In spite of being away from home for past nine years, I feel that my home is just a heart beat away from my thoughts. It’s soothing love adores me a lot, I guess. It is mom, dad and me, very small family though. My nurturing parents have always been one of my strengths, not only to love myself to be a part of this beautiful world, but also to accomplish my goals time to time.
Well, going back to my intermediate days…
I used to stay in hostel then. My parents used to come to meet me on every month’s third Sunday (Mostly…!) as we were allowed to step out of the hostel premises only on that particular day. After the week end test, I used to stand in my room’s balcony to figure out my parents out of all the people who had been waiting to meet their beloved ones. After seeing my parents, I used to approach them quietly, as I was not so expressive, and I used to crack a smile at them, at last. They used to bring me an egg-omlet, and four or five dosa. Eating them was my first job.
At the end of the day, I used to shed tears as I had to say bye to my parents till next month. I used to think that my life would be far better, after the completion of my intermediate studies.
In my…
Again I stayed in hostel. But my college was very near to my home town. So I used to go home for every twenty days (Maximum…!). My grand father used to come to meet me. My parents had hardly come twice. Very happy life it was, room mates and friends… those were the world for first two years… Once I entered the third year of my B.Tech, I started taking my days seriously. I thought that my life would be better if I could get a chance in IIT or if I could get a job. For my goodness, I got a chance in IIT Delhi.
From my M.Tech…
Two years of hostel life… My IIT friends would not mind to call my life as ‘two years of lab life’…J I used to stay in lab for many hours in straight and I loved it though. I loved my project and I hope that my previous post could have justified this. Roaming in Delhi on weekends was my best time pass. The A.P.Bhavan, the India gate… my best memories still lies there. I was all surrounded by love and affection. I used to go home only after every six months. That was pretty longer for me especially.
I thought my best moments would lay with the days when I work for a company and when I use my learnt knowledge to create some thing, to satisfy my company’s needs…bla...bla…bla….
And Now…
Now it is almost one year for me in Tata Motors. Still, I’m staying away from home. My mom had come twice here and I had gone home during last March. Throughout the past 12 years I waited and I struggled for these on going days. I always thought of enjoying a job life and always inspired my self on the name of that.
And now, I don’t conclude any thing saying that I’m very happy or I’m very low. But I realized that I loved these days throughout my life and I forgot to enjoy the then moments completely. Even at this moment, I have few goals for my life, but I’m not all ready to leave these on-going minutes any way. “Live the aim and love the path”… this is the only thing that is popping up in my mind now. I want to enjoy these moments of my life and want to grab the chances in better way. I may have not loved those past days then, but now I really love most of them. Every memory brings certain goodness to my heart, though it was one of the heart wrenching ones of that time.It is not just your home, but any thing that you desperately want with your heart, stays just a heart beat away from your thoughts. Make most out of now, not only to make the better future, but also to make the better past…After all, it is your life; and you are solely responsible not only to make a better future, but also to create the best past for yourself…!!!
Simply Superb...
Nothing to say anything. Because I too experienced the same thing but not exactly like you.
I was far away for 10 years from my parents and still need to be...
ofcourse going home for every 6 months. but ...
This is because of to earn some money and to feed our stomach. Nothing else.
hufff.. but something more is there and will narrate later. hehehe
Hi Prasad, very well said.
wonderful blog with great inspiration.
Hi Anonymous
Who is this...
If I am correct is this Archana?
common reply soon ok byee
thank you for sharing your experiences of best days
its nice to see such days and probably u had written d post wid heart..i hope coz one can feel it so nice
can u write a post abt convocation b4 aug 9th if possible for u..thank you
Hi Prasad,
Thank You. a
and well said, and it is also to build a carrier... :)
Hai Anonymous,
Thank You very much, and keep coming here..:)
Hey Prasad..
Is Archana your frnd?
I expected that you would create an ID on this name..:)...Good guess...:)
Any ways, thanks for your comment.. after all it was my experience and agree that i have written it wth my heart..:)
ANd convocation.?
By the way, are you going to attend it this time?? or u have alreadyy attended it? ..
will try to write, but at the moment, i have no idea what u are expecting.. if you can say in little detail, it would be easier for me to pendown...
Thank You.
Yes ur guess is absolutely true congrats :) some error is coming everytime if im logging into a profile
its been an yr tht i miss d beauty of iit while leaving after convo is still spl thank you :)
You are welcome..:)
will write about mt convo experiences, a little later ... ok.. :)
Error will come on Zankarite name..:)...;)
Mee name tho log in avvandi...appudu raadu.. correct ga vachesthaii annii...:)
Archana was my Mtech classmate and one of my dearest friends, energetic and wonderful girl.
And you know, it is 1.5 yrs since she has been to her home(AGRA).
Hope she will get some gap from her work and will go home.
@it is also to build a carrier ...
Ofcourse its true.
One and half year!!!!!
Such a long time...!!
I too hop that she will get a chance to meet her parens soon..:)
hmmm ya...
hmm..39th convo
after watching main building and the amazing environment just like feeling of pain in the stings of heart while leaving thts iit
Yeah, the i'm also got very much emotionally connected with the main building and my lab ... :)
They are soo precious memories..:)
Good bunch of Experiences..:)
Parents made us come closer to life with their support..and i know how you miss home..
Its a real good effort to live in present and experience its every face..:)We carry only memories either good or bad..
Its definitely one of my best reads in your blog..:)
HI Sudha..
Thanks dear..
Yeah, i'm missing home :(
**Its a real good effort to live in present and experience its every face..:)We carry only memories either good or bad..
Soo true..
:) read..:) thanks dear...
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