Her love endures…
Her smile inspires…
It’s a magical spell of emotion of one’s life time, when one do accompany his mother irrespective of the duration. When she’s there around, inner sole feels like it is covered with an awesome quality of love and affection, the purest of its kind! It does encourage when she accompanies in one’s moment of success. She’s all practical n pure, what we see is exactly what we get.
She is all for you to strengthen YOU…
She is there for you to cater YOU…
Some times it happens that her doings may be unclear to us, rather we may fail in filing them, but she wins her desire with no solid input except the so called love that has grown with her. Love!… may be it’s more than love! Time makes us to forget some memories and some memories make us to forget time, if it is authenticated then the memories of her top the list.
A mother is a mother, no matter how you are…
She tries to make you lovable, no matter how things are…
It’s routine that when things fall in place for us, we love our surrounding and we feel like they all are nurturing. But the greatness of motherhood never allows a mother to hate her guys, whatsoever the situation is. There exists the demanding side of her, inculcating the habit of loving things even after knowing them from top to bottom.
After all, it’s unstoppable if once this topic is ignited. But it has to be stopped somewhere around!
These words are dedicated to the truth called “MOTHER”.
She is the origin of humanity.
She is the outline of divinity.
Her smile inspires…
It’s a magical spell of emotion of one’s life time, when one do accompany his mother irrespective of the duration. When she’s there around, inner sole feels like it is covered with an awesome quality of love and affection, the purest of its kind! It does encourage when she accompanies in one’s moment of success. She’s all practical n pure, what we see is exactly what we get.
She is all for you to strengthen YOU…
She is there for you to cater YOU…
Some times it happens that her doings may be unclear to us, rather we may fail in filing them, but she wins her desire with no solid input except the so called love that has grown with her. Love!… may be it’s more than love! Time makes us to forget some memories and some memories make us to forget time, if it is authenticated then the memories of her top the list.
A mother is a mother, no matter how you are…
She tries to make you lovable, no matter how things are…
It’s routine that when things fall in place for us, we love our surrounding and we feel like they all are nurturing. But the greatness of motherhood never allows a mother to hate her guys, whatsoever the situation is. There exists the demanding side of her, inculcating the habit of loving things even after knowing them from top to bottom.
After all, it’s unstoppable if once this topic is ignited. But it has to be stopped somewhere around!
These words are dedicated to the truth called “MOTHER”.
She is the origin of humanity.
She is the outline of divinity.

Wonderful post..!....That was a lovely tribute to mothers.They are no doubt the best.
I have learnt to be strong and independent from my Mom..
One thing that shes taught me is to be independent. She has given me all the freedom I ever wanted and made me realise the responsibilities that come with it too. The freakishly ambitious person that i am today is coz of her. She is not only taught me to fly but given wings too n am raring to go :).
Love to you and Happy MOther's Day to your mom....she is a proud one to get you dear....keep the head high as always
yes, they are no doubt the best... :)
And about aunty... oh, she is one of my dearest ones ... Love u aunty ... :)
And happy mother's day to her... She must be proud to have u re ..
love u
Dear ....
Missing you here..Pls do come back !
Soppi... Could not spend time these days :(
As u know, Mom has come ... so busyyy!!!
Will do it shortly:)
Thank You
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