Jun 8, 2023

Driving can be a blissful expereince!

 I have lately realized that driving can be a blissful experience, if we can "smile at small things", l- The music of horns that perfectly echo with the traffic signal turning GREEN, as if the V2X tech is already in place!

- Children at traffic signal, who spray soap water onto the windshield to clean, upon refusing to give money spray more water, and make a gesture saying "clean it yourself"!
- Drivers who use their hands to make "what madam!" sort of gestures, upon nearly missing a collision that was to happen due to their decision to display skills!
and lastly,
- Commuters sitting on the back seat of the bikes or pedestrians crossing the road anywhere else than zebra crossings, play the role of traffic police to enact a STOP signal with superior confidence!!!
Smile at small things and driving can be a blissful experience!

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