What else could be a better topic for the day? Five years back, same day, I along with few other aspiring young engineers joined the organization that I work for. It's been a beautiful journey since then, undoubtedly.
When in college, you aspire for a good job, salary and weekend parties. When in initial days of work, you look every where to learn everything. As few days get consumed in understanding the whole intention, what for you are in a job or in that organization etc, some more days go with mugging up the hierarchy. Though you spend days put together at initial stages, you may hardly understand the ocean-like structure/happenings and especially the responsibilities to come. That's not something very different that occurs only to you. Unfortunately, it appears that way. The free time and the weekend outings etc of the initial days let the pressure stay away from you. But as the years pass on, you get conscious.
Experience brings the exposure, provided you are open to look here and there apart from the path that you are supposed to look at. Drawing strict and thick borders for yourself, especially in work, can work against you as the years of experience get increased. While you get involved deep into your work, looking around helps and at times makes you realize that you are not alone under the radar and eventually reduces the pressure as well. It also makes you realize of your strengths and improvement areas. After all, life is all about learning and growing not just older but experienced.
It's not just work that fills one's career or professional life. Neither it's just learning. To enjoy the other fruits of professional life, one must be as a good friend and not just as a colleague. All who can support you the most are your colleagues not just at toughest of the tough times but also at all the times when you need a lighter moment to your otherwise routine workout. Gossiping can be the best stress buster at times! Well, don't spread out the words until and unless you are too sure to be said. Might not be possible always, but ensure it as along as you can. Participate in off-the-work activities, group activities. They do not just give you another experience, they also ensure you a well deserved break at times.
Spend time for yourself too. Make friends. Enjoy.
Wishing my friends, colleagues who joined along with me and equally completed five years. Hearty congratulations and best wishes for the years to come.
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