Feb 5, 2019

The two tiny polio drops - ParenthoodDiaries #7

My first ever earning was 5 Rupees and that was when I executed the day-long duty at a pulse polio center as an NCC cadet back in 1998. Many women came throughout the day and did polio vaccination for their babies at our center. I never wondered then if the two drops of polio vaccine had been swallowed by the babies or not.

When I saw my babies taking those two drops of vaccine, I kept wondering during and after, if those two tiny drops had been swallowed properly or not!

The best part of my Parenthood journey so far is the sensibility  I have developed  towards every single task I do for the babies.  It does help to take care of the babies in a better way and also to develop the perspectives which otherwise would never occur to me.

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