Jun 3, 2010

PS: I wish I was clear to you!!!

One need not to do everything, need not to know everything and need not be everything to live his only life time. But at any given point of time, one should be ready with his knowledge base to think about anything; no matter if that is about best or worst. Understanding the former makes life easier; though the challenging part is in keeping the knowledge base ready all the time which calls the person to foresee life.

PS: I wish I was clear to you!!!



Yes, your message came over very clear.


Diana said...

Crystal clear my dear, now if only I could remember to practice the first part! Love Di ♥

KParthasarathi said...

Why doubt?You are clear about what you say.

Zanskarite said...

very well said
good one

Dhiman said...

I didn't require 'Sprite' for this :) :) ... Loud and Clear!

Amity said...

Yeah you are right, and thing is, you can't please everybody and why take the effort to do so?

Admirable thoughts my dear Prams!

Have a nice day!

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Pramoda,

Hmmm, so basically we need to hve presence of mind , right?

Jack said...


Read 2 posts now. One needs to be mentally prepared to face all challanges of life with grit and there is nothing one can not achieve in that state of mind. It is a fact that one can not know everything but what one knows must be put to the best use when time comes.

Take care

Creativity said...

Very Well Said Dear :) :) I Liked Super-30 Post A Lot Dear :) :)

All Your Posts Are Comparatively Different From Each Other & Each Post Speaks Its Own Moral Values Which Would Never Be Same :) :)

Keep Writing Your Thoughts As It Inspires, Motivates, Encourages, Refreshes Reader's Mind & For A While Diverts Roaming Mind
:) :)

Wish You All The Very Best Success :) :)

Take Care :) :)

HaRy!! said...

Pram.... an example please!

Writers Anonymous said...

A nice post..you were absolutely clear..I wish I was clear too...but I don't want my words to reveal too much :)

A New Beginning said...

u definately are :)

The Holy Lama said...

And be open to criticism that knowledge you want to share is not always welcome.

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Yvonne, thanks so much..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi DIana, thanks alot ..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Partha uncle, thanks .:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Zanskarite, thank you..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

hi Dhiman, thanks..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi AMity, thats soo soothing my dear .. :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi RD..right..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Jack uncle, thanks uncle..:)..u always say it right.;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Sahana, thanks soo much or the love and affection re..:) i cherish it alot..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Hary, i mean we may not know how worse a situation can becom ot how worse our todays happinness become, but we must be able to think abt the possibilities and shall proceed on..

:).. thanks a lot..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi AMritbir, thanks yaa

Pramoda Meduri said...

new begning, thanks yaar..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi LAma, another ur kind of comment.. thanks alot..:)

ethereal-lily said...

It all happens when you place things in your routine.. most people have gym and other activities in routine but somehow leave out house work and cleaning..
I think some people are used to speaking themselves out completely irrespective of the listeners attention..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Lily.. wow.. thats so nice explanation.. i got some points to learn here .. thanks s much..)