“Love the present, because any way you are going to love it in the future”
It is not as much easy as it is being written down. Well, I’m aware of it though. But, I just want to give it a try, to make it happen and hence to experience the difference. Hope my previous post would justify this.

Note: Extreme situations are not to be considered please…
Proceedings: Regarding my take home #1, well I have been implementing the Thanks giving, yet not completely. May be, I need to be little more conscious in the way I speak the word ‘Thanks’. Its not just about saying ‘thanks’, it is preferably about conveying the other person that I’m thankful to him/her. I’ll do it.
Read both posts now. It is law of nature that when little one grows, of any specie, it flies away. In case of humans bond with parents remains. No matter where we may be we are still mentally close to them. We must live present meaningfully well as it will be past soon to have memories - fond or sad.
Take care
S, True Dear :D
Pramoda, have u locked ur another blog, voice of a gal.......
“Love the present, because any way you are going to love it in the future”
hmmm :)
The quote expressed hear related to the prevoius blog(post)
Nice one..
nice one Di..!!!
and i totally agree with the first line of your post and i can tell u...its very true....as i experience it..!!!
lovely post...!!!
Hai Jack,
Thanks for sharing your views.
** We must live present meaningfully well as it will be past soon to have memories - fond or sad.
Soo well said, Thank You.
Hai Sahana,
Thanks ALot ...
Actually, i have been writing a story there; so, i just wanted to restrict its view..
Dont mind.. give me ur gmail id, i will send u the invitation..
Take Care
Hi Prasad,
Yeah, this quote is related to the previous post .. :)
Thank You
Hi Prasad,
Yeah, this quote is related to the previous post .. :)
Thank You
Hi Yamini,
Thanks Alott..!!!
I was missing you here...welcome back..:)
Take Home for me too..:)
I appreciate your effort of sharing these wonderful lessons of life..!
Go Ahead..We can learn and live with blog..! U proved it..:)
HI Sopp...
Thank You sooo much dear.. This sharing is giving me a chance to feel happy, and i'm cherishing the pleasure to share with u all wonderful people..
With love
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