Aug 5, 2015

Traffic sense... Pic of the day #5

Although driving can be learnt and done by anyone, having traffic sense is not everyone's piece of cake as on date. Traffic sense, in a technical way means knowing the traffic rules, and in a logical way it means to have some commonsense. Although everyone needs to have the commonsense, a biker needs one kind of it, a car drive needs another kind of it, a bus drives needs to have some other and the heavy truck driver needs to have completely different type of commonsense. But unfortunately, people fail to adopt different driving rules while driving different vehicles.

Today morning while I was on my way to office in the office bus, I saw three big vehicles making a triangle at the middle of a four road junction. Below is the pic taken at the same time through the window next to me. Hence the bus itself is not being seen in the picture. Hope that's understood. 

Three of the drivers entered the center of the road at the same time knowing that the other two vehicles are approaching as well. Anyone of them could have made it differently by stopping back. But unfortunately none did that. All three came in the center of the junction in a triangle manner and started telling each other to go back. Nonsense! What would have happened if they did not brake at the right time? Fatal and can't imagine it anymore. 

The basic traffic sense and the road sense shall be tested while giving the licenses. We all know how licences are given! I'm not saying that every license is given that way, but mostly so as we all can see. Also, only giving licenses in a fair manner does not help it. One must take up the responsibility while driving. One must own up the consequences whatever happen because of him or her. One must be disciplined enough to give it a thought sincerely. All these cannot be taught by keeping rules by the RTOs. This must be part of the basic education. There was a time when driving was not so pursued by everyone. Still I remember there used to be a lesson in social studies about traffic rules. But now the time has changed. And along with the rules, the kids must be taught of the traffic sense too, I mean they must be made thoughtful about it and hence they will become sensitive about it when they have to practically use the knowledge. Hope to see it bettering up. 

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