Uttarakhand disaster, known as the Himalayan Tsunami, has struck many lives in shock. Not just across the nation, across the world this disaster has hit the emotions, believes and hopes of billions, especially of Indians. The famous 'Chaar dham' has now become a place where you have to search for the bodies in mud. Government resources say it will take at least two years to resume it back. But those who have been staying there say that it might take even longer. Hope government proves its statement right this time.
Rescue operations have been consistent despite the incessant rains and halts in between. The Indian Army has once again proved its existence for the people. Salute and tribute to all those twenty soldiers who have died in the chopper crash during the rescue operation. It's been a tricky job for all the pilots as they say, due to the weather conditions. But they are all well trained and that always helps. The relentless rescue operation has been applauded by the whole nation. A very well deserving one too by the Army and Air Force.
Its been two weeks that everyday's news paper comes with some or the other head line on the Uttarakhand situation. Final death toll has not been declared officially yet as the area is yet to be cleaned up. Down from the mud, one may find number of bodies. Hope not but we may have to face this truth. Families have been lost, homes have been destroyed and now the real challenge is to bring back life and living to the residents of Uttarakhand. However long it might take, they all are backed up by the whole nation.
Whatever happens, happens for a reason. And politicians find every reason to get through such situations and go for mud throwing. Some of them have flown home some of the victims along with. Good reason for good cause, however. Well, some disasters are natural, some distastes are man made, and some of them are people made in the democracy. Nonetheless, mankind has a way to recover from every disaster.
My heart goes for the localities there. Nation steps forward for help. I wish a speedy recovery for those who have lost everything out there and also for those who have witnessed all this and eventually lost the mental peace. Hope all this sets soon.