Feb 7, 2010

Love and Survive!

Let me begin this post with a very big ‘Hai’ to all of my dear readers. It’s been very long that I have updated my space with my thoughts. Not that I didn’t thought of anything meanwhile, but the fact is that I could not make it here. Any ways, I hope all of you are doing well in your own roles and my best wishes to all of you for your respective deeds.

‘Love and Survive’ I can not actually recollect where I did come across this phrase, but one thing is for sure that it’s not been very long that I have heard about it. It appeared logical at first site and the rest is well imaginable.

Love people, live in their hearts and survive yourselves in this beautiful world. Aim big to live forever and ever. A very simple fact of it’s kind, but again, a very tough one to follow.

You can live happily when you love people. You can love people when you believe in them. You can believe people when you forget everything else and just live with them. You can forget everything else only when you forgive people… As I write this, I got realized of the fact that there is no beginning and no ending to this process. Love, belief, happiness etc are our feelings and the rest is just life.

No one can negotiate with the fact that life is more of learnings and full of experiences. Learn to love and experience the difference. Memorize the basics of life and enjoy the success.

Life may not always be what you want, but it is always be what you see. See your best to love and survive.


Vinay Sharma said...

getting senti :) ?

roshwrites said...

interesting post! :)

Creativity said...

After Long Time, You Are Here. Feels As Though You Were Here Many Many Decades Ago.....

Anyways, As Usual, Very Good Write Up :) :) "Love & Survive"

Hope Everything Is Fine With You :) :) Wish You All The Very Best Success :) :)

S said...

You penned it right, survival and love are important together for us and for the joys we keep looking around :)
How are you doin Pramoda, haven't seen much from u off late ?
I thought I've lost a writer and a reader ! :|

The Holy Lama said...

Was starting to wonder, "where's Being Promoda". Good to know All is well and you score again with your noble insights.

Writers Anonymous said...

Well said: "Life may not always be what you want, but it is always be what you see."
I read a quote somewhere: When you can't have what you want, it is time to start wanting what you have.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.


Welcome back and what a lovely write. A real pleasure to read and it is the perfect attitude to life.

Take care and be happy.

A New Beginning said...

Hey Pramoda, thanks for the wishes, glad to see you back. Yes youre right love and survival walk hand in hand. Love is a blessing which heals ones life. Have a great week ahead :)!

parzi said...

hey Prams...
welcome back dear:)....wasnt around myself...bt was certainly missing ur words of wisdom....n yet again i have to say u r absolutely right...very well said...life will be a bliss if we adopt this attitude...i will surely try...thanks a ton for the wonderful perspective...
keep writing n making a difference in r lives....jus d way u always do....
take care!
God bless!

KParthasarathi said...

"See your best to love and survive"
Some food for thought.One thing however bothers me.Survival is talked about when one is threatened.Does love ever threaten? Is real love so fragile?May be Pramoda may like to dilate on this in her response.

Ordinary Gal said...

loved the last line...so true...it is our present attitude towards Life which make it Good or Bad in future:)

Rià said...

beautiful post....and i m so glad to see u back...havent seen u on my blog since long.

Ju said...

Very good Prams. Are you in love at the moment? maybe that's why you disappeared... hehehe.

indrablog said...

Hi Pramoda,
Welcome back. A nice post. I think many problems of the world would get over if we could love and survive. Loving others makes you be at peace and happy.

HaRy!! said...

very important factorssss!!!..nice lines actually which potray reality...cya around

Vishwanath Seshadri said...

nice post... welcome back :)

Diana said...

Hi Prams,
This seems to be something that I must remind myself of often. Especially when life gets rough.
Love Di

Yamini Meduri said...

welcome back di...!!!

nice post enjoyed the read..!!!

Prasad Gutti said...

Hi Prams,

I enjoyed this reading.

Give LOVE and survive them, is a wonderful thought which can be done by only some people like I say MOTHER THERESA.

Thanks for reminding me her ...

Prasad :)

PinkZz said...

i m back :)

nice post.


Amity said...

Thanks for sharing these wisdom...:) Especially the following lines... :)

"You can live happily when you love people. You can love people when you believe in them. You can believe people when you forget everything else and just live with them. You can forget everything else only when you forgive people… "



Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Vinay,

Yeah.. little..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Rosh, thank you :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Sahana, thanks for the encouragement dear..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Sourav, thanks for looking for me .. yeah, bit bsy these days..and working hard to come back..:) thanks any way..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HOly Lama..

As always, u made me smile..:) Thanks

Pramoda Meduri said...

HOly Lama..

As always, u made me smile..:) Thanks

Pramoda Meduri said...

hello amritbir, thanks alot..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Yvonne, thanks yaa..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

@ Anew begining..

hey.. thanks ..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Parzi, as always, u encouraged me with yur lovely comments ..thanks dear.

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi OG, thanks yaa..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Ria, sorry yaa.. am unable to cope up with the time..:(.. will be back soon..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi JU.. hheh.. smiles..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi INdrashish, thank you fr the lines..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Hary, thanks yaa

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Vish, thank you :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Diana, thats well said..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Yamini, thanks dear..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Prasad, thats a good example, and thank you ..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Pinkz. welcome back and hiiii..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI AMITY, thank you very much ..:)