Small gestures to make big impact, people need not be in love or friendship. People just need to be willing to accept each other and stay with each other to serve for a common cause. This is highly applicable in professional life, considering the people work in and as a team.
A smile...

Smile is always beautiful. Beauty not in terms of the way the smile appears on anyone's face, rather beauty here is in terms of the depth of the smile one carries. Its simple to understand if the smile is from the face or if its from within. When one smiles from within, it gets connected with the other person instantaneously. Also, ignoring such smile is next to impossible. One gets helpless to respond to such smile and the response cannot be anything other than a smile again. Smiles bring people together. Smiles keep people together. Carry a smile from within and experience the magic of relationships, be it with a loved one or with a stranger. When in team, it feels blissful to be surrounded by smiles. Have a great smile at each other at work. It truly helps.
A morning wish...
When a day starts with a wish by our neighbors it feels good. A wish needs to be face to face and not through either digital medium or social media. In these times of social media, wishing every day has been reduced to send a 'good morning' message to all contacts! People do not even try to choose individuals to send the wishes! When the morning wish is delivered personally, need not be by going to the person and saying it specifically, but by wishing the people come in your way in the morning, we gain a lot of positive strength to carry out the day's activities in all positivism.
A fresh start...

A lot of things happen in a day. Towards the end of the day quite a lot of matters gets settle as well as arise. The matters that close at the end of the day go smooth with everyone generally. The matters that arise towards the end of the day keeps lingering generally in mind. Sometimes they disturb the night's sleep too! Best way to deal with such matters is by facing them with a positive hope as soon as they arise. Its better not to carry them home and its the best if one can give a fresh start to the next day rather than starting it with a baggage from the previous day! Obviously we cannot ignore the matters but we can definitely try and do a fresh start so that we give ourselves enough room to approach the solution either alone or with the team.
"Small gestures make big impact.
Let the impact impact you in a positive way everyday"
1 comment:
Three nuggets of wisdom that would make life easier and enjoyable both at home and outside.
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