Having spent eight years of my college life at different girls hostels I feel enough confident to write this post. At least I never thought I would choose this topic for my blog, but as I have already started it off let me be little sincere in narrating. I hope this brings your attention to this supposedly naughty post!
College life when I say, it was two years of intermediate, four years of B.tech and two years of M.tech.
7:00 – 10:00 pm
Intermediate hostel: None of us is unaware of the weekend tests happen at the intermediate colleges. Name wise it is a weekend test but the results of it start the next week all in misery! These three hours were hardly spent on the so called adulthood dreams, but were spent to avoid the nightmares off the after effects of the exam.
B.tech hostel: Weekend mood in a B. tech hostel is unexplainable but I’ll try my best. And the winner of the competition is gossiping! I used to have friends across many specializations, so called branches, and now who dares to measure the length o
f girls gossiping?
A bunch of gals sitting together, especially on a weekend mood results in unstoppable discussions, comments, few compliments on whom else, boys. Of course lecturers would be the victims if it was a weekend just after the mid-term exams/lab exams. Not to forget the dinning table, however full it was of the items, either good or bad, it was the only dinner of the whole week with minimal complaints, as the rest was ruled by the flavor of enthusiasm, that too of girls.
M. tech hostel: Friday night used to be the weekend night at IIT. By the time it was a Saturday night a pleasured day of Saturday would have gone just in a blink of eye. No much interest was observed in gossiping in M.tech except for few times, that too was not too interesting sort of. Downloading movies and watching them late night was the regular and favorite weekend stunt for many.
At times, we used to spend time in the lab itself; an open secret was that the fast internet access and the chilling AC was the inspiration! 10 pm was never considered as per it’s actual value any time.
10:00 pm – 2:00 am
Intermediate hostel: Oops… nothing much to say here; it was all spent in doing the then famous work, reading.
B. tech hostel: The walk after the dinner continuing the teasing friends was the most memorable and unstoppable unless we feel the pain in legs. One or two girls would be the major victims of the teasing in our batch. But just in case, if they took charge, I promise we were helpless. It would continue till 11 pm. Once we were back in rooms our stomachs would start bargaining us for food, for the obvious reason!
And suddenly it was cooking time! None of us were so expert in maintaining the things, the search for all ingredients would start then including the stove, which was long forgotten somewhere some days back. Maggie was the choice of the days other than the weekend, but weekend would be much special, with items like yellow rice, masala rice etc.
Recipes remained mystery though the bowl full of food would become empty in a flash. The one who missed the fun was undoubtedly the biggest loser of the week!
M. tech hostel: Again, nothing much to say here; it was still the time to start another movie. Watching movies in groups never used to be the habit unless it was a horror movie. The door kept opened of the room in which the horror movie was being played where as the rest of the doors were dumb shut.
Interesting point here, opened door would act as the stress buster to look around in case of tense situation and the closed door used to help the rest in watching their choice of movies peacefully without getting disturbed by the countless shouts out of the room of the horror movie. Just imagine, it is a group of gals who shouts!
Never understood the enthusiasm to watch the horror movies despite the sleepless nights to follow!
2:00 am – 5:00 am
Intermediate hostel: pin drop silence. Do not have much idea what would happen during this interval. If it was 2:01 am when we go to bed, it would be 2:02 or probably 2:03 am by the time we slept. What else I can say!
B. tech hostel: As the own made food acted as the lovely medicine to get in to sleep, all the morning alarms were shut off without fail. That was the time when you would see the really tired engineering girl students, not for the sake of studies but for all the hard work done till then just to forget for a night that we were still students.
M. tech hostel: As the love story oriented movie provoked to watch a message oriented movie, message oriented one carves for a sentimental one, sentimental byte encouraged to opt the suspense plot, the most favorite horror movie would provoke girls to get up and start walking here and there. They would distribute themselves in to the others’ rooms where no-horror movie flag was raised.
Victims of the horror movie were the first ones to touch
their foot and say they were tired, where as the rest were the enthusiastically waiting ones for the others to vacate their rooms, to sleep, or else for what? Could be something else, like phone-chit chat!
The next day morning: what so ever be the hostel, the next meeting place for all of us was nothing but the hostel mess, which welcomed us for an exam day out with Yellow Upma (tomato bath!) in intermediate, Ravva Dosa in B. tech, and bread pieces with jam and smelled milk in M. tech!
That’s how it was!
PS: I don’t want to bore you any more, hope I didn’t, but yeah, those are the most memorable, lovable and livable moments again and again.
Those days,
Those friends,
Those moments,
Are the best!
Can not live them again, but I would if I could. I know it will be the same answer by many else too.