Jan 4, 2025

Moment that made my year - ParenthoodDiaries #79

Some moments make our days, but this moment made my year.

One of our boys got the highest attendance award in their annual day function. It was a pleasant surprise for us.
As I reflect on it, I realize that the highest attendance signifies discipline, which is an important factor in our lives. Glad to see my kids adapting to it at a young age. A lot of credit would also go to their Silpa Aunty, who's equally disciplined at her work being their care giver. Thanks to our kids' school teachers for guiding kids through the right direction.
While I was clapping for one of our twin boys, I was naturally thinking about the other one, as to what he would say, and if he would cry that he didn't get a trophy for himself.
On the contrary to my worry, the other one happily said the following - "Amma, he has got the award for all 'P's (Presents) and I had few 'A's (Absents). And next year, I will be getting the award as I will be attending school even if I get a fever, cold or cough".
I wondered about his sportive spirit and practical thinking about how to get the award next time, which is nothing less than an award.