‘Relations are made’ and yes, it is.
When a relationship is being made between two or among a group, they have to say themselves that the whole story can become upside down the other day, when a single penny of misunderstanding could destroy the bond among them. Nevertheless, relationships are the best mates of a person who believes in mankind.
Many relations are being shaped on earth, no need to name down as we all know very well. Each and every relation has its own significance with respect to its dignity.
Together We enjoy, we roam, we step together, we fight, we cry, we laugh, we play, we help, we create, we destroy, we struggle, we loose, we succeed… whatever may be the essence of any eminent relation, we could see the other side of it only when we turn back to back, but not when we face each other. A factor called extremism could always assassinate the fragrance of any relationship, irrespective of its worth/dignity… etc.
These words are not just simply written but are experienced by me. I have seen few guys/girls who get close to each other, all along to forget to care their other friends, whom they valued till then, whom they cared till then, whom they loved till then. Indeed, it seriously hurts when u have to face such an emotional assassination in life straight away, but no one can put their finger up against the lessons that are being learnt from that struggle. It wrenches the heart like nothing existing physically or in some way other, at the same time it shapes our heart for all further dealings.
After all, I’m happy and proud enough to see myself as I’m today, who has never cursed those persons and never kept an eagle eye on them, who have nailed my feelings and in other way, my sincere thanks to them for shaping my little heart.
I learned, not to step in to the extreme ends, which could probably open our wings until we close our eyes, infact our heart outlets. No one can conclude any relation as pure/impure pertaining to its existence, but we always can secure our thoughts by filtering out the self-killing emotions, as we all know what is what!!
“Expect from others, but be ready to give back the expected”