It routes one’s life if one can entertain it … It is the ‘thought’!
It irradiates one’s attitude if one can hold it … It is the ‘hope’!
It demonstrates one’s heart if one can dare to be himself … It is the ‘behavior’!
It traumatizes one’s pain if one can remember it … It is the ‘smile’!
It redefines one’s scalability if one can spare time for it … It is the ‘dream’!
It adds value to one’s lifetime if one can recall it … It is the ‘past life of his own’!
When I stand before a mirror, every time I feel like I am the most deserved; I can never believe that I’m loosing my time day by day; I feel like I’m growing for a better tomorrow, and of course it is an obvious feature of human mind, but I can’t stay without saying that there is an uniqueness in everyone, which can’t easily be given away and that will be known to us when we question our heart besides our mind.
What come out when I call my mind and my heart sequentially?
Let us see … I’ll do it now itself…
Going back to my childhood days …
My mind speaks to me about …
… The days when I was very studious and curious
… The times when I cried unstoppably
… The games I played with my schoolmates and colony mates
It irradiates one’s attitude if one can hold it … It is the ‘hope’!
It demonstrates one’s heart if one can dare to be himself … It is the ‘behavior’!
It traumatizes one’s pain if one can remember it … It is the ‘smile’!
It redefines one’s scalability if one can spare time for it … It is the ‘dream’!
It adds value to one’s lifetime if one can recall it … It is the ‘past life of his own’!
When I stand before a mirror, every time I feel like I am the most deserved; I can never believe that I’m loosing my time day by day; I feel like I’m growing for a better tomorrow, and of course it is an obvious feature of human mind, but I can’t stay without saying that there is an uniqueness in everyone, which can’t easily be given away and that will be known to us when we question our heart besides our mind.
What come out when I call my mind and my heart sequentially?
Let us see … I’ll do it now itself…
Going back to my childhood days …
My mind speaks to me about …

… The times when I cried unstoppably
… The games I played with my schoolmates and colony mates
But the same thing when I ask my heart it comes back with…
… The day when I quarreled with my grand mother
… The day when my mother stopped me from writing a letter to an upcoming film star
… The moment I cried when South Africa lost world cup-1999 semifinal to Australia
Next from my Intermediate days …
My mind speaks to me about …
… The sleepless nights before a week-end exam
… The tension that I felt about EAMCET
… The roommates and friends with whom I shared my days
But the same thing when I ask my heart it comes back with…
… The day when my parents left me in hostel
… The day when my principle sir scolded me for feeling nervous about the exams
… The days when I felt extremely depressed, really I died within myself.
Next from my B.Tech days …
My mind speaks to me about …
… The sleepless nights before exams and the jokes we played just before the exam time.
… The tension that I felt about my campus placement
… The roommates and friends with whom I shared my days and my views
… The ragging period
… The back bench seating and teasing my friends
… The time of preparing Maggie and lemon rice in hostel
… The gossips that we played with
But the same thing when I ask my heart it comes back with…
… The day when I lost my grand mother
… The day when I went to sea shore with my friends
… Farewell day
… My placement day and the GATE result day
… The frequent tears of my mother, consoling dad

Next from my M.Tech days …
My mind speaks to me about …
… The long standing hours that I spent in our lab
… The tension that I felt about my campus placement
… The frequent preparations of food items
… The gossips that we played with
… The parties and roaming with friends
… The dinner at A.P. Bhavan and a walk to India gate with my dear ones
But the same thing when I ask my heart it comes back with…
… The day when I lost my scholarship
… The day when I went to Taj Mahal with my people
… My placement day and the final project presentation day
… The appreciation after my project work from my professor, because of whom I had lost my scholarship
… The last chat with my project guide
… My convocation day
These are the few moments which I would like to keep here. There are certain changes in my days, which reintroduced me to myself. So far, if you clearly observe what my heart said, you would certainly catch my way of living life.
Till my intermediate I used to take sad moments to my heart, I could never control my tears. It does not mean that I could never felt happy, but I could not be able to

But my own days have quickly turned me around. Since day one in my B.Tech, I tried to change myself and the process of changing never ends. Now I make myself comfortable according to the conditions. I see things which come in my way, I accept them and perhaps I renew them time to time.
After exploring these moments I feel like I have added value to my lifetime, which get consumed while preparing this lengthy chat with my insider.
It’s too early to say all these but I believe that it deserves to be right here, right now.
“Working with mind may not make every thing possible… But working with heart can do it always”
Great post which not only brought ur heart from ur mind, but mine too..with periodical recall.
Yes, 'change' has great strength, and to implement a change it again require great strength...
Time is that certain thing as we all knew, which can't be brought back, but, we all need to accept that, though it'll not return again, but, it can bring back a lots of memories which it had layed all thru its course...we need to choose the good from it to refresh or to choose the bad to restress...,
Each post of urs will bring some subtle feeling which will touch deeply and make me to think profoundly..., I always wonder how this calm girl who looks normal, tries to put these childlike feelings when puts in her blog...,
A superb re'call'ection of memoirs..., nice to read...,
But, I think you have made a small mistake in ur school memories at world cup 1999, I think you correct it.
HI Chidhu ...
Thanks for ur words...
Believe me, some words mean alot...:)
** we need to choose the good from it to refresh or to choose the bad to restress...
Ys, that's good spirit!!
Let me say some thing here ...
When we recall a good incident from past, we feel almost the same momentum as we felt but when we recall a sad incident from past, we certainly not feel the same way...
Life is not about experiencing good and bad, but is all about feeling good n bad.
As u mentioned, I have corrected my mistake from this post...plz chk ...
wat do i tell you about this di..this is the best post i ever read about the changes life brought..!!!
i have many memories like this but most of them are better not to be i think i am fine like this...!!!
but dear, ur post brought them to me back, i really hate the Yamini who i was some time back..!!!
will tell u when a situation comes ok..!!!
"Nothing can teach us better than our own life and the way we feel it"
we may hate/love ourselves for what we were at some moments... but we need to remember that some poeple have always loved us for whatever we've done... They might have expressed their love by appriciating us or by scoloding us for whatever we were... its in good spirit!
I proudly say ... I love u always ...
Urs sis ...
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