Mar 13, 2023

 So, another spectacular 'R' has got added to the RRR - This time, The OSCAR!

Great exhibition of talent and perseverance.
Hearty congratulations to all the artists, technicians and audience associated with this song.

Didn't you know 'Naatu'? 😏

Mar 8, 2023

A little sweet gesture on this women's day!

 A little sweet gesture from our colleagues, which will stay long in the memory lane!

Due to the munching taste of the chocolate, didn't care enough at that moment, to know who arranged this for all the women at our Verolt, Pune office. Heartfelt thanks to everyone behind this. Means a lot.

Mar 7, 2023

Varaha Roopam moment - #ParenthoodDiaries 47

Today my kids saw people playing Holi in our apartments. After coming home, one of the kids said- "Amma, we saw people looking like Varaha Roopam!".

They recently had the annual day function in their school, in which Varaha Roopam song from Kantara movie was a part. They came home and said - "Amma, today Varaha Roopam came to our school and said whooaaaaaa"!