Jun 24, 2017

Coach-Player relationship!

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Coach-player relationship is beyond the difference of opinion both of them may have. Dispute with coach will remain as a black-page in every player's history, no matter how skillful he or she is. A given player may look important at the given moment but inclusiveness is important at any moment!

Handling the situations between coach and player is not an easy task. And the best people who can resolve that are the coach and player themselves. Whatever said and done, there can be a situation that leads to the ultimate decision. How that whole decision process happens and what happens post the decision process elevates the integrity of everyone involved. 

Jun 16, 2017

Hope for... Take Home #638

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The easier it is to hope for, the tougher it is to let go.

Ifs and buts... Take Home #637

Not clarity but ifs and buts give us exciting memories to cherish and motivating stories to share! 

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Jun 15, 2017

Being aware... Take Home #636

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We need not wait for hard times to come to us to know who our friends are. If we are fully aware at every moment and are not easily gone by the momentum of the moments, we come to know, rather realise, who our friends are!

The record '10'!

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Coming back from a career threatening injury to win the record 10th french open title and 15th grand slam title, Rafael Nadal's this journey shows the art of possible! A lot to get motivated from. Injuries may hurt you but they cannot stop you. 

At times it feels as if everything that's earned hard-fought is gone for a toss! It feels as if everything is at stake, as if everything has come to standstill. If anything that can pull a person from state to the glory yet again is belief. Belief, induced by friends and family in us. Belief, that we have on our potential. Belief, that time works things for us provided we work towards our goal. Belief is an important aspect of life, of success. Nurturing the belief is not always easy. It takes a lot of effort time in time out. The one who constantly attempts to hold onto the belief is the one complemented by it. 

Congratulations to the champion player and his team! Looking forward to watch more motivating games from Nadal and co. 

Mortality, the truth!

Life keeps giving us constant reminders that we are mortal. If only that's realized fully, there will be no space, rather time, for hatred, anger and jealousy in us. We are what we are and others are what they are. We better be. We better live. And let everyone else be and live too! 

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Talking positive!

Bothered by truth... Take Home #635

If we are aware from within that a truth is hurting us, first we must feel happy to have known the truth. Next comes the course correction or whatever that can settle the matter for us. 

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Better to be bothered by truth than to be innocent of it! 

Performance feedback... Take Home #634

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Performance feedback shall be given in terms of what a given person can do in the given circumstances and what's actually done! There is no point giving comparative feedback, especially when it its intended for improvement. Everyone is unique hence can uniquely contribute. It's important to nurture the uniqueness to establish diversity which leads to better creativity and efficiency.