Aug 13, 2016

Every player has a story - Rio2016 #6

The world is aware, or may be not
Every player has a story.
Belief is bestowed, or may be not
Every player has a story.
Highly regarded, or may be not
Every player has a story.
Rewarded deservingly, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Supported and loved, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Nurtured unconditionally, or may be not,
Every player has a story.

Image result for player symbol

Name taken to every street, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Injuries are understood, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Claimed as dependable, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Ruined to rubble after a loss, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Pulled to glory after a win, or may be not,
Every player has a story.
Remembered in time, or may be not,
Every player has a story.

Every player has a story
Every story deserves courtesy
Every courtesy shall be bestowed
On the player, on the story
In their misery, in their glory
Not because they have a story
Because dealing with any story,
Is not easy; is never easy. 

The best reference is our own story.

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