What we should require in life? Is it only grades and marks or also our character which will
give us nice friends, purposeful life and lifetime of happiness? Competition should be there in society but where that competition will end us up ... ?It is proved till now that understanding physics and chemistry of the universe is easier than understanding the person's attitude who we live with. Those who have seen the normal things in a different way are all our beloved scientists now...

What the young generation should learn right from the beginning of their school days? Now-a-days some teachers are there who are appreciable for their concern
towards the young generation, the way they are working for the well being of their students, the way they try to make their students understand the trend of the society and in words of humanity. I thank and salute all of those persons who are working for this.

Just like the other side of a coin there are different kinds of persons existing around us. I just say an example; it's about the 10th class public examinations going on in Andhra Pradesh. As my parents are teachers in government high schools i could see the things from little distance. Some
teachers i know who did not get invigilation duties this time just because they are strict and they does not allow any mass copying and schools in the surroundings are not willing to appoint them(:-) that shows their confidence in their students and their teaching). In every exam center, there will be some people exclusively for revealing answers in each room; in worse case they write answers on the black board. What is the difference between those students who prepared day and night and those who did nothing for the
exam? Where we are respecting the handwork and commitment of the students who really committed to do well in exams? They need 100 percent pass and nothing else. Who is responsible for all these things going on ...the government?... The officials who should take care of exams...? The teachers who are allowing all these nonsense in their schools...? I sometimes blame even myself that I’m not doing anything to stop this...

It's my personal opinion that some changes should come in our education system which can teach students the very purpose of it, by making them understand the concepts of all subjects

If the open book examination can enter in to our system and the pattern of the question paper can change so that students can answer the questions if they know how to apply the knowledge they possess instead of just mugging up all formulae which we can hardly remember.

I do agree that technology is moving forward in the right direction in the right time with a right purpose with right attitude. I wish it will go further which can help our further generations. All of this i could say with the way i see the things and the way I understand them and there exists a contrary.
Oh God!!!... Pramsss... what a narration....
Gud going Miss....
There are some crucial tags that you have pointed out in this post. My reflections on the same:
Quoting from the post, "Is it only grades and marks or also our character which will give us nice friends ,purposefull life and lifetime of happiness?"This is really thought provoking,which is unnoticed by most of the people.
And again,"It is proved till now that understanding physics and chemistry of the universe is easier than understanding the person's attitude who we live with"....That comparison is simply beautiful.. !!!
Really good work revealing manny facts.....Direct attitude!!!!..heheheh
Impressed by one of urs solutions.."Open Book System ".
Way to go mam.. waiting for more posts
nice note posted.......
shailesh kumar
hiiiiiiii gud post.We are eagerly waiting for ur future posts. Keep updating ur thoughts...which are valuable stars for us.
I feel there are some spelling mistakes..U can correct them and update. ALL d best
@ Vyshu
Thanks dear ..
@ Shailesh
Thank YoU !!!
@ murthy
Thanks ..
I totally agree with your points, there is something wrong with the education system and it has to be remodelled.
Its been a long time!!!
When I went through your recent posts, I had a curousity to read your first post, thats how I ended up here.
Your first post itself shows the talent in you.Your blogging skill improved day by day,never there was an instance of dropping off.
Hats Off.
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