.....loved reading ur posts like always:)..
take care
i too have loved the movie to the core.
that rich man carried so many luxury cars instead of other human beings but when it came to life everything was left behind. the same man refused to take his girlfriend with him coz he suspected her of infidelity but at d last moment he preferred his son's life over his.
anyways how are u pramoda? sorry i havnt been to ur place for such a long time. not into blogging at all thz days :(
take care :)
Yeah sehwag blisttering knock even 3 drop catches wont stop him lucky india
i saw the movie dear...and i loved it...awesome awesome movie..!!!
Hi Hemanth,
thats well said..and thank you so much..:)
Hi AMity,
Lovelyyy...Thank Youuuu..:)
Hi Sapi..Thanks gal..
hi Deeps,
watch it re..its good ..:)
hi Yvonne..
yaa..its a good movie..:) Thank You.
Hi Chaco lover, it dear..:) Am fine and doing good..
hi DHiman, thank you soo much..
hi Madhu..thats how i like reading comments in my blog..thanks for the encouragement dear..:) :)
Hi glad of that..thank you.
hi DIana..thank youu soo much ...:)
hi Anya..hope u see the movie soon..:)
hi COol drizle..thanks for that..
Hi SUma, thats ok..thank you..
hi Uncle, yeah lets try to stop the same..thank you..
hi lama..soo sweet thank you..
hi rosh...woww..thats grt...
hi Ria..many thanks..
hi too some how littleee distrube..but could com eout soon..njoy the movie..
hey rush..good..u must have seen it by now..
HI it na..:)
hi RD..yaa...its in two ways is cleaning by emptying..and another is getting rlaxed by cleaning..:) Every thing is possible..:..its k ..:) THank You..
HI AD..thanks gal..hope u watched it by now.. grt..thank you..well said..
hi Escapist..yeag its wonderful one..
HI Prasad..good decision..:) bust these days ..soo could not make it..:)
hi Jaunty.,..yeah that was a touching scene..:)
HI Hemanth..yeah..only those ppl could make it..but yaa..saving every one would have been superficial..thanks.
hi yamini...its really a good one..u must have enjoyed no??
hi zanskarite..:)..yaa..some scenes were eatch=quacking..heh..:) pcc..sachin missed it..:(..
hi zanskarite..:)..yaa..some scenes were eatch=quacking..heh..:) pcc..sachin missed it..:(..
HI back..thanks for this special comment..:)
hi Nanditha..haha..soo nice..thank you..
HI Preetilata, nice to have u here ...its probs that u ddnt make it..
it was a good movie..:) Thanks re..
Hi Zanskarite, yeah lucky india..:) we won nowww..part timeeee..
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