Jul 14, 2024

Tennis & its scoring - ParenthoodDiaries #70

For the first time, along with kids I've watched a Tennis grand slam final today. And they loved watching their "Spain Uncle", Carlos Alcaraz, winning the Wimbledon 2024.

By far, the scoring system of the Tennis match is the most difficult thing for me to explain to kids. It's not a straight-point sport. No body gets 'out' in it. Kids kept counting the points, but sometimes the points section changes, sometimes the game count and finally the set number changes, in the score board. Absolutely confused them but they enjoyed the match.

Jul 13, 2024

In conversation with Meta AI!

An interesting conversation with Meta AI, this morning, when I asked it to create an image of the Indian cricket team..

Jul 7, 2024

The PUNCH at history!

Wished for many years, to see a Tata Motors' passenger vehicle bagging the top spot in monthly sales! Amazing to witness "the PUNCH at history" by this beautiful product.

Congratulations to the team behind this! Many more to go.

Jul 5, 2024

It's cricket - ParenthoodDiaries #69

Kids saw the picture below, of Indian team in my mobile, and said "it's cricket".
There was no bat or ball or even a cricket word in the image. They never watched cricket much, so they didn't know the cricketers either.
Out of curiosity I asked them how they knew that it was cricket!
They said "Blue colour ka shirt hai na, Blue India ka cricket hota hai". (It's blue coloured shirt, and blue is India's cricket colour).

This is their "colour memory" from the 2023 cricket World Cup time during which they had seen few glimpses of different teams and their jersey colours. 

Learn to treat defeat with kindness!

The victory feels complete now! May we all learn to treat defeats with as much kindness too!

Absolutely stunning scenes from the Marine Drive and Wankhede Stadium have filled the hearts of Indians with ever lasting memories.
And, may we all soon celebrate more victories and wonderful performances, in more sports, after the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Jun 30, 2024

A bitter-sweet experience!

After 22 years, today I visited Sri Chaitanya college in Vijayawada. Visited our classroom, which was it in intermediate second year; the EAMCET-year, to be precise.

Back then, it wasn't a pleasant experience entering the campus, hostel or even this classroom for that matter. I fought tears and tension a lot of times in that one year. At the same time, I had made beautiful friendships, some are still continuing.
Today was a different experience. For the first time on that campus, I wanted to stay back for some more time! If not rejoicing those times, I deeply reflected on those moments. I remembered my friends and lecturers. May be, this is what a bitter-sweet experience is!

Nights like this make us young!

Nights like this make us young!

Jun 13, 2024

Lies and us - ParenthoodDiaries #68

The following words were the most said by kids to us at home in the recent past - "Jhoot kyun bolta hai?" (Why are you lying?)

That made us realise that they had grown up to understand what we would say to just pacify them in the given moment and what we would say genuinely. Hence, we reduced saying things to just pacify them, rather started telling them the practical facts.
Not that the facts are accepted by them immediately; many times we have observed that they appreciate that we have said the truth, even though they take time to come to terms with it. They take offence when we say something just to calm them down or temporarily satisfy.
Kids are always more grown up than what we think they are. It's us, who need to embrace that fact and approach them as genuinely as possible once they start understanding things.

May 24, 2024

Being thorough, learning from kids!

Most part of my learning, about the beauty of "being thorough", is coming from my kids; from their keenness & focus on what they do, from the way they question everything, with a genuine intention of knowing things rather than pointing at anyone!

Kids' blank-slate mindset makes them the best observers. In turn, they become the best learners. Hence the best teachers too!
I wonder a lot of times, what makes grown-ups, including myself, so less absorbing or observing. Why cannot we be as thorough as the little beings are? With experience, with age, with the knowledge that we gain, we must be better than them logically, but we are not. Why?
Is it because we do not stick to the basics, because we know beyond the basics?
Is it because we are distracted by the loads of information or knowledge we are bombarded with?
Sticking to the basics is the ESSENCE of life.
Learning to deal with the distractions, not avoiding them, is the NEW-NORMAL.
I have realized that, the more we practice consciously to nurture the fundamentals within ourselves and the more we learn to deal with distractions, the better rational beings we will become and hence 'thorough individuals', leading to a thorough team, a thorough society and what not!

May 17, 2024

Victim of cricket - ParenthoodDiaries #67

First victim of our leftie-bowler and rightie-batsman combination!!

"Amma, we were playing cricket. We hit a SIX and the ball hit the wall-clock, and it stopped working" ...
I particularly like the way both of them enjoy together on a wicket.

May 16, 2024

Sport teaches a lot!

"Be resolute in defeat" - Despite the unprecedented successes these two players have had in their careers, my learning goes around the way they have handled defeats!

As they are having their pre-retirement time in their own way and on their own terms, I'm following their last juncture unconditionally and dearly.
I thank Rafa and Dhoni, for the way they have been.

May 11, 2024

Titanic and seatbelts - ParenthoodDiaries #66

The other day I was showing the "Titanic" movie clip to kids in which the ship was drowning into the sea during the film's last moments.

They saw many people falling down into the water.
They said - "Amma, they should have worn a seat belt, look how they are falling".

Toys is their love - ParenthoodDiaries #65

When kids asked me for more toys, I used to say I didn't have money. Then they would keep quiet.

But they have been probably thinking about it thoroughly and have now learnt different ways of earning money.
They are saying that they want to clean some uncle's car or bike...they want to clean utensils or help some aunty with household chores to earn money and buy a few more toys.
Every problem has a solution. But the problem is, sometimes the solution itself is the problem

Boy and girl - ParenthoodDiaries #64

One of the kids asked - "Amma, will I become a boy after growing up?".

I said "yes".
"But I want to become a girl"
I asked why.
"I'm getting to like girls. They apply Mehendi on their hands, they keep ear rings and they wear saree".
I said - "Boys can also do all these!".
He then became thoughtful about it and moments later, I became even more thoughtful.. 😆😆

My little rational beings - ParenthoodDiaries #63

This is a bit of experience around home work!

Due to their schooling ecosystem, Bharat & Bhuvan understand the importance of completing the home work. So, when I had to do my office work, I would tell them that I needed to complete my homework. They would let me do my work without disturbing.
I thought this was going well.
Today they said - "We want to check your homework, like how you check ours".
I showed them my office diary and they were happy that I completed my homework! But they now want to know, how I wrote my homework and that I should do it in front of them since they do it in front of me!
My little rational beings!

Apr 7, 2024

When you know your team!

It's relatively an easier ride, when you know what your team knows and when your team knows what you do not know!!

Knowing each other makes the team better, tougher and see through the challenges.

Mar 8, 2024

Living through the egos!

One important aspect of living life is living through the egos, of our own and others.

Derivatively, leading people is about leading the way through the egos.
Ego is neither good nor bad, it gets developed over a period of time in life, with everyone's own experiences. One must acknowledge and comprehend, within oneself, the fact that ego needs to be dealt with. We cannot expect it to not exist.
How do we deal with multiple egos of multiple people? Are there multiple tricks to it?
There is only one trick to it.
And that is, to learn dealing with one's own ego for the sake of achieving the end objective.
That's possible when we start identifying ourselves with what we want to achieve, rather than what we think we are. De-prioritising what we think we are doesn't mean killing oneself, it's just about evolving into a better being, who enables meeting larger purposes ultimately.
Orienting ourselves towards the purpose, changes quite a lot of thinking processes in a productive way. Letting a few things be their way, and not getting concerned about those insignificant aspects allows us extra time and energy to derive significant outcomes.
I have realized most of this while handling my little kids and their larger egos. Parenthood teaches volumes. It's up to us how and where we apply.