Oct 5, 2014

MOM... A history, designed and created by Indian Scientists!

There have been many emotional moments round the country since the news was aired that India's Mars Orbiter Machine had been steered successfully into the orbit of the red planet. It's definitely a history created, a pure indigenous to be specific. Along with every other Indian, I'm too proud of this spectacular achievement of the Indian Space Research Organization. This project now has become a benchmark for many projects of  many other domains and not just space research. A well versed and truth filled book about the MOM will surely help the next as well as current generations. Hope to read one soon.

Congratulations to the team worked for this mission. I've read about the design accuracy needed for this mission to get accomplished especially when the MOM enters the orbit of Mars. Hats off to the team work and to the leadership.

There have been enough articles about the technical details of this mission. As always, I keep my post only to the point of my experience with MOM's success.

It felt great to see the Indian Prime Minister coming down all the way to watch the historic moment live. His speech later made every Indian recognize the importance of this mission. 'MOM never disappoints' was awesome too! It felt as if the country was in safe hands and most importantly under the rule of an inspiring leader, after a long time. A leader, who not just speaks but does it commendably. Thank you Mr. Modi, for that short yet memorable one.

When the mission was first launched, frankly, I thought, let's see if this MOM really survives for so many months in space. I had no idea what was the main aim of it. Over a period of time, especially since past few weeks, I started following its news. It's like this. Watching a movie not on its first day but after it is tagged as one of the biggest hits. Or may be like, following the news about a sports personality who is in news for a tremendous performance and who was no one before that. In India, Bollywood and Sports occupy half portion of the news. And why not? After all they interest to an extent that whichever is the topic, these two items do come in between, like the way I mentioned them as an example above while writing about world's first of its kind mission, produced by the Indian Scientists, Managers and work-force. 

As I said above, MOM's success story now has become a benchmark. In many of the recent discussions and debates, MOM was shown as an example, saying that if MOM happened, anything can happen! That's pretty much correct, but only if the intent and the hard work do match to that of the staff worked for MOM. Hope, MOM becomes the benchmark world wide by performing its intended job roaming around the red planet. ISRO must become an organization, by working for which people feel it prestigious. I will wait for that day. All the best team ISRO for many more endeavors to come your way. This nation is proud of ISRO and that itself is the proudest ever achievement for ISRO and its employees.

Jai ho!

1 comment:

The Holy Lama said...

Same feelings for all Indians. Jai Ho!