In my dad's college days... one day my dad and his frnds wanted to go somewhere ...
They went to railway station ... and took train tickets to that place...
All of them searched for a vacant compartment in the train and they occupied it and were just enjoying with lots of jokes, singing and dancing ...
They stayed there for a long time... and the train was still not moving...
with a doubt they stepped out of the train to know what might have happened... they looked around.... And they were expressionless...
Only their compartment was there on the railway track ... The remaining train left the station by leaving the compartment there itself ... :):)
Hi Pramoda...
Its very nice and I didnt recognise as it was really happened or its only joke.
And keep going on publishing jokes like these and keep memorize all these things..
All the best for ur future..
--Prasad :)
Hi prasad...
It's happened really in my dad's college days ...
hw toldme once... and we bursted out in to laughter after he said that ... :)
So You wud have a " Laughter challenge " competition there at your home, right?
ok enjoy with more of such a sweet moments.
--Prasad :)
hi akka
pedanana told about this to me when i went to inkollu last year
yamini meduri
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