Whatever you do, whatever you are,
Whatever you love, whatever you believe in,
People who love you, and who support you
Will always be there with you in every step of your life.
When you don’t believe this fact,
You will go around satisfying people, and can never live your way
But, when you can believe this,
You will leave the rest, live for them, and can live your way.
Whatever you love, whatever you believe in,
People who love you, and who support you
Will always be there with you in every step of your life.
When you don’t believe this fact,
You will go around satisfying people, and can never live your way
But, when you can believe this,
You will leave the rest, live for them, and can live your way.
Hi Pramoda,
Yes, it's true. Regardless of what you do people who love you still love you and stand by you. And people who don't find out a way to dislike you.
I am not too sure about this statement that whatever we do would be supported always by people who love us.It is subject to our doing the right things.If we do contarily may be spport wld be there once or twice but not always
Good To See You Back!!!!! Hey Beautiful Write up Dear :) :) Fabulous Weekend Ahead :) :) Take Care :) :)
These words are totally true with the message coming across.
People who dislike you why should it bother you. It is only THEIR opinion and do their opinion count.?
On the otherhad if you have the love of your real friends and family you're rich beyond compare.
Have a grand week-end.
Nice post, thanks!
True. It's just what we choose to believe. No matter what, some people are always there for each one of us.
Yes, some would and some wouldn't.. all for reasons of their own which is not ours to know. Life presents everyone a different dish on each respective plate. And this defines the life we are asked to take on. Sometimes it is tied up with another person.. and sometimes it is not. Sometimes we can be there for someone and sometimes we cannot. Such is life.
You pose thoughts one can't resist examining or ponder upon. Interesting piece. Continue the writing. Blessings to you and your family.
truly said :)
ya.. sometimes life is not always about choices its about priorities..
Finally caught up with pending current posts. I liked Love and Survive and one would surely be happy if it is followed. True, there is nothing which one should take to heart, instead it is for own good that whatever misunderstandings are there are clarified by two way logical and open communication. One should say sorry only if it is from heart. It it advisable to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Do try to be regular, you can do it if you wish to. Those who love you will be with you through thick and thin. One can not make everyone happy, so it is better to be nice but keep your individuality. Not EGO.
Take care
nicely penned yaar :)..good to see ya back :)..
Go check my blog Pramoda.You might have an award or two waiting for you :)
THis is really, really true! Why? We should not live as though we're out to please everybody!
We can never be happy if we do!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem!
reminds me of who i am... :)
Hm hm.. that's very interessting but to be honest i have a hard time seeing it... I'm wondering what others have to say....
Hi Indrashish,
well said.. thanks
Hi Partha uncle,
i wrote it in a very positive note..:)
Hi Sahana, thank you..:)
Hi Yvonne, yeah..it will not count any way.. thanks for the opinion..:)
A new beginig, thank you...:)
Hi Holy lama, yeah.. just like u r always here to share ur thoughts..:) thanks for that..
Hi Ellen, beautifully said..
@You pose thoughts one can't resist examining or ponder upon. Interesting piece.
thank you so much..:)
Hi Pinkzz.. thanks re
hi Imayuva, welcome here and thanks for the presence..:) keep in touch...
wow jack uncle, woww... thank you for ur patience... and am so glad to have you.. pls keep coming and missing u alott... :)
Hi Hemanth, thank you..:)
hi Samadrita, thanks re..:)
Hi Amity, nice to have u here as always..:)
@ Anonymous
hey ..hey.. whats happening .. cheer up, dont worry..:)
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