Most part of my learning, about the beauty of "being thorough", is coming from my kids; from their keenness & focus on what they do, from the way they question everything, with a genuine intention of knowing things rather than pointing at anyone!
May 24, 2024
Being thorough, learning from kids!
Kids' blank-slate mindset makes them the best observers. In turn, they become the best learners. Hence the best teachers too!
Is it because we do not stick to the basics, because we know beyond the basics?
Is it because we are distracted by the loads of information or knowledge we are bombarded with?
Sticking to the basics is the ESSENCE of life.
Learning to deal with the distractions, not avoiding them, is the NEW-NORMAL.
I have realized that, the more we practice consciously to nurture the fundamentals within ourselves and the more we learn to deal with distractions, the better rational beings we will become and hence 'thorough individuals', leading to a thorough team, a thorough society and what not!
May 17, 2024
Victim of cricket - ParenthoodDiaries #66
First victim of our leftie-bowler and rightie-batsman combination!!
"Amma, we were playing cricket. We hit a SIX and the ball hit the wall-clock, and it stopped working" ...
May 16, 2024
Sport teaches a lot!
"Be resolute in defeat" - Despite the unprecedented successes these two players have had in their careers, my learning goes around the way they have handled defeats!
As they are having their pre-retirement time in their own way and on their own terms, I'm following their last juncture unconditionally and dearly.
May 11, 2024
Titanic and seatbelts - ParenthoodDiaries #65
The other day I was showing the "Titanic" movie clip to kids in which the ship was drowning into the sea during the film's last moments.
They saw many people falling down into the water.
Toys is their love - ParenthoodDiaries #64
When kids asked me for more toys, I used to say I didn't have money. Then they would keep quiet.
But they have been probably thinking about it thoroughly and have now learnt different ways of earning money.
Every problem has a solution. But the problem is, sometimes the solution itself is the problem

Boy and girl - ParenthoodDiaries #63
One of the kids asked - "Amma, will I become a boy after growing up?".
I said "yes".
I asked why.
"I'm getting to like girls. They apply Mehendi on their hands, they keep ear rings and they wear saree".
I said - "Boys can also do all these!".
He then became thoughtful about it and moments later, I became even more thoughtful.. 

My little rational beings - ParenthoodDiaries #62
This is a bit of experience around home work!
Due to their schooling ecosystem, Bharat & Bhuvan understand the importance of completing the home work. So, when I had to do my office work, I would tell them that I needed to complete my homework. They would let me do my work without disturbing.
Today they said - "We want to check your homework, like how you check ours".
I showed them my office diary and they were happy that I completed my homework! But they now want to know, how I wrote my homework and that I should do it in front of them since they do it in front of me!
My little rational beings!

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