Jul 30, 2023

Toys are the path way - ParenthoodDiaries #56

Kids came to receive me, as I had returned from a 9 day business tour. They were absolutely excited to see me, and even more excited to see the toys I brought along.

Toys are my pathway to their heart!

Jul 17, 2023

Because toys are their language - ParenthoodDiaries #55

Because, toys are their language.

My mom keeps telling me the story about how I used to take out all the toys on Sunday, play the whole day, sleep getting tired and she would arrange the toys back in the rack on the Monday morning.
So, here is my version of it now, just that it's double the size and maids are there to help me out.

Jul 15, 2023

Relating to their names - ParenthoodDiaries #54

Kids learnt "Bharat Maata Ki Jai" and Orissa's capital as "Bhuvaneshwar", during their course work at school. So they came home and said:
Bharat: Amma, I'm 'Bharat Maata Ki Jai'
Bhuvan: Amma, I'm 'Bhuvaneshwar'

After hearing about Mahabharat, Bharat says "Amma, I'm Mahabharat". I'm thinking that I must be narrating the story of 'Lagaan' to Bhuvan! 

The Mahabharat exposure - ParenthoodDiaries #53

First exposure of Bharat & Bhuvan to "The Mahabharat" - here are their 5 Pandavas. They are eagerly waiting to get 100 Kauravas now!!!

We purchased these toys at ISCON, so they initially thought these are all different forms of Krishna. Later we told them about Pandavas. 

Jul 11, 2023

Plants & gardening - ParenthoodDiaries #52

 I picked up gardening from my mom. I'm glad Bharat & Bhuvan are, probably, picking the same from me.

They have planted seeds of Tomato, Methi, Jack fruit and Dates lately. Here are their first little plants, and they are waiting for the fruits already! The backyard in our society has been their favorite play-time-place since an year.
I'm pretty happy that they are developing love towards soil and plants.

Jul 1, 2023

Rain lilli plant at home garden!

When I was a student, one day my dad messaged me - "Along with what your professors are teaching, also learn how they are teaching". This advice has forever changed the way I see the learning process.

At some point in everyone's career, 'what we have learnt about how we do things' start mattering more than 'what we know about them'. The earlier we realize this, the better prepared we will be for facing difficult and diverse opportunities.