Mar 8, 2024

Living through the egos!

One important aspect of living life is living through the egos, of our own and others.

Derivatively, leading people is about leading the way through the egos.
Ego is neither good nor bad, it gets developed over a period of time in life, with everyone's own experiences. One must acknowledge and comprehend, within oneself, the fact that ego needs to be dealt with. We cannot expect it to not exist.
How do we deal with multiple egos of multiple people? Are there multiple tricks to it?
There is only one trick to it.
And that is, to learn dealing with one's own ego for the sake of achieving the end objective.
That's possible when we start identifying ourselves with what we want to achieve, rather than what we think we are. De-prioritising what we think we are doesn't mean killing oneself, it's just about evolving into a better being, who enables meeting larger purposes ultimately.
Orienting ourselves towards the purpose, changes quite a lot of thinking processes in a productive way. Letting a few things be their way, and not getting concerned about those insignificant aspects allows us extra time and energy to derive significant outcomes.
I have realized most of this while handling my little kids and their larger egos. Parenthood teaches volumes. It's up to us how and where we apply.

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