I would love to tell about my projecy work here in the starting... Coz, It gave me an immense satisfaction like nothing in IIT... It’s my pleasure to express sincere gratitude to Dr.M.Veerachary, for his amiable guidance and copious encouragement throughout my project work, which inspired me to keep my heart for it, like never before.
I’m greatly thankful to all of my teachers for being the primary sources of knowledge in me. I extend my gratitude to the research scholars in power electronics lab, for their help throughout my course work.

I thank all the people, who have created a friendly environment in the lab, which helped me to work many hours in straight. I can say, I stayed most of the time in lab than in my room... !!!!.I’m thankful to Mr.Gurucharan Singh, Lab superintendent, for his much awaiting helping hand, whenever it mattered.
Friends.... How can I saimply say thanks to them ...? Especially when we stay away from home ... They are the ppl, who can manage us to get going ... It's a thing to feel proud, so I am. I thank my classmates and friends for their invaluable support to carry forward with the life here... :) A special thanks to Ravi, for encouraging me althrough...starting from the first day in IIT... :) :)
Here comes my family ... They have been backing in both good and bad times here... I express my heart full thanks to my family for making me exhilarated with their moral support throughout these two years.
Only few days left to stay in my favorite place... Delhi ... :):) ... I'm trying to make most out of those...
It's very hard and sad to believe that I'm going to miss all these... but afterall it's a part of life and... Only Farewell With Any Thing Can Let Us To Know It's Value... :)
An invaluable acknowledgement to all of the people.
keep it up... and all the best for ur future work of research in Power Electronics.
Prasad.. :)
hi Pramoda...
Congrats!!...Wishing u the best moments in ur fav place...Hope u enjoy..:).:)
This post reminded me of my gud old university dayz..!!
Yeah...Teachers.:)..We are really indebted to them ...
hey Pramoda...i noticed one more thing in ur posts...don take offence yaar..when u r overwhelmed with "feeling"..u skip the flow and language..and vice versa...
Wud b nice if u can handle both..
Take care ya..
Happy posting!!
hey sis,
its nice to hear abt ur life at IIT. u have a gr8time ahead waiting for
esp me back here at hyd. i am waiting for u sis.
hii pram...
ur doing really very gud job ..that no one even expect..
its really tasting like home food which we never feel as boaring.......
cheers dear.... :-)
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