Before I buy any item about which I'm not pretty aware of, I prefer to check with friends for the reviews. These days there is so much in the Internet only to leave you wondering what is correct and what is wrong. Somehow I depend a lot on the feedback from my friends, especially in the case of purchasing electronic items. I get surprised when they talk endlessly on the brands, market trends, products in queue etc. So, I find no reason to skip them before I go for something.
While I was thinking about buying a new mobile phone, I as usual informed some of my friends at office. They put couple of options to me. I was on the verge of deciding but then I got a message from one of the friends about the launching plans of Motorola-Google for it's new chunk, the Moto G. What shall click to my mind first is the name, good or bad, this is how I look at new things. Moto G appeared something different and I decided to wait for it. I waited to see the live demo of if until another colleague of mine got it delivered through Flipkart. After a couple of minutes of checking the handset myself, I was suddenly into a fix, that I will purchase only this.

There are so many features of that that I'm liking. Out of all, the camera, the music player and the touch feel are the best experiences I've ever had with a mobile in last nine years of my mobile usage. For the first time ever, on a holiday trip, I chose not carry my Canon camera and MP3 player. That good this phone is. In market, there might be many other better options but as far as I'm concerned, this is the mobile I'm in love with for the first time ever. I suggested many of my friends this phone and many bought it too.
Thank you Motorola and Google for this experience. bring on more.
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