This caption caught my eye when I was watching the Gilli’s encounter against “Mumbai Indians” in the Indian Premier League… it made me think … and here the outcome goes…!!
Life builds with moments… few make us celebrate…few do inspire…few leaves us transfixed… few outcomes navigate the truth…few are not memorable but are unforgettable… and it goes on as you can add your own. We enjoy…we weep… we regret…we appreciate…we conquer…we achieve… we miss… on many occasions, but each and every moment is special and unique… :):)
Every thing either good or bad, which happens, is for a reason and the reason which builds our character…which lasts forever. By taking all the moments in to the account we should make a note that “we will be… what we will to be”.
Coming to the phrase “Life’s changing moments”… Change which is the most essential and unavoidable shade of life...Well, every individual can name at least
one moment of their own. For me it is happened in the IIT Delhi… of course some more were there well before coming here, but I rate it the best among all. I am well charged up now to reach my goal. Please, wish me the power to accept both good and bad that happens in doing so… and the success depends upon my attitude and approach towards it… :):)
All the successful and unsuccessful personalities on any certain occasion can name at least one incident that has changed their routine. But we should remember one thing most specifically that those moments can change us …only if we stay attentive…and if we accept them. Some times, may be miracles can happen…perhaps we should believe them… and should not depend on them!!!
That’s how it goes…!!!
So, Let us be ready for the Life’s changing moments… :)
Life builds with moments… few make us celebrate…few do inspire…few leaves us transfixed… few outcomes navigate the truth…few are not memorable but are unforgettable… and it goes on as you can add your own. We enjoy…we weep… we regret…we appreciate…we conquer…we achieve… we miss… on many occasions, but each and every moment is special and unique… :):)
Every thing either good or bad, which happens, is for a reason and the reason which builds our character…which lasts forever. By taking all the moments in to the account we should make a note that “we will be… what we will to be”.
Coming to the phrase “Life’s changing moments”… Change which is the most essential and unavoidable shade of life...Well, every individual can name at least
All the successful and unsuccessful personalities on any certain occasion can name at least one incident that has changed their routine. But we should remember one thing most specifically that those moments can change us …only if we stay attentive…and if we accept them. Some times, may be miracles can happen…perhaps we should believe them… and should not depend on them!!!
That’s how it goes…!!!
So, Let us be ready for the Life’s changing moments… :)