It's been a long time once again since a picture inspired me to write a post. This time, the following picture that I incidentally saw made me do this post.
I've seen many a cricket matches getting cancelled or applied with Duck worth-Luice method. Good that no person has ever invented the methodology to decide the winner of a test match which is abandoned or interrupted due to rain. Enough is enough of this method, if I've to sound like a perfect South African cricket fan. If such a method comes to test cricket, South Africa might have to take stringent call to have their domestic cricket matches' decision only based on the Duck-worth's method, so that their players get antiquated with the calculations of the win-loss statements. Well, i'm not intended to criticize rather trying to give some advises to the board. Now, moving on.
I frankly did not understand the need behind organizing only one test match wherein all of the officials are well aware of the fact that it's rainy season in the subcontinent and the test match can easily be interrupted. There was more a fun playing it than a game, if I may say so. Both captains hold the trophy on the first day and both the captains hold the trophy on the last day of the match, making it no difference of what could happen in the in between five days. May be a friendly deal. And after that, team was given a treat by one of the officials, for what? May be as a symbol of the arrival of the new coach. Commentators box has been missing him since long and it's wait to continue probably for few more years!
The trio has been nominated to be the guiding members, officially. That's more than kidding. No one knows the responsibilities of the individuals and expecting them to perform as a team is truly and typically an Indian manager's expectation. Since Dravid opted for the coach role of the under 19 team, we are conveniently calling the combination as a trio. Looking forward to see what these three would do behind the pavilion. May be they will do all that they wanted the BCCI officials to do once when they were part of the Indian dressing room.
Sometime you win,
Sometimes you lose,
Sometimes it rains,
And sometimes I go crazy!
Hence this post, no offence, PLEASE!!!
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